
From iGeek
Noun project organization icon.svg
Organizations that I felt the need to comment on (more often on the negs than the positives). But there's good/bad in all.
These are just good/bad or ugly (or a little bit of all) that I felt the need to comment on. I tend to write (vent) more on negative organizations, or aspects of them -- because their PR or others usually do a good job of fluffing up the good, thus balance requires the negs. Or I just need to rant cathartic. But I do get the balances and the positives as well.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-01-16 


  • Alt-History - There's real history, and there's "politically correct" alternate history. If you believe any of the left narratives, without understanding the context, whole truth, what they're leaving out or just lying about, then you don't know real history. I first learned this in 5th Grade, and my life was never the same.
  • Alt-Economics - These are alternate-reality economics that Fake Economists (usually leftist polemics) tell each other and their base. AKA Leftonomics. Never blame on malice that which is more easily explained by incompetence. But when you are an "expert" that knows the facts and repeat the fabrications anyways? Then malice (dishonesty) is all that's left. They know better.
  • Alt-Equality - There is inequality and injustice in the world and our nation. But America is in the top handful of countries in the world as far as tolerance and diversity. But the progressive left is addicted to "progress" (change), not balance, or knowing when to stop/slow/moderate. So they exaggerate the wrongs, and exaggerate the delusion that if we give up enough liberty, Democrats will fix it.
  • Alt-Liberty - Two different Americas: one that's striving for more liberty, and another that's striving for less. Since it's hard to convince people that less liberty is good, they distort meanings and pretend the opposite is true, "you can't have liberty because of corporations, the rich, etc", you need to take Liberty away to make things more fair and free.
  • Alt-People - There's real people, and the popular/left version of people that often have very little in common. Very little. Events/actions omitted, others imagined, we often live in parallel universes. And if they prefer the myth to reality, we will remain that way.
  • Alt-War - There's real history, and there's "politically correct" alternate history of War. If you believe any of the left narratives, without understanding the context, whole truth, what they're leaving out or just lying about, then you don't know real war. When I learned this in 5th Grade, my life was never the same. (Once you take the red pill, there's not antidote).
  • American Exceptionalism - American Exceptionalism is about the first modern Democracy, the first Constitution and Bill of Rights, recognizing that Humans have rights and grant governments temporary power and not the other way around, the least imperialistic, the most charitable, we fought wars to free others, creating more of the world's innovations, first to go to the moon, and so on. That's not jingoism, that's history.
  • Betsy Ross Shoes - Nike rolled back Patriotic Americana Shoes, with the Betsy Ross flag, because Comrade Colin Kaepernick didn't like them. These shoes had an American Flag, created by an abolitionist, and Colin claims he isn't againts White People or the American Flag, but he protested them out of existence anyways.
  • Black Conspiracy Theology - I'm not black, but my Step-Dad is and I lived and worked in black communities. I saw the disenfranchisement, distrust, and their gossip circles and echo chambers. (Rumors and conspiracies over facts). And the DNC either starts, fosters or panders to many of these wacky views of America or the world, feeding the hate/unrest for votes.
