1980 Cray Time

From iGeek
Boeing had a Cray-1 Super-Computer, and I was the only kid on my block to get time on it.
Boeing had a Cray-1 Super-Computer.... and since they couldn't use it 100% of the time, so they would sell/lease any excess computer time to companies that didn't have one. My Dad worked for Boeing Computer Services, selling that excess capacity. I was into computers and the only kid on my block or school that logged any Cray-time.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-10-08 

Cray Time - Boeing had a Cray-1 Super-Computer.... and since they couldn't use it 100% of the time, and these things (and thus time on them) cost a fortune, they would sell/lease any excess computer time to companies that didn't have a Cray-1 Super-Computer. My Dad worked for Boeing Computer Services, selling that excess capacity. Since I was into computers, I could get time on the machines. I was definitely the only kid on my block or school that had logged Cray-time.


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This section is all about me (Ari Sabouni). The initial founder/creator of the site.

Work Experiences
Work experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. Or at least I learn more from those kind.

Computer Experiences
Experience is what you get, no matter what you wanted. These are my growth opporunities via computers.

Tags: Me  Work  Computer Experiences

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