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1619 Project | 1619 is a History effort, lead by the NYT to educate people on the evils of Slavery and America. Slavery was the foundation of American and thus the founding fathers (and the Nation) are racist hypocrites. | This whole project is looking at America through a Progressive America haters lens. It pretends our DNA is infected with Slavery and Racism, and seen through that lens there's nothing we can do to change our DNA or History, thus we're doomed in perpetuity for the sins of our fathers. | |
40 Hour work week | Unions (Community Organizing, Progressives, etc) gave us the 40 hour work week. | Henry Ford (Capitalism) standardized on the 40 hour work-week, most others had adopted it, and then the Federal Government created a regulation (FLSA) that said we should adopt the 44 hour work week for the very few remaining. | |
70s SF Democrats |
- Moscone was a great man
- Harvey Milk was a martyr to LGBT rights and killed for Homophobia
- Dan White was a Homophobe, and the Twinkie Defense was made up to get him off light
- Jim Jones was a crazy right-wing religious cult leader that had nothing to do with the DNC or left.
Moscone and Milk were far-left corrupt scumbags who drove good people out of SF (the Curley Effect), and ended Bay Area political sanity or competence
Dan White was buddies with Milk, he killed Harvey over betrayal not Homophobia
Dan White suffered real depression. His defense used eating junk food as a symptom of his depression, not the cause. After release from prison, he killed himself over Democrat bullying
Jim Jones was a leading influencer/bundler for the DNC, and knowingly brought in thousands of illegal votes which got Moscone, Milk, and others into power. | |
9-11 | The left's revisions of history is that after 9/11, they behaved well and that the nation came together. Then the Iraq War and the Bush Lies divided us. | The truth is that the left blamed the U.S. for 9/11 from the start, used it as an opportunity to divide us (as they always do), and many of the historical revisions they do to this day, polarize us between those who remember what happened, and the Democrats. | |
Abortion | Republicans would take away a woman's choice, late term abortions are mostly done for health of the mother/baby, Roe v Wade was good law and protects a Woman's right to choose. Repealing it would outlaw abortions and make Women into chattel. | Democrats and Republicans are both split on where life begins (and abortion should be allowed), most Americans are against 3rd trimester abortions, and 99% of 3rd trimester abortions are done for reasons other than health of the mother/fetus, and Roe v. Wade was Judicial overreach, and without it, most states would still support 1st Trimester abortion (37 States had already legalized it before Roe, and many more would since): so the fight isn't about choice, it's about how viable a baby should be before we protect it from extermination. | |
Alt-Equality | To listen to the left or SJW's, etc., you'd believe that Republicans love inequalities like slavery, the oppression of minorities and women, and they'd bring it back if they could. On all these issues the message is "fear the other side", they are out to oppress you. Inequality of outcome is evidence of oppression and they use that inequality to foster hate and fear those who oppose their agenda. Examples:
Examples: -
| The reality is that both sides often agree that something should be done about some problems, they just disagree on what and how. The right wants blacks/minorities to have equal opportunities with whites, just not special advantages. The left wants equality of outcome, which is something that's impossible without punishing success and merit. Since the left loses rational arguments, they go for demonizing the other side to scare their base. Like we have to fight, "white privilege", and bury the lede that Asians, Indians, Immigrant Blacks outperform whites academically and economically (isn't that yellow and brown privilege?). | |
Alt-Science | It's so hard for the superior liberals to have an intellectual discussion with the other side, because conservatives, religion and Republicans are so illogical and anti-science that they can't be reasoned with. The right would replace science with superstition (aka Religion), so you can't trust them. The left wants progress, and the way to get it is to scare the masses into believing that if they don't change NOW, something bad will happen (usually the end of the world or civilization). They're either behind, or at least support, most of the big scares and conspiracy theories, because fear sells their agenda. | Democrats exceeds Republicans on being anti-science on the following topics. I keep looking for ones that go the other way, and there certainly are a few, but they are much more illusive.
