| Lie | Truth |
COVID Masks | COVID Masks - people caught COVID despite no known direct contact: so it is particulate based, transmitted through surfaces, and asymptomatic spread, and Masks (and Mask mandates) save lives. | Asymptomatic spread is rare, COVID is transmitted through aerosols (not surface/particulates), that's why it spread through unknown contact. Thus masks had little positive effect and many negative ones: distracting us from more effective action and dividing America (causing infighting) between the informed/skeptical and the blind following Karen's. |
13 Hours: The secret soldiers in Benghazi | | While reviewers (and Rotten Tomatoes reviewers) weren't fan's because of imagined slights against their candidate/party (and only gave it a 50%), viewers widely liked it a lot (giving it 83% approval). I was definitely with the majority of viewers on this one. |
1619 Project | 1619 is a History effort, lead by the NYT to educate people on the evils of Slavery and America. Slavery was the foundation of American and thus the founding fathers (and the Nation) are racist hypocrites. | This whole project is looking at America through a Progressive America haters lens. It pretends our DNA is infected with Slavery and Racism, and seen through that lens there's nothing we can do to change our DNA or History, thus we're doomed in perpetuity for the sins of our fathers. |
2000 Mules | | Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic won't review it. Wikipedia won't create a separate entry for it, and the only blurbs they allow are negative and Fake Fact Checks by far left institutions like the AP. |
2016 Obama's America | | While liberal reviewers panned it (because they didn't want any of the sketchy truths about Obama to get out), don't let the reviewers hatred (25% approval) fool you -- viewers gave it a 73%. I was definitely with the majority of viewers on this one. So this -48% difference just shows how out of touch and partisan most movie reviewers are. Discrepancies like this are common when it come to conservative documentaries, and go the other way on liberal ones. |
2nd Amendment was about the militia | For 200 years every legal scholar and ruling on the 2A was wrong, because gun-control activists in the 1960's figured out that the 2A was not an individual right, but only meant to protect people in the militia (National Guard). So the 2A doesn't protect people's right to bear arms at all, only the militias. | The National Guard" wasn't created until 1903, and founding fathers (and Supreme Court) defined (a) militia as all able body males able to defend the country (b) that well regulated just meant "in working order" (c) "the People" always meant individual rights (not the collective) (d) they got dependency backwards: militia was dependent on the individuals, not the other way around. The lefts linguistic gymnastics shows how desperate they are to circumvent and distort the legal rights/liberties the Constitution recognized. |
2nd Amendment was for muskets | The 2A was passed when the people only had muskets, therefor only muskets are protected under the 2A. The founding fathers couldn't have imagined changes in armament / technology, thus it couldn’t have been intended to apply to modern pistols and rifles. | The Founding Fathers wrote about balancing power between the people and the government: when the firepower changed, it needed to change equally for both sides. But even back then, the founding had 8-shot revolvers, 11-shot field artillery pieces, Jefferson had a 22 shot repeating rifle. Not to mention "burst mode" fully automatics that fired up to 20 rounds with one pull of the trigger. Those that make the argument that the 2A was for muskets are uninformed or lying on the guns history and the guns technology. |
3D Printed Guns | The left pretends that 3D printing guns would empower criminals, because they make untraceable weapons, and untracable ballistics. Thus is would allow unsolvable crimes. | Virtually zero crimes are actually solved by tracing gun serial#'s and by tracing ballistics. But 3D printed guns usualyl have the same balistics evidence or worse. The foresnsics and circumstanial evidence on a 3D printed gun are liklely stronger. And the practicalities make it more likely that someone would get caught trying to use one. |
40 Hour work week | Unions (Community Organizing, Progressives, etc) gave us the 40 hour work week. | Henry Ford (Capitalism) standardized on the 40 hour work-week, most others had adopted it, and then the Federal Government created a regulation (FLSA) that said we should adopt the 44 hour work week for the very few remaining. |
70s SF Democrats | Wikipedia shows it's bias in omission and spin when talking about Milk/Moscone/Jones/White. There's a lot of suppressed truths in the talk pages (that periodically get scrubbed). The far left editors would never allow anyone to tell the story why a lifetime civil servant White, would be so outraged to end the lives of two of his coworkers. | In the Wiki haigiography of Milk and Moscone and the character assasination of White, you find fragments of truth burried without context. If you play Jr. Detective and jump around, you can stitch it together: there was voter corruption supplied by Jones for Moscone. Moscone abusing power with cronyism and corruption (and had allies in far left Feinstein and Milk). The city was shifting radical left, and freezing out moderates like White, and that combined with depression lead to tragic events. |
70s SF Democrats |
- Moscone was a great man
- Harvey Milk was a martyr to LGBT rights and killed for Homophobia
- Dan White was a Homophobe, and the Twinkie Defense was made up to get him off light
- Jim Jones was a crazy right-wing religious cult leader that had nothing to do with the DNC or left.
