2020.01.03 Qassim Soleimani killed by Trump
From iGeek
Trump killed a bad guy, the left lost it's nut. Why would he take out a terrorist sponsor/mastermind?
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-01-04 |
So what did we learn?
- Atlantic on Seleimani - Atlantic finds some far-left anti-American law professor talking head to ignore the thousands of people Obama drone bombed, and complain that Trump killed one, with far more justification -- and thus Trump was wrong to not get congressional approval first. Pick one standard please. If Trump was wrong, then Obama should be in gitmo.
- CNN on Soleimani Killing - CNN tried to spin it as a bad thing that Trump ate ice cream as news of airstrike on Iranian General broke. "I know you think you’re dunking on @realDonaldTrump, but this makes him look like a fucking boss. The dude incinerated a terrorist and then was like 'good, now get me some ice cream' That’s some America shit right there."
- Democrats and their Media hate the Soleimani Killing - Democats and their media take Iran's side, against U.S. interests... and wonder why the informed think the Democrats are the Anti-American party?
- Iran Timeline - Loose timeline of events that defies the Democrats position that Trump wants to rush us to war with Iran. The Democrats and their media take Iran's side over American interests in all of this and claim Trump is rushing us into war by trying all other alternatives and waiting years before finally attacking back. I'd ask whose side are they on, but we all know. Right?
- Michael Moore on Soleimani - Michael Moore tweeted how he, "just sent the Ayatollah of Iran a personal appeal asking him not to respond to our assassination of his top General with violence of any kind, but rather let me & millions of Americans fix this peacefully."
- New Yorker on Soleimani - The New Yorker accidentally did Journalism and reported on who Soleimani was, and why he was an important military target. Of course that was back in 2013, long before Trump did what Obama wouldn't, and took him off the board. And I'm sure they regret penning it, as now the leftist narrative is that Soleimani was a saint, and Trump was evil for killing a killer.
- Protests over Soleimani killing - Leftists sponsored protests over killing Qassem Soleimani (Terrorist Mastermind). They're pro-terrorism and Anti-USA. While I don't think these radicals represent all Democrats, they certainly represent more of them than the KKK or White Supremacists represent Republicans. And the Democrat leadership is practically saying the same things.
- Soleimani needed congressional approval - Obama launched 2,800 drone strikes in Iraq and Syria (and Lebanon) without congressional approval: Democrats are OK with that. Trump launches 1, and the Democrats are having a fit of the vapors about abuse of power. How DARE he? Pelosi is passing a non-binding symbolic resolution to go with her non-binding symbolic Fake Impeachment to show her displeasure.
- Squad on Soleimani Killing - Squad responded to Trump killing Soleimani (terrorist sponsor) with outrage. AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley called it "Unwarranted" and tryin to provoke war, or to distract from an Scampeachment that was helping his poll numbers by proving how corrupt/inept the Democrats were.
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🔗 Links
- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/iran-tensions-timeline-events-leading-soleimani-killing-200103152234464.html
- Wikipedia: Qasem Soleimani
- Qassem Soleimani: He will kill no more - https://www.arabnews.com/node/1607991
- https://aclj.org/national-security/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-death-of-soleimani
- Soleimani was a monster (JPost): https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Soleimani-was-a-monster-wanted-atomic-cloud-over-Tel-Aviv-German-newspaper-613086
- Soleimani no WWIII: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/01/03/iran-loses-its-imperial-strategist-093175
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/11741235/Obamas-Iran-deal-has-just-granted-an-amnesty-to-the-worlds-leading-terrorist-mastermind.html
- https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/02/trump-just-took-out-the-worlds-biggest-bad-guy-qassim-soleimani.html
- https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/03/opinion/iran-general-soleimani.html
- https://thefederalist.com/2020/01/03/big-things-to-think-about-now-that-weve-terminated-a-top-iranian-general/
Tags: Iran Trump Trump Foreign Policy