  • Black Lives Matter - The truth is the KKK has a history of less violence and influence than the BLM since BLM was founded. BLM tries to make martyrs of Black Felons, undermine our criminal justice and advance criminality, instability, and racial division. The ultimate goal is destablization of democracy, so more Marxist redistribution (injustice) can be advanced.
  • Dumb Democrats and Evil Republicans - Republicans and Democrat generally want to help others. Democrats think anyone who doesn't like their ideas on how to do so must be evil. Republicans know better. So when Democrats call Republicans evil (or greedy, racist, etc), they know that Democrats are just stupid. Thus Republicans know Democrats are dumb, because Democrats think Republicans are evil.
  • Is the left Anti-American? - Is the left Anti-American? Yes. Does that mean they're less American? As citizens? No. As patriots? Yes. The left doesn't really love America as it is, or its history, even the term (and reality of) American Exceptionalism drives them batty. They love America for the potential to turn it into something they could be proud of: the Progressive USSA.
  • Nike - Nike decided to go all corporate slacktivism with a variety of efforts that don't seem to work out well for them. I certainly don't disagree with their right to hold a stupid opinion, but while we should all have free speech (and expression), we shouldn't have freedom from the consequences of those stupid opinions.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization - While this organization served a purpose, you can't make people care about things that are good for them. So Europe got fat, lazy and complacent about external threats. They both relied on the U.S. to provide their defense, and resented us for our patriarchal role. But that doesn't mean they're mature and ready to step up on their own.
  • Politicizing Sports - Progressives seem unhappy when anyone else is happy and patriotic. They see some injustice in the world (real or imagined) and they feel compelled to lecture and spoil anyone else's good time. Nothing demonstrates this more than the recent politicization of sports, alienating much of the audience, trying to ruin it for everyone.
  • Adam Schiff - Schiffty Schiff is full of Schitt. Obnoxious, Liar, Idiot. His professional career will be defined by trying to undermine our Democracy through Scampeachment and the idea that we should deny due process and invent crimes to oust political enemies and thwart the will of the people. Is there anything more Un-American than that?
  • The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left - Jonah Goldberg covered this ground better in "Liberal Fascism", but it is still a readable and interesting book with Dinesh's own style and observation. What you'll get out of it is inversely related to how much you already know about the History of the American left.
  • The Star-Spangled Banner - Post-modernism is the idea that everything is flawed and should be remade in a progressive (usually Marxist) image, starting with language. They found a rarely heard 3rd stanza of the Star Spangled banner and a line mocking the British for impressment sailors. But it used the old colloquialism "hireling and slave", and ignorant assume racism.
  • Toiletgate - AOC goes to a border facility and claims the agents were "physically & sexually threatening towards me", and that the women in cells had to drink out of the toilets. It was exposed that she screamed at agents, and the toilets had integrated fountains.
  • War - America is always wrong in War, unless Democrats started it and mismanaged it. If there's a way to twist or distort the History against America (imagined Imperialism), chances are there'll be a ton of anti-American (Soviet) and Democrat supporters. Russia called them "useful idiots", but I'm unconvinced of their usefulness.