Moscone and Milk were far-left corrupt scumbags who drove good people out of SF (the Curley Effect), and ended Bay Area political sanity or competence
Dan White was buddies with Milk, he killed Harvey over betrayal not Homophobia
Dan White suffered real depression. His defense used eating junk food as a symptom of his depression, not the cause. After release from prison, he killed himself over Democrat bullying
Jim Jones was a leading influencer/bundler for the DNC, and knowingly brought in thousands of illegal votes which got Moscone, Milk, and others into power. |
9-11 | The left's revisions of history is that after 9/11, they behaved well and that the nation came together. Then the Iraq War and the Bush Lies divided us. | The truth is that the left blamed the U.S. for 9/11 from the start, used it as an opportunity to divide us (as they always do), and many of the historical revisions they do to this day, polarize us between those who remember what happened, and the Democrats. |
Abortion | Republicans would take away a woman's choice, late term abortions are mostly done for health of the mother/baby, Roe v Wade was good law and protects a Woman's right to choose. Repealing it would outlaw abortions and make Women into chattel. | Democrats and Republicans are both split on where life begins (and abortion should be allowed), most Americans are against 3rd trimester abortions, and 99% of 3rd trimester abortions are done for reasons other than health of the mother/fetus, and Roe v. Wade was Judicial overreach, and without it, most states would still support 1st Trimester abortion (37 States had already legalized it before Roe, and many more would since): so the fight isn't about choice, it's about how viable a baby should be before we protect it from extermination. |
Alec Baldwin | Alec is a great guy because he's a progressive vegan, who is rightfully outraged and abusive to the right, especially on issues he knows nothing about like Gun Control, Economics, Immigration, Minorities, and he relentlessly attacked and mocked OrangeMan (Trump). That alone shows that he's a man of good character. | Other than failing at marriage, basic gun safetly that resulted in a negligent homicide, being abusive to his daughter, and being ignorant, abbrasive and incompetent at everything but pretending to be people better than he is, he's a great guy. He is everything he attacks in others. |
Alt-Economics | If you listen to the left, nobody stands a chance of getting ahead because the system is rigged, and everyone who disagrees with them must hate people and want to hold them down. Every issue they touch is about dividing us (by color, gender or class/income), and trying to teach fear of not enough government protecting us from life. It's all about fear.
Examples: -
| The reality is that life is unfair. But do you want government to "redistribute" in the name of fairness, or do you think people should have free will? Countries that put politicians in charge of redistribution get stack-ranked by political pedigree, schools, victimhood status and things other than merit: opportunities for the non-connected evaporate. So it's not fair that some people start with more advantage... but it's more unfair to punish people for that... and have political thugs decide who is worthy of what. |
Alt-Equality | To listen to the left or SJW's, etc., you'd believe that Republicans love inequalities like slavery, the oppression of minorities and women, and they'd bring it back if they could. On all these issues the message is "fear the other side", they are out to oppress you. Inequality of outcome is evidence of oppression and they use that inequality to foster hate and fear those who oppose their agenda. Examples:
| The reality is that both sides often agree that something should be done about some problems, they just disagree on what and how. The right wants blacks/minorities to have equal opportunities with whites, just not special advantages. The left wants equality of outcome, which is something that's impossible without punishing success and merit. Since the left loses rational arguments, they go for demonizing the other side to scare their base. Like we have to fight, "white privilege", and bury the lede that Asians, Indians, Immigrant Blacks outperform whites academically and economically (isn't that yellow and brown privilege?). |
Alt-Liberty | Taxes, laws, regulations are the point where guys with guns will kick down your door, and take away your liberty, property or life (if you resist). In order to convince people to make these liberty suffocating things, you have to convince (and usually scare) them into believing the alternatives are worse. You have to give up free speech or people might say mean things, you have to give up guns or people might shoot other people, and anyone that doesn't agree is the enemy and trying to destroy our civilization or progress. Progress towards what is a little vague, but seems to be an authoritarian utopia. We need government thugs, or people would run amok. | If you trust your neighbors, you make guidelines, not laws/taxes. Real liberty is about debating with people, but letting them have the free will to do what they want anyways... not using the tyranny of the majority (50%+1 of votes) to force laws or authority to take away their right to do it. That's fear of what they might do. Without fear, we'd have more status quo, which means less progressive successes... and more harmony.