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American Exceptionalism | To the left all countries have done good and bad (including America), so Stalin, America, Pol Pot are all loosely equivalent morally. Thus American Exceptionalism is ignorant patriotic jingoism only done by ignoring social injustices like slavery (blacks), genocide (Indians), Imperialism/Colonialism, Conquest (wars), income inequality, and so on. Thus the only exceptionalism they recognize is us being exceptionally bad. | The facts are that America has been exceptional in many ways, from our Laws, Liberties, Economics, Culture, Charity, Technology and even wars. Most of our wars were fought to free people and increase liberty, as opposed to conquest. No country has had as much power, and exploited it as little as we have. So while we're plenty flawed, we've behaved better than those that criticize us, often in the very areas that they criticize us. We gave the world more than any other 5 countries combined, despite being only 5% of the global population. And that's exceptional by definition. | |
Black Lives Matter | The cops are institutionally racist and look the other way when whites kill innocent blacks like Zimmerman/Trayvon, they shoot unarmed black folks without consequences like "Hands up, don't shoot", Michael Brown -- and the best thing for the black community is to defund the police. | Cops shoot blacks far less than Whites and Latinos relative to violent crime rates, and blacks kill more whites than the other way around. Michael Brown was a thug charging a cop when shot and "hands up, don't shoot" never happened. And Trayvon was shot while on drugs and afer ambushing and attacking a latino dude for preventing him from breaking in houses. And the Fergeson Effect demonstrates that when cops stop policing, blacks suffer the most. | |
Charlottesville Race Riot | The left's version of history is that the KKK/Racists/Alt-Right/Trump supporters (all synonymous), held a huge rally (with many thousands), over a racist idol being removed. Then the KKK attacked the peaceful counter-protestors, and drove a car into a crowd, and murdered an innocent woman. The smug President claimed there were good people on both sides and defended the White Supremacists/KKK because he didn't want to alienate his supporters. And thus anyone that doesn't denounce him is a racist/Nazi by proxy. | The small rally was against the destruction of our history (a Robert E. Lee statue). Like the Women's Marches were organized by terrorist supporters and anti-semites, this rally was organized by White Nationalists but most of the attendees didn't know that. It only turned violent because Antifa showed up and started assaulting people, and the Democrat controlled cops corralled the two groups together until a riot broke out. After one person was surrounded, assaulted, and his car was hit with a baseball bad, he sped away, and into a crowd, killing one girl. The President immediately condemned the violence, explicitly condemned the Neo-Nazi's, and anyone (FakeNews) that denied that is a liar, fool or a propagandist. | |
Christian Nation | The Separation of Church and State in the Constitution is absolute: we must stop prayer in school, any references to God (on our money, pledges, national anthem's and so on). Anything religious is bad, unless it's Islamic, or is making fun of religion. | Like it or not, the history of the nation was built on Christian values. Separation of Church and State was an opinion of Jefferson, and the first amendment allowed the free practice of all religions in school and government buildings. We allowed States to have official religions when the constitution was created -- it just wasn't the feds power/responsibility to create a national religion. Perverting the first amendment to disallow the free practice of religion is a late 20th century invention by historical revisionists. | |
Civil War and Slavery | The civil war was started over Slavery. | It is far more complex than the black/white caricature:
- The first shots in the civil war were fired over taxes and tariffs (Morrill Tariff), not slavery
- The Corwin Constitutional Amendment (passed by Congress) offered the South to keep slaves forever, the South declined
- The South offered to give up slaves if the North let them go, the North declined
- If the North offered Compensated emancipation, the civil war likely wouldn't have happened
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Columbus | Columbus crew thought they were going to sail off the edge of the earth, until he got to the new world, and exploited the poor/peaceful natives. Celebrating Columbus is celebrating the genocide of the Native Americans and atrocities foisted on them, and should be a shame on the west. | They knew the earth was round, they just didn't know there was a continent (or two) between Europe and Asia. Columbus was a nice guy, for his time, certainly a lot better than the Natives. Judging someone by the norms of our time and not his own, is a historical fallacy. He made the continent better, unless you prefer we still lived in the stone/bronze age and practiced Human Sacrifice. | |
