We don't want your guns

From iGeek
Those claim they don't want your guns are usually ignorant, dishonest, or evil. Certainly, many gun controllers do.
People that claim they don't want your guns are usually ignorant, dishonest, or evil. Many prominent gun controllers have stated they do want all guns. And if you believe that guns cause murders, then you're evil if you tolerate murders by revolver or lever action, just not semi-automatic. If 20,000 gun laws aren't working, why would 20,001 gun laws be enough?
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-06-04 

Gun Bans[edit source]

           Main article: Gun Bans
Gun bans of one model/kind of gun can't work because criminals just move to other models/kinds. And gun bans of all kinds has never worked, because like all prohibitions, it just creates a black market and incentives to smuggle, build, steal them. If gun prohibition would work, we should try it against drugs and crimes like rape and murder.
🗒️ Note:
What were democrats response to the Ulveda school shooting.
  1. Ban Ghost Guns (they weren’t used).
  2. Require that you lockup you guns; the guns weren’t stolen, and this wasn’t an accident.
  3. Try to outlaw private party sales. (This wasn’t a private party sale).
  4. Put a 15 year punishment on anyone that violates an unconstitutional state law, like have a few loose rounds in their car, and driving into a state like Commiefornia or NJ that’s trying to outlaw ammunition.
  5. Illegally raise the age to buying a gun to 21. (9th Circuit just ruled that was an infringement on 18 YO 2nd Amendment, and you need to raise the age of majority for everything, not just guns if you want to do that).
  6. Try to outlaw semi-automatics or standard capacity magazines, which has virtually zero impact on death rates.

What didn’t they do?

  1. Address the failed background check system.
  2. Address the failed mental health issues.
  3. Harden schools.

So they support nothing that would have materially helped, everything that would annoy legal gun owners.

If they care about the death rates, and don’t want our guns, why would they go that?

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Gun Control Laws are generally not Reasonable. Read Reasonable Gun Control and you quicky see how unreasonable most are.
  • Gun Controllers have admitted that they do want your guns. They will say loudly, we don't want your guns, just this one next law. Then when they're in friendly audiences they slip and say, "Of course we want to get all guns if we could, we're just doing this one for now". Thus this next gun control law is not an ends, it's a mean to an ends which is the total elimination of private guns.
  • If Gun Control works, why would you stop saving lives? If a little works, more should work better, right? Until it's virtually impossible to get/own guns. People addicted to progress (what progressive means), aren't going to stop if it's working.
  • If Gun Control doesn't work, and most of recorded history implies that it doesn't, and they haven't learned that 20,000 gun control laws they passed, with each promising to help, and few showing positive results. So if they haven't learned with 20,000 gun control laws, what makes you think 20,001 is the magic number where the gun controllers suddenly have the epiphany that they are wrong?
  • Gun Controllers lie because they know telling the truth (that they want all guns off the streets), they will lose. But the fact that they're lying when they're telling stories, means why should we trust them when they promise the next gun law is the last one they want, and that they don't want all our guns?
  • If Democrat's goal was ending gun violence, then both parties could agree to focus on the lowest hanging fruit: gang violence in Chicago, failures of the background check database, failures of Teachers/Law Enforcement to deal with warnings, willingness to harden schools and soft targets (Israeli Model), sentence enhancements for those that use weapons, focus on mental illness. Democrats filibuster and block Republican efforts to make a real difference on gun violence that both sides agree on. Why? Because lowering gun violence would reduce the chances for Democrats to do gun grabs or campaign on gun control after mass shootings. So Democrats actions prove they do want to grab guns. The ends they want is gun confiscation and campaign donations because of mass murders, it is NOT to end gang crime, gun crime, or mass murders.
  • Proof is that when a mass shooting or school shooting happens, Democrats / Gun Controllers, aren't passing laws that would have helped with that crime. They offer a payload of irrelevancies that harass legal gun owners and raise the barriers on gun ownership in general, even when it doesn't help the mass murder or school shooting that they're using to pass the law.

Gun Controller Lies[edit source]

           Main article: Gun Controller Lies

Gun Controller Lies

  • Joe Biden 9mm will shoot your lung out
  • NPR a .223 can decapitate you

We want all guns[edit source]

           Main article: We want all guns
  • Joe Biden - Ban all "High Caliber" 9mm, that can blow the lungs out of your body. That's 56.8% of all handguns, and most handguns (.223, .300 blackout, 5.7, 10mm, .357, 40S&W, .44 Magnum, .45ACP, .50AE) are more powerful. .38 special is about the same. Basically, he's saying you should be able to keep .22, .25, .32, and .380 -- which account for probably 15% of handguns. And when he finds out you can commit mass murder with those weaker rounds too, who wants to bet against them coming for those too? [1]
  • Beto O'roarke - "Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15”". 30.2% of gun owners have owned AR-15 style rifles. It's the most popular sporting rifle. And that doesn't count that there even more AR pistols, and AR is a platform, so the AR-9 (.9mm and other PCC's / Pistol Caliber Carbine) add many more. That's well over 30M gun owners they're going to take their guns away from. If those guns aren't lost in boating accidents. [2]
  • Mondaire Jones - (D) Representative "If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it. And we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation and our communities each and every day." - these are not weapons of war (the AR-15 is a civilian weapon, the M-16 is outlawed and a military weapon. And the most popular military sniper rifle and civilian hunting rifle is the bolt action Remington 700. If non-military makes it legal, then the AR is safe. If military makes it illegal, then the most popular hunting rifle will be outlawed. [3]
  • NRP - the taxpayer funded far-left propaganda site claimed that the .223 AR-15 bullet, that's so weak that it's not allowed in most states for hunting dear, will "Decapitate a Person". Maybe after 500 rounds through the neck. [4]
  • 48% of all gun owners own guns with more than 10 round capacity... and that number is way low. So they want to take all those too.

(Obama, Biden, Feinstein, O'roarke)


🔗 More

Guns are a tool. Gun prohibition is like the prohibition on drugs, alcohol or crime.

Gun Bans
Gun bans of one model/kind of gun can't work. And gun bans of all kinds has never worked.

Tags: Guns  Gun Bans

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