Alt-Science | It's so hard for the superior liberals to have an intellectual discussion with the other side, because conservatives, religion and Republicans are so illogical and anti-science that they can't be reasoned with. The right would replace science with superstition (aka Religion), so you can't trust them. The left wants progress, and the way to get it is to scare the masses into believing that if they don't change NOW, something bad will happen (usually the end of the world or civilization). They're either behind, or at least support, most of the big scares and conspiracy theories, because fear sells their agenda. | Democrats exceeds Republicans on being anti-science on the following topics. I keep looking for ones that go the other way, and there certainly are a few, but they are much more illusive.
Alton Sterling | Alton Sterling - "innocent" black guy and a "hardworking loving father of five" "scraped together a living selling CD's and DVD's", was held down and shot by two white cops, for no good reason. | Bloods gang member, registered sex offender and lengthy rap sheep, with open warrants was illegally selling pirated CD/DVD's and illegally carrying a weapon. Deadbeat Dad (owed $25K in child support) had 5 kids by many different women, one impregnated when she was only 14 (and he was 20). Cops were called because he'd brandished a gun. He resisted arrest and grabbed his gun when shot. Had he not been shot, he would have gone to prison for many crimes. |
America: Imagine the World Without her (2014) | | 8/84 is a huge (76 point) spread that shows how out of touch reviewers are with their audience. They hated this documentary, because it told them unconfortable truths that they didn't want to hear. (Children tantruming over eating vegetibles). That doesn't mean it is without spin. It's just offering counter-truths to leftist 1/2 truths (if not outright lies). And the left HATES that. |
American Exceptionalism | To the left all countries have done good and bad (including America), so Stalin, America, Pol Pot are all loosely equivalent morally. Thus American Exceptionalism is ignorant patriotic jingoism only done by ignoring social injustices like slavery (blacks), genocide (Indians), Imperialism/Colonialism, Conquest (wars), income inequality, and so on. Thus the only exceptionalism they recognize is us being exceptionally bad. | The facts are that America has been exceptional in many ways, from our Laws, Liberties, Economics, Culture, Charity, Technology and even wars. Most of our wars were fought to free people and increase liberty, as opposed to conquest. No country has had as much power, and exploited it as little as we have. So while we're plenty flawed, we've behaved better than those that criticize us, often in the very areas that they criticize us. We gave the world more than any other 5 countries combined, despite being only 5% of the global population. And that's exceptional by definition. |
Ammo Control | Since the left cares about their agenda more than the law, they are trying to end-run the Constitution (2A), by hyper-regulating ammunition (Ammo) for guns, to make shooting less affordable for recreation. | Since it only takes one bullet to kill someone, and ammo-control has driven up returns on smuggling, it has actually increased crime, annoyed the law abiding, increased stockpiling, made the public less trained, yet done nothing to deter crime. It's also wasted tons in legal fees, and will eventually be overturned. But the goal isn't stopping criminals (or Democrats would just stop letting them out of prisons), it is to harass legal gun owners, and it succeeds at that. |
An Inconvenient Truth (2006) | | A +15% point spread: 93% of reviewer likes, while viewers gave it 78%. And those were some dumb leftist viewers. An Al Gore based fictionalized pseudo-science propaganda film that scientists like Lizden said, "got more wrong than right", was debunked and chastised by the British government in the Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education and Skills case where there were 9 major errors or cases of "alarmism and exaggeration in support of political theses". So it was given not one, but two Academy Awards. |
Angel Has Fallen (2019) | | While this hits many leftist tropes (Anti-Military, Anti-Corporation, Good Black/Democrat President, bad guys weren't muslim extremists), reviewers only gave it 39%. Audiences gave it 93%. (-54 spread). Are reviewers just racists? Or it was still pro-American/Individual, and that was enough to hate it? |