Death Panels | Democrats and their media (and fact-checkers) denied there was such a thing as a "Death Panels" in the ACA, and accused the Republicans of lying, calling it the lie of the year in 2009. | Democrats campaigned on the ACA panel of 15 (called IPAB) that would make life and death decisions over what treatments would be covered, and that would lead to huge savings and even balance the budget. When this panel was eliminated in 2018, they decried the end of the panels they claimed never existed. | |
Dropping the Bomb | Japan was about to surrender, and all of Trumanβs cabinet warned him not to drop the bomb, but he did it anyways to intimidate the Russians. | Japan wanted to negotiate a conditional surrender since before the war started, but even after two Nuclear Bombs and the threat of more coming, they still had 3 attempted Coupsβ (kidnappings of the Emperor) to try to prevent him from surrendering because they wanted to fight on. | |
Election 2020 | The Democrats try to set the standard that if you can't prove that there was enough cheating to swing the outcome, then you have no valid complaints and no standing to even investigate. Which means you can't prove cheating, since they say there wasn't any; ignore your lying eyes and testimony. Then they lie there was no evidence of any wrongdoing at all. | The real world is that you just need to show there was any cheating to show this was a stolen election. In any sport/competition it doesn't matter if you would have won without the cheat -- the cheat means the victory was invalid. Especially if you won't allow investigations/review to prove you were right, or fix problems so it won't happen again. If any of these things are true, then there's room for valid complaints. And the bar for their to be valid complaints for an investigation is lower and just reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. (And there was that). | |
Election 2020 | Democrat view is that if Trump won, Biden should protest/resistist/protest, call it illigitimate. But since Trump won, any Republicans that complianed/protest are Unamerican and trying to subvert Democracy (traitors). | The real world is that both sides protest votes that are close, and the dirty tricks the other side played. (And the Democrats have a history of dirtier tricks and cheating since Tammany Hall). So Republicans have more valid complaints. | |
Fascism | Fascism is a right-wing ideology, and the Republicans are fascists. (Other than they have nothing in common, weren't conservative, traditionalist, for individualism, separation of powers, they still had virtually nothing in common with the American right: ideologically). Fear the right, they're literally Hitler. | The National Socialists were a branch of crony-socialism and unionism called Syndicalism, they were anti-banking, believed in big-central government, high regulation and taxation, collectivism, central planning, social programs, they were for BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction the Jews), and for gun-control. You can have a hard time telling one of their speeches from the far left. Really hard. | |
Gentle savages | A lie I hear repeated too often, is that Native Americans were unfairly attacked by the brutal Europeans, and without us, they would have lived in peace on the land. | The truth is that most Native America tribes could be horribly violent and cruel, and were called savages not just because of pre-bronze age lifestyle, but because of their pre-bronze age behaviors and societies. Canibalism, Human Sacrifice, Torture, Rape. Europeans of the day were rough, but Natives were rougher. | |
How the West Was Won | To the left, the West beat the East since they were stronger militarily, more oppressive (imperialistic), or it was pure coincidence of environment/natural resources. There's never merit, people are always victims. | To the rational, the East often had more resources, had bigger empires, were more brutal/oppressive (to their own and others), and the West won because it was more capitalistic (less isolationist and more willing to borrow/innovate). The merit of the culture was that individuals shouldn't have to cave to the collective and could improve/adapt/innovate (and make money off of that). | |
Inciting Violence | You need to fear the radical right wing, as they like to incite violence against anyone who disagrees with them. | In the real world, BLM, Antifa, Eco-terrorists, the Vietnam War counter-revolutionaries, every Communist revolution, the rise of left-wing fascism, many of the mass murders, the left's rhetoric against Trump, and so on, are just a few examples of the left's calls for violence/revolution. Progressivism demands change, people are lazy, to get change they need to convince people it's a matter of life and death. Otherwise we'd have moderation or the status quo. So by nature, the left needs to promote extremism, or nothing changes. | |
