Democrats and their Media hate the Soleimani Killing

From iGeek
Democats and their media take Iran's side, and wonder why many think the Democrats are the Anti-American party?
Democats and their media take Iran's side, against U.S. interests... and wonder why the informed think the Democrats are the Anti-American party?
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-01-05 

Bloomberg, Biden, Warren, Sanders, Murphy, Omar, Pelosi, Maloney, Schatz, Udall, Blumenthal, Ben Rhodes, Ezra Klein, Rose McGowan, John Cusack, WaPo, all take Iran's side on this, against U.S. interests, tweeting their concerns over the unilateral action, lack of congressional oversight, or the killing of a Terrorist who was responsible for thousands of American deaths. And they wonder why the informed think the Democrats are the Anti-American party?


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2020.01.03 Qassim Soleimani killed by Trump
Trump killed a bad guy, the left lost it's nut. Why would he take out a terrorist sponsor/mastermind?

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Tags: Soleimani

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