Anti-American | The left claims to love America, and that's why they criticize it continuously. America is racist, sexist, imperialist, capitalist, minority killing, gun toting, inequality, full of ignorance (like God, Guns and bigots)(spit, ptooey). Protests against liberty, wars, foreigners waving foreign flags and demanding the end to America as a county? Those are all good. But protests against too much government waste, too high of taxes, regulation or government power (Tea baggers), pro-lifers, or just a wholesome 4th of July Parade celebrating Americana? Those are all bad. But they love America? | Of course the truth is that the left doesn't love America in a healthy way, and take pride in what we've done or are doing. Many feel unclean at signs of jingoism and patriotism. Think of America as an abused spouse/child; if they want to criticize them constantly, break them down and destroy their self-esteem, so that you can remold them into something else (better), that's not love, that's an abusive relationship. They don't love what is, they love having something to criticize, vent at, and take their frustrations out on -- but will never meet their standards. But in trying to meet their standards, everyone would get a lot less freedom to be individuals. |
Anti-Americans | The left wants to use the fallacy of presentism to attack our history (judging the past not against other contemporary examples, but against our values of today), then distort the present based on not having enough guilt over that history. We are all racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, capitalist (spit, ptooey), minority killing, gun toting, inequality, full of ignorance, God, Guns and bigots -- and the only cure is to give Progressives complete power to dictate what is acceptable behavior or issues, or not. Look at all the loudest voices preaching this message, and ask what party / side of the aisle they are on. But they love America, and if you question that, you're trying to oppress them. | Of course the truth is that these people don't love America, at least not healthily. They are an abusive spouse that wants to criticize, demean, distort, gaslight and break down and destroy their self-esteem, so they can re-make America in their image. They don't love what is, they love having something to criticize, vent at, and take their frustrations out on -- but will never meet their standards. That's not love, that's something else. |
Assange Irony | Chelsea Manning steals government secrets that undermine American Interests, Military Interests, and get people killed -- so is the pardoned (commuted) hero of the left. | Julian Assange just published it: so must be ruined and imprisoned for life. Why? Manning is a transexual, while Assange published truths (leaks) that made the Democrats/Hillary look bad. Anyone who tells the truth about Democrats must be destroyed. |
Atlas Shrugged (Movie Trilogy) | | Reviewers were predictably biased against it, either in not seeing or panning it. While these weren't the best action flicks, they were a fuckton better than some of the bad documentaries and shows that the reviewers would sing the praises of. So the Rotten Tomatoes respective spreads of -59% (10/69) and -57% (4/61) and -41% (0/41), exists not to remind us of how bad these movies are (they aren't THAT bad), but to remind us about how out of touch (marxist) that movie critics are. |
BMI | BMI shows that obesity is a huge problem in the U.S., and we need more power/government to fix it. | While Americans (and all populations) are trending more overweight, BMI is junk science, and was abuse to scare the gullible and empower the corrupt. |
Backpage | Backpage (Craigslist clone) was supporting sex trafficking and child exploitation, and the heroes in the Obama DOJ came in, arrested the founders and stopped it. A great accomplishment. | Backpage was used for hookups or paid sexual encounters (like Craigslist), but the website was not doing anything illegal. Not only were they not trafficking or exploiting Children, they were actively helping the Government find those that were, but the Obama DOJ suppressed that evidence, seized their assets (so they couldn't pay their legal bills) and arrested the founders anyway. |
Beepocalypse | Bee Colonoly Collapse disorder is going to destroy aggriculture and is a crisis. (With various leftist excuses for why: pesticides, global warming, and so on). | A decade later, we have more bees than ever, and while it's true a few hives just shut down and we aren't sure why, they are easy to replace. And the scaremongering once against failed to predict the adaptibility of markets. |
Biofuels | Biofuels are clean and "green" and will help save the planet; from moss/algae, to bio-diesel, ethanol; it's all part of a greener world. | Converting land and calories in petroleum alternatives (alcohol, vegetable oil), is less efficient, more expensive and more polluting than fossil fuels. But it gives government/left an excuse to 'remake' things, and the food shortages cause another crisis to exploit. |
Black Conspiracy Theology | Since black americans are all victims of white oppression, we can't talk about what many of them believe or why. We need to defend them against the White Patriarchy, no matter how corrupt, absurd, violent. | Many things coming out of the black community are bullshit and anti-Science. Like BLMs belief that blacks are being massacred for their skin color, OJ was innocent, the Tuskegee Experiment was about race, more blacks died in Vietnam than whites, and so on. Nobody is trying to sterlize blacks using friend chicken franchizes, no matter how many Democrats believe it. |