Government, Organizations • [17 items]

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms sounds like a fun party, and was once a proud institution. Long ago. Just kidding. They basically are the epitome of a nanny state
You are what you do, and when you assault people because you don't like what they think or say, your actions are intolerant. Berkeley stands for riots and antifa attacks on free speech. When actions and deed conflict, trust the deed.
Logo of the United States Congressional Budget Office.png
The CBO or Congressional Budget Office is an agency that has never been right in it's entire existence.
US CDC logo.svg
The CDC's main goal is to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and internationally. You know, like pandemics (COVID), from depression and death caused by over-reactions to it (shutdowns), and things like that?
Seal of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.svg
The CIA is tasked with overseas intelligence gathering, with extremely limited domestic intelligence collection allowed. While there are many highly competent people doing their best to protect our country, there seems to be extreme dysfunction at the top, as they are a clown car of incompetence for the last generation.
California Coastal Commission
The CCC is what happens when community organizers run development planning: they claim, "To protect, conserve, restore, and enhance the environment of the California coastline" by obstructing development and improvement of one of our countries great resources, saving it from humanity and the usefulness it might have to individuals or our country.
Seal of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.svg
After most of the local pollution problems had been fixed by state and local governments, the fed got involved and created the EPA to give their "oversight". And of course that increased the stupidity and politicization of the environment. They helped in a few places, hurt in many others, did symbolic do-nothingism. Empowering government empowers corruption and waste.
You'd think an unconstitutional institution founded on combatting the organized crime that prohibition had created, that was run by a hypocritical transvestite that abused power and blackmailed everyone, kept dossiers on civil rights leaders, and framed Presidents with colluding with Russia, couldn't lower their reputation. But being Biden's henchman against Parents proved that wrong.
Seal of the Federal Communications Commission.svg
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission), and later the "fairness doctrine", was created so FDR could bully any TV/Radio stations that did unfavorable pieces on the administration. It was also a way so that his son (who lived in the White House) could be paid rich consulting fees to get licenses fast-tracked, while those who didn't pay or the enemies would be slow-tracked.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) was created because of a propaganda scam (Upton Sinclair's debunked, "The Jungle") that said we need corrupt food inspections. The agency fails at inspections, delays life saving drugs, treatments and devices by a decade (while people die), and they drive up their costs and reduce competition. Is it really worth it?
Mit logo.gif
MIT: Communism for Kids publisher. Seriously.
General (10241) - The Noun Project.svg
Stories about the Military, or working around them in Aerospace.
I have nothing against the NEA/NEH, except what's funded and how it's funded. If people want to fund or buy this drek? I have no problems with it. I only have a problem with them sticking a gun in my face, and taking my money to fund it. And if you doubt that's what's happening, stop paying your taxes long enough, and see how it ends.
National Public Radio logo.svg
State dept. and Air America in the 1930's was infiltrated by communists. McCarthy showed that they never left, they just moved around. NPR is evidence that this is as true today as it was back then. I listened to them for years on my commute, and could count a few times a day they did leftist spin, and can think of no examples of them taking a conservative or moderate position.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
No NATO.gif
While this organization served a purpose, you can't make people care about things that are good for them. So Europe got fat, lazy and complacent about external threats. They both relied on the U.S. to provide their defense, and resented us for our patriarchal role. But that doesn't mean they're mature and ready to step up on their own.
United Nations
“The time has come to recognize the United Nations for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become. The time has for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and as the United Nations to find headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking.” ~ Barry Goldwater
WHO logo.svg
Wold Health Organization is a corrupt and incompetent division of the corrupt and incompetent United Nations. Its purpose is to coordinate information and help distribute aid during a health crisis. Its function is to provide cover/politics for evil countries, and to magnify the harm to its biggest sponsor (the U.S.).



Organizations, Bias • [21 items]

