Gun History

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This is a little background on the History of Guns, Gun Laws, and things of that nature.
This is a little background on the History of Guns, Gun Laws, and things of that nature.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-01-30 

Gun History

Guns,  History • [8 items]

2016.10.02 Molon Labe
NPR pretentiously tries to mock the 2nd Amendment folks, and makes fools of themselves (on our tax dollar). Again. This whine was about the appropriation of the one true meaning of Molon Labe, and its appropriate use by the 2A proponents, then NPR muddles the history/facts/intent, and forgets about the original use by King Leonidas I of Sparta (480 BC).
2nd Amendment was about the militia
A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed ~ 2nd Amendment, Bill of Rights. Well regulated means, "in working order". Militia means "all able body males". And the National guard wasn't created until 1903 - so was not vaguely what the founders were referring to.
2nd Amendment was for muskets
A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed ~ 2nd Amendment, Bill of Rights. Well regulated means, "in working order". Militia means "all able body males". And the National guard wasn't created until 1903 - so was not vaguely what the founders were referring to.
Defensive Gun Use
Best estimates are that guns are used in ≈9,000 murders per year but they're used about 2.2 million times a year to stop a crime or save a list. That means if you outlawed all guns (and you're naive enough to think that would stop 9,000 murders), you'd probably increase crime by a couple million more cases a year?
Discussion with a Gun-Controller
Quote (89667) - The Noun Project.svg
Almost every discussion with a gun-controller looks the same. This is a paraphrased version of that thread.
Good guys with guns
Good Guys Logo.jpg
The news never likes to talk about GGWG's (Good Guys with Guns), and the many, many more cases, where responsible adults save lives, using guns. The score is like 9,000 murders versus Millions of DGUs (Defensive Gun Uses) each year in America. Of course the vast majority of DGUs are just scaring away bad guys. But here are crimes/mass shootings that were stopped by GGWGs.
Gun Quotes
Here are my favorite gun quotes. You can’t eliminate a tool, or knowledge of it. All that you can do is decide whether there should be a balance of power, or none. Some believe in that balance, others believe that the state is never wrong, especially if you ignore the History of all the times they’ve been wrong in the past.
Magazine Limits
Magazine limits have never been shown to have any impact on gun crime, crime, or casualties in mass shootings. Democrats demand low capacity magazines either knowing that (and not caring), or being ignorant of the topic they're trying to legislate. Persecuting someone knowing that your law can't help is kinda the definition of asshole.


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Guns are a tool. Gun prohibition is like the prohibition on drugs, alcohol or crime.

Tales on the parts of history that have been ignored, suppressed, or lied about.

Tags: Guns  History/redirect

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