Black Lives Matter | The cops are institutionally racist and look the other way when whites kill innocent blacks like Zimmerman/Trayvon, they shoot unarmed black folks without consequences like "Hands up, don't shoot", Michael Brown -- and the best thing for the black community is to defund the police. | Cops shoot blacks far less than Whites and Latinos relative to violent crime rates, and blacks kill more whites than the other way around. Michael Brown was a thug charging a cop when shot and "hands up, don't shoot" never happened. And Trayvon was shot while on drugs and afer ambushing and attacking a latino dude for preventing him from breaking in houses. And the Fergeson Effect demonstrates that when cops stop policing, blacks suffer the most. |
Jacob Blake | Jacob Blake - an innocent black guy in Kenosha, Wisconsin was breaking up a fight between two women (over a scratch on their car), and was shot in the back, 7 times, in front of his kids, for no good reason. A doctored video proved it. BLM message: see cops will murder a black man for no reason. | Repeat felon is wanted for felony sexual assault and gun crimes. He shows up at girlfriends house and finger rapes her, again. The cops try to arrest him for his outstanding warrants, so he assaults them, shakes off getting tased (twice), has a knife and gets into his car, and is shot for being a threat to those around him. |
Sandra Bland | Sandra Bland - 07/13/2015: innocent black girl, pulled over for a minor traffic violation, by a white cop, gets arrested and she gets killed before ever getting to jail. The "dies in Jail" excuse was all a giant cover-up for police abuse. | BLM activist has 10+ prior encounters with police in Illinois and Texas (open fines of $7,500), and a history of mental health issues (depression, cutting). She gets pulled over for a minor violation by a Hispanic officer and is issued a ticket. She makes such a huge deal out of being bitchy, filming the cop, not following officers directions that the minor traffic ticket escalates into resisting arrest. Her friends and family won't post the $500 bail for 3 days (sick of her bullshit?). So she hangs herself in her cell. |
The Blind Side (2009) | | It was the Obama and woke era. Since this wasn't woke enough (showing the true story of a white woman helping a black kid), the Reviews gave it a 66, while the audience gave it a 90% for the actual story/movie. It was nice, sweet - but the far left was looking for a Django Unchained, not the truth about race in America. |
Blockers (2018) | | Since it was crass and anti-family values (dumb prudish parents), it got more reviewer support than viewers: 84/51 Rotten Tomatoes (reviewers/audience). I had seen the 84 part, and figured it was probably pretty good... but more often, I side with the audience. And this time was no different. |
Body Count | Democrats care a lot about people whose lives are destroyed by mass shooters: it spiked to 68 people in 2018 (though it averages less). They are apoplectic about 5 that died in the 2020 Capitol Protest Riots, or that a handful per year that die at the hands of cops, or 100K (more than normal bad Flu year) dying to COVID. | Hundreds dying or having their businesses wrecked by Democrat Protests (BLM/Antifa), so what? Democrats couldn't care less 2,000+ a year are murdered by illegal aliens, or more that they let out of prisons because of COVID or because of gun control. Those dying in isolation, being abused to death or committing suicides because of COVID lockdowns or 900,000 a year to abortion (11,500 late term / past viability), no problem at all. ≈1M dead/year due to Socialism (1900's avg/year) more excuses. Democrats Crocodile tears aren't about the sanctity of life, they're about the sanctity of the political agenda. |
Book of Henry (2017) | | It got only 25% approval from reviewers, it got 71% by audiences (and I tend to associate more with audiences than reviewers). It eventally settled to 22/63. It was good enough, but not great. I think the leftist reviewers hated it, because it was a simplistic caricature of progressives (good) versus conservatives (evil), and it didn't play everyone as victims, but humans were able to adapt to any situation in absurd ways. |
Born on the 4th of July (1989) | | +14% point spread: 90% of reviewer likes, while viewers gave it a cooler 76%. This was another anti-American Oliver Stone film: American patriot kills civilians and a comrade in Vietnam, is paralyzed, and goes on post-war PTSD depression spiral until he learns to speak out against the war and his humanity is restored. |
The Broken Window Fallacy | The left believes that vandalism can stimulate the economy by forcing spending (stimulus). | Breaking a Window destroys something of value. The Glazier might win, but the victim and his customers all lose. There's no net win there. |
Bros (2022) | | Reviewers loved it, the audience that saw it loved it. But most of audience just stayed away. Since the true measure is how many wanted to see it, and it cratered at the box office, that tells you what you need to know. A big loser. |