New ACLU Logo 2017.svg
A once reliable non-partisan Civil Liberties organization, they devolved to align with the DNC over civil liberties. You can't be for minority rights and not for individual rights, as the smallest minority is one... yet, when given the choice, they often choose collective rights over individuals, support racism to fix racism (affirmative action), and ignore parts of the constitution they don't like.
A privately held financial, software, data, and media company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, founded by Michael Bloomberg in 1981.
1980 Ted Turner started CNN to put his left center spin on "the news", along with his later marriage to Hanoi Jane Fonda. He wanted to be the 24 hour, more left version of the already left of center news outlets like CBS, ABC, NBC, and rather than fill airtime with deeper stories, he'd use far left op-ed fluff.
Annenberg's is another far-left front posing as a non-partisan fact checker. They take money from Facebook, then spin stories/facts left, giving Facebook cover for censoring "disinformation" aka uncomfortable truths they don't like. History shows that was partisan fraud for a long time back.
Huffington Post
HuffPo is a mockery of new journalism. The rules to get published seem to be (1) be popular (2) be wrong on everything you post (3) be sensitive to any corrections (4) have a flock of trolls. They are proof that popularity has no correlation to quality of information.
National Public Radio logo.svg
State dept. and Air America in the 1930's was infiltrated by communists. McCarthy showed that they never left, they just moved around. NPR is evidence that this is as true today as it was back then. I listened to them for years on my commute, and could count a few times a day they did leftist spin, and can think of no examples of them taking a conservative or moderate position.
New York Times
A never great News Agency has become a shadow of their former self: admittedly biased by their own Ombudsman and editors. Occasionally good content can't make up for their more frequent bad, or their willingness to deceive, commit lies of omission, or present things in a biased way. (Never trusting their readership with the whole truth).
Occupy Democrats
They exist to take things out of context, lie, distort, and feel that any means to their ends is justified (of furthering the power of government over the people). At least based on their actions. If you can't look at anything they post, and find at least 10 things wrong with it, then you're not qualified (critical thinker) to have an adult discussion on any topic.
PayPal logo pre-2014.svg
An online paying service started by Elon Musk and sold to Ebay. Became woke, and started attacking customers for wrongthink.
PolitiFact logo.svg
They have a long history of (a) cherry picking data to fit a leftist narrative (b) oversampling the right (selection bias) (c) being pedantic to find excuses to correct the right on technicalities or to excuse/ignore the left on much broader/worse errors (d) not correcting errors when found (e) attacking those that point out the errors. They're a partisan mouthpiece for the far left, pretending to be non-partisan.
Left-of-center John F. Harris, and the slightly less left-of-center Jim VandeHei got funding for a DC tabloid journalism (rumor mongering) on the DC set. Sort of what HuffingtonPost was to Hollywood, but only for DC. Like reddit or twitchy; lots of crap but they allow turds layers from both sides, and you can find some treasures in the sewage.
SPLC Logo.png
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a far left site created to fear-monger for money. Their platform is used to attack anyone on the right, and by their own standards, they would qualify as a hate-group... if they applied their standards to themselves.
Scientific American
Scientific American logo.svg
A left biased popular "Science" magazine that occasionally lets a good article or two past their woke staff. They do have stuff worth reading and I read it. But if there's a bias, it'll always be left.
Snopes (website) logo.png
Snopes was created by California couple Barbara and David Mikkelson to covert alt.folklore.urban newsgroup into a website. Despite a cabal of liberal editors, most of Snopes isn't that bad... but mostly fair is synonymous with unfair, and it is far from the paragon of objectivity some pretend. Virtually all errors or biases lean left, thus all sources that rely on them lean the same way.
The Atlantic
A far-left magazine that occasionally lets a good article or two through. I had some hope when they hired the prolific conservative intellectual, Kevin Williamson, but then they fired him for thoughtcrime of having once written a pro-life article, showing that they do not value diversity of thought at the Atlantic.
The Hill
The Hill (2020-01-15).svg
Far left DC based Newspaper, founded by far lefty, mixing news with disinformation. Like WaPo, with more tabloid.
USA Today
USAToday has a long history of dumb, and they should have been renamed USSA (United Socialist States of America) because that seems to be their bend/lean. But here's an example of their dumb.
A hard left outlet, that exists to twist every news story from a hard left PoV. The worst of WaPo, HuffPo and a basement blogger, all screaming against the injustices of the anyone with a clue. They were created as a pump-and-dump scam, that seems to have been successful. Sensationalism sells.
Wall Street Journal
WSJ Logo.svg
Wall Street Journal used to be a New York finance paper, that became another paper. They have a little better reputation as a centrist paper, but they're still in New York, thus they're kind of hit or miss. Some good reporting, some bad... some stuff to irk both sides. They often provide counter-balance to the NYT or WaPo. But have their misses too.
Washington Post
A once great paper, now a liberal fake news rag that looks more like Bezos Blog (or the DNC's blog) than an objective Newspaper. To be fair, WaPo was always walking in the Grey Lady's (NYT's) shadow, and Jeff Bezos acquisition didn't change much... now that the NYT in the mud, it's no surprise that WaPo is crawling in the sewer. Here is a partial list of falsehoods, embarrassments, and mistakes.
Wikipedia is both hit and miss, with a lot more hits than misses. I reference it a lot, because most articles are pretty good or good enough. But a few are very biased, and virtually all bias leans far left. Usually it's more lies of omission and not offering both sides. So they are referencable, but the most interesting stuff is often omitted, or in the talk section.