Institutional Racism | Racism is everywhere just look at OJ Simpson, Rodney King, Henry Louis Gates, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Anton Sterling, Philando Castile Eric Garner, Sandra Bland and so on. Cops are murdering black people for no reason. The SPLC claims hate crimes are up. Atrocities happen to innocent minorities every day. We need the federal government to stop this! | While the Democrats did create many racist programs in the past, and it is far from perfect today, it generally favors minorities (institutional racism against Whites and Asians). Anyone familiar with the stats/math knows the lie that blacks are gunned down disproportionate to crimes. Those victims are usually examples of dumb people winning stupid prizes. Whites, asians, arabs or latinos would have been gunned down in the same situation. And the reason they are newsworthy is because they're so rare. The reason bad examples make News, is because they can't find better examples. The SPLC is an example of leftists scaring the gullible for money. | |
J6 | J6 was as insurrection, it was planned and driven by Trump, White Supremacy and FoxNews. They killed 6 people. This was a threat to Congress, Democracy and the nation, and was the worst attack since the Civil War. The Democrats want to get to the bottom of it. | There were no weapons, no plan to overthrow the government, no one has been charged with insurrection, the FBI concluded it was not centrally organized. It started before Trumps speech, Trump urged peaceful march, Trump told them to go stop and go home when they started acting like Democrats. The only person killed was an unarmed protestor assassinated by the Capitol Police. The Democrats and their media have obstructed investigations into what really happened, they arrested and abused Political Prisoners for show, they created a one-party hollywood produced show trial that would have embarassed the USSR, and tried to gaslight people into thinking a protest was white supremacy. | |
The Jungle | Upton Sinclair was a great investigative journalist who went undercover in Chicago meat packing plants and discovered gross, unsanitary conditions that lead to disease. When he exposed this, we created the FDA and made the world a better place. Fear a world without big government protecting us with benevolent bureaucracy, or we'd get more conditions like "The Jungle" reported on. | A failing socialist author wanted to write a political propaganda book, and semi-fictional hit piece called, "The Jungle". While it was debunked at the time, pro-Government types used it as an excuse to create the precursor to the FDA, which has become a boondoggle that's killed or hurt more people than it has helped, or the alternatives. | |
Abraham Lincoln | Honest Abe, great progressive President and statesman, who fought for equal rights for blacks, freed the slaves, and the Democrats wish he was theirs. (I do too). | Started a war over a punitive tax policy and not wanting to bear the brunt of Compensated emancipation, got 600K Americans killed, tore the nation apart, shat on the Constitution. An abolitionist white-supremacist who didn't think of blacks as equal, but more like the ASPCA thinks of pets: an inferior species that needs to be protected by a superior one. | |
Mohammad Mosaddegh | In 1953 the CIA overthrew the Democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran and all around great guy Mohammad Mosaddegh, and put in Mohammad Reza Shah in his place, and that lead to the problems with Iran and the entire middle east. As usual, it was all the U.S.'s fault. | Iran was not a Democracy: it was a Constitutional Monarch since the 1920's. The second generation Shah had the rightful power to replace the Prime Minister (Mosaddegh). The US/UK (Operation Ajax) did encourage him to do that in 1953, and helped him with that agenda (propaganda and funding protestors), but it was not a "coup". The reasons for doing so was the Mosaddegh (a KGB funded puppet of the Soviet/Communists/Tudeh Party) had risen to power under questionable elections (and KGB sponsorship), after the assassination of his rivals, and was fast-tracking towards a Marxist dictatorship by running the country under "emergency powers", dissolving the parliament, dismissing the Supreme Court, enacted a curfew and imprisoned hundreds of his opponents, gave himself the power to make laws, nationalized (stole) the oil fields (British/American property). | |