Michael Brown | Michael Brown - 08/09/2013 a racist White cops picked up a 6'4" 300 lb. gentle giant of a black honors student by the scruff of the neck (with one arm, from inside the squad car) for jay-walking, and the kid tries to run-away, and gets shot in the back. And then he turns with his hand up saying "don't shoot", and the cop shoots him again. This starts BLM's whoe, "Hands up, Don't shoot" farce. | A stoned thug strong arm robs a liquor store, jaywalks down the middle of the road, and the cop starts questioning Michael (from inside his car). As the report of the robery comes acrss the radio, Michael assaults the cop, and goes for the cops gun, and is shot in the hand and tries to run away. The cop gets out, draws and tells Michael to stop. Michael turns and charges the cop, and is shot while trying to tackle the cop. |
Bush lied | The left pretends that Bush ignored intelligence agencies who were warning him that Saddam did NOT have WMD's, and pressured them to tell him what he wanted to hear. Then he had Colin Powell deceive the public, so Bush could be a puppet of the NeoCons, and attack Saddam for no reason (since Saddam wasn't responsible for 9/11). | The intelligence agencies of the U.S. and World's intelligence agencies were all saying the same thing as George Tenet summed it up, "WMD's are a slam dunk". Bush listened to them, and the Democrats screaming for Saddam's head, because Saddam had sponsored and shielded terrorists, was a brutal regime that was killing ≈100K people per year, and Iraq had violate the terms of the cease fire that ended the first Gulf War. Afterwards we did find WMD and illegal facilities, but production was mostly dormant. The reason for Saddam's boldness was that the U.N., Russia, Germany and France had been illegally trading weapons for oil, and had promised the U.S. wouldn't attack as long as the oil kept flowing. |
COVID Death Rates | COVID/Science/Death Rates - COVID had as 3.4% death rate. 2.2M Americans are going to die. If you catch it, you will be hospitalized. If you are hospitalized, you will go on a ventilator and die -- because we don't have enough capacity to help. | COVID death rate is 1/10th to 1/100th of what the WHO claimed. People were terrorize by the disinformation (polls showed they had no idea how high the survivability rate was). And those who tried to correct the record were bullied, censored or fired. It was a psychological terror campaign by the far left for various political agendas. |
COVID Shutdown | The shutdowns were enacted as "14 days to flatten the curve", to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed (especially ventilators). | Once enacted the far left wouldn't let the shutdown end. Millions of jobs lost, suicides, depressions. Ventilators were shown as one of the worst ways to treat COVID, so the problem wasn't a lack of them, but abuse of them. Only after conservative places (Red States) ignored the lockdowns and outperformed the progressive places (Blue States), for months, and were called Neanderthals and murders, did the fascist left have to cave. Remember, without the liberty of conservatives ignoring progressives, we'd still be locked down: despite the science showing what a bad idea they were. |
COVID Trump | According to the far left media, social media, and DNC, everything Trump said was wrong, like Operation Warp Speed would get a vaccine before the end of 2020, Hydroxychloroquine had no evidence, other drugs like Remdesivir or Ivermectin were false hope, that COVID originated in China, that the travel ban was racist, that it might have originated in a lab, that Trump had claimed COVID was a Hoax, or was too slow to respond, that lack of testing was his fault, or it would have helped, and so on. | In truth, each of those things was later proven that Trump and the conservatives were correct, and that the leftists, Biden, and their Press (and Social Media and Fake Fact Checkers) were all embarrassingly wrong. |
California Gunpocolypse | Gunpocolypse was a leftist fantasy of gun control laws: not bullet buttons, no "removable magazine" laws, no loaning of guns. Falsely reporting a lost or stolen firearm is now a high crime. Background checks for ammo purchases. Bans >10 round magazines. No Ghost guns. One gun purchase per month. Can accuse anyone without evidence and take away their gun rights. | Not one of these new laws would have helped in the last couple dozen mass shootings (or arguable any, ever). They are all imaginative ways to harass legal gun owners, under the false premise that it'll help against random mass murders. Most of the laws were circumvented before they were enacted: like bullet buttons. Ammo-purchase, got people to buy and store in bulk (and stock up). >10 rounds was defeated in court. Ghost guns are never used in crime, and there's zero reporting compliance. So these fascist hysterics did nothing but polarize the gun owners against the law makers. |
Call of the Wild (2020) | | Reviewers didn't like it but audiences appreciated it more for what it is and it got at 62/91 (reviewer/viewer split), later settling to 62/89 on Rotten Tomatoes. Independence, self reliance, a white man, traditional gender roles, a dog that doesn't resent the white wolf patriarchy, it doesn't trash American/family values? The story has nothing for the leftist reviewers to really like. |