Organizations/Woke (or) GWGB • [10 items]

New ACLU Logo 2017.svg
A once reliable non-partisan Civil Liberties organization, they devolved to align with the DNC over civil liberties. You can't be for minority rights and not for individual rights, as the smallest minority is one... yet, when given the choice, they often choose collective rights over individuals, support racism to fix racism (affirmative action), and ignore parts of the constitution they don't like.
American Girl
American Girl Logo.svg
In the Get Woke, Go Broke, American Girl seems to be spreading Trans-Activism that undermines parents and exploits kids with mental disorders.
Black Lives Matter
The truth is the KKK has a history of less violence and influence than the BLM since BLM was founded. BLM tries to make martyrs of Black Felons, undermine our criminal justice and advance criminality, instability, and racial division. The ultimate goal is destablization of democracy, so more Marxist redistribution (injustice) can be advanced.
BlackRock wordmark.svg
BlackRock was downgraded by UBS for their Woke over anti-Investor Value positions on ESG... that got multiple states (Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, to pull various state endowment/investment funds in paying into BlackRock funds that work directly agaist the State and their Employees interests.
I want a social network that gives me control of what I see and share. Zuckerberg thinks ruthlessly stumbling on to lucky timing is the same thing as being really smart, and the world would be a better place if he ran it. Dunning-Kruger gets inflated by narcism and being surrounded by yes-men. Then he got political, and made him an enemy of Democracy.
Levi's was as American as Blue Jeans and Apple Pie. But they got woke. Once you catch that cultural cancer, soon you're suppressing free speech, shipping all your jobs to China, you support athletes that hate America, you deal with Human Rights abusing countries, and you fire employees for trying to defend civil liberties.
NFL Woke.jpg
The NFL used to be all about a football monopoly. Then the most ignorant players started rising up to politicize the sport. Instead of recognizing this would alienate the audience, the management went along. And the ratings, viewership and love of the sport, all decayed -- which is what the Marxist puppet-masters wanted all along. Nothing above the state/party and remaking us into the USSA.
National Public Radio logo.svg
State dept. and Air America in the 1930's was infiltrated by communists. McCarthy showed that they never left, they just moved around. NPR is evidence that this is as true today as it was back then. I listened to them for years on my commute, and could count a few times a day they did leftist spin, and can think of no examples of them taking a conservative or moderate position.
Netflix logo (2).svg
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss $15/month goodbye. Netflix is a weird company, questionably run. Has some weird hits and misses in policies or PR, but some decent programming, with occasional leftist dogs. I'm not a "fan" of their policies or culture. More bemused observer watching the shit show.
PayPal logo pre-2014.svg
An online paying service started by Elon Musk and sold to Ebay. Became woke, and started attacking customers for wrongthink.

Organizations, Woke • [4 items]

I was neither advocate nor foe of Amazon, but they converted me to foe through censorship and new CEO's douchebaggery. I was OK with better selection at lower prices, but their fees/costs of shipping killed some of that. Then their censorship, partisan sponsorships/politics worked against them (for me).
American Girl
American Girl Logo.svg
In the Get Woke, Go Broke, American Girl seems to be spreading Trans-Activism that undermines parents and exploits kids with mental disorders.
Salesforce logo.svg
Salesforce’s CEO, Marc Benioff decided to put idiocy above business, and attack part of his base by enacting a policy that companies who sell semi-automatic weapons can't use its software. This can only alienate or lose them customers like Walmart, BassPro/Cabelas, Turners, and Academy -- not to mention any companies that value the Constitution or law of the land.
Shopify logo 2018.svg
Shopify says it will no longer allow them to sell some firearms and parts -- so their platform no longer welcomes any of the 600,000 businesses that use them to sell their goods, if those businesses also respect the Constitution and gun rights.


▶ General Techℹ️

▼ General Techℹ️

  • Adobe - These are a few articles (stories) on my experiences as an Adobe employee for couple of decades. I like the company and the people. All companies have quirks, these are some of the amusing or memorable experiences/observations. No slams, just more journaling life experiences.
  • Amazon - I was neither advocate nor foe of Amazon, but they converted me to foe through censorship and new CEO's douchebaggery. I was OK with better selection at lower prices, but their fees/costs of shipping killed some of that. Then their censorship, partisan sponsorships/politics worked against them (for me).
  • Apple - A list of various articles and topics of discussion around Apple. Since they're a secretive company (and I've been an insider), I tend to avoid opining on a lot of things about them, out of respect for their desire and right to control their own messaging. So I tend to only focus on the trivial for a reason.
  • Belkin - Belkin/Linksys/Wemo: American manufacturers of consumer electronics: including routers, iPod and iPhone accessories, mobile computing accessories, surge protectors, network switches, hubs, (USB and computer network) cables, KVM switches, racks and enclosures, and other peripherals.
  • Facebook - I want a social network that gives me control of what I see and share. Zuckerberg thinks ruthlessly stumbling on to lucky timing is the same thing as being really smart, and the world would be a better place if he ran it. Dunning-Kruger gets inflated by narcism and being surrounded by yes-men. Then he got political, and made him an enemy of Democracy.
  • Google - In 1995, two 20-something Ph.D. students from Stanford were looking for something to do their dissertations on, and decided that they should focus on a Web crawler. They found funding, a revenue stream based on advertising, and became a Unicorn (a multi-billion dollar company). Their saga from College Dormitory Culture to anti-American Corporate hate-Cult began.
  • Nextdoor - Thought geo-local, no-anonymity, and dictatorial moderation would make a different type of Social Media platform. And it might, if it wasn't run by leftist asshats from SF. As it is, just a bunch of wokescolds censoring and irritating people in most markets. The false civility and double standards of leftist PC thought-police who couldn't make it at Twitter.
  • Open Offices - Planners decided that if Google/Facebook/Twitter succeeded in spite of a horrendously distracted working environment, then everyone should suffer. Corporate America (especially Tech) started shifting to Open Office to the annoyance of tech workers everywhere. This was sold as "more collaborative", but distracting is more accurate.
  • Quark - Quark helped revolutionize Desktop publishing. But they also became synonymous for how to fuck-up your business. 3 out of 4 of their customers paid money and time to convert away from their product (and support) within a few years. Because their development, support, and licensing was that bad.
  • Slack - An internal messaging/communication tool (1:1 and many:many) that gives users the impression that their communications/channels are private, but the truth is that are able to be monitored by IT/managers/corporate eyes. So popular by users as an opproved way to communicate, popular by HR because it allows anyone to be fired for cause.
  • The Verge - Owned by far-left Vox, The Verge launched in 2011 by pirating folks from Engaget. But it's a reasonably good tech site that only occasionally delves into leftist advocacy (e.g. lets the editors bias through). Basically, it was an AOL editor's next big thing, and it mixed in a lot of podcast and video stuff.
  • Tik Tok - A short-form video platform owned by Chinese company ByteDance, founded in 2016, with lots of pranks, stunts, tricks, jokes, and entertainment. Since China has laws allow it to spy on users, this causes concerns for people in the Free World (Americans). For example, they could track soldiers locations, or backgrounds and metadata can reveal secret information.
  • Twitter - It's not that Twitter lacks intellectual diversity (and is 99.7%+ Democrats, based on political donations), or that they censor conservative truths that are too hard for them to debate. It's that they lied about it, and pretended there was no shadow campaign or bias. Hopefully Elon Musks acquisition will help with that.
  • Wink - American software and hardware company that does smart home devices. During the middle of a COVID pandemic they went from paid to subscription only, with 7 days notice to customers. Pay the extortion or their products became useless. Users were going to be irked either way, but the way they handled it was guaranteed to cause maximum irritation and alienation
  • YouTube - YouTube (a division of Google) has a specially abusive place when it comes to the world of selective censorship - that only seems to apply to truths liberals hate to hear.


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