Native American Genocide | Americans committed genocide against Native Americans like they used smallpox-laden blankets, trail of tears, massacres: America intentionally exterminated them. | Smallpox claim is based on one letter from one Brit to another, 24 years before there was a Constitution or Country of USA, it was during a war the British had with the Indians, and most Indians had been wiped out by disease and wars over the prior 300 years (via the Spanish). The USA had little to do with most of the deaths. There were atrocities like the first Democrat President (Andrew Jackson's) Trail of tears, and massacres on both side. But that's not what genocide means. | |
Origins of the Internet | Al Gore and DARPA created the Internet. | Most of the technologies and features we know and use on the Internet were created, improved and adopted by our private sector decades before the Internet. The reason it was created in the U.S., and not one of the socialist countries, is because of our private sector, otherwise everyone would be on Franceβs Minitel. | |
Pussy Protest | The pussy protest was a march of bigots: the stupid or the evil. The leadership and the media screamed how Trump was going to round up Women, Gays and Minorities, with symbolism such as Hitler, Handmaidens tale, and so on. They got millions of gullible rubes to dress as vaginas, or just act like intolerant cunts, and protest... far-left hate hags having apoplexy over not getting their way in election. | Trump of course has done none of the things they promised. He's actually fairly moderate. The protestors on the other hand were lead by anti-semites, and intolerant bigots that prevented pro-life women from marching, blocked conservative groups, and were protesting over losing an election: the wanted to end democracy because they didn't get their way. They used the tool of blatant hypocrisy to convince those paying attention that they were role models: for how not to. | |
Reagan emptied mental institutions and caused homeless crisis | The misinformed or dishonest repeat that Reagan emptied the mental institutions and shut them down, and that's why we have a homelessness problems that California today. | The facts are that the federal mental institutions were a disaster. The movie, "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" was made a decade or two later, to exemplify the attitudes that caused the closing of the institutions, before/during/after Reagan's watch. Democrats controlled the houses/senates that passed it. It was vogue to recognize that the institutions had locked up innocents, and that most didn't need to be in an asylum. So Reagan didn't start, nor stop the trend, which continued long after he left. And if Democrats cared, they had 50 years since then to fix it. | |
Republicans are racists | Republicans are racists, that's why they don't want open borders, they don't want reparations for blacks, they want immigrants to learn english (and blacks to lose ebonics). | All the policies have consequences that hurt people: open immigration increases crime, downward income pressure, backlash towards immigrants. Reperations for people that never suffered directly, just hurts taxpayers who did nothing wrong. A major contributor for succes is command of the language (communication skills). Republicans put other people above their agendas. | |
Slavery and the New Deal | Uncle Tom's Cabin and Roots give accurate descriptions of how bad Slavery was in the South. The abolitionists and Civil War victors were all noble historians that accurated transcribed the reality of the time. | Progressives/activists didn't just start propaganda in the late 20th century. First-hand reports tell a dramatically different story, and that helps explain why the South was so polarized against the disinformation of the North. Their reality didn't match the fiction. | |
Slavery | America got rich off slavery. We owe reparations for that. White privilege is because whites held the black man down for so long, that we need to end racism by blaming everyone who is not-black and forcing them to pay everyone who is black, to make up for past wrongs that had nothing to do with them. We also have to have a censor symbols and history that we don't like, like the Confederate Flag. | More whites were enslaved than blacks. Slavery held the economy down, and we thrived after it was removed. Economically, Slavery was likely a net burden so no reparations could be owed. American whites died fighting a war to end the slavery that Europe had given to us (and the country inherited before it was created, but ended): those whites sacrifice deserves reparations. Slavery couldn't have existed without the many blacks colluding with it, and is certainly not the fault of the majority of whites, asians and latinos who never had slaves or supported it, or came to America generations later. And while doctoring history is popular among the left, how can we learn from the past, if we criminalize discussing parts of it, or doctor the record? | |
Some People | Mean old Islamaphobic Donald Trump is trying to get poor Ilhan Omar killed, by showing a video of her saying what George Bush did. | In the real world, a racist Democrat said a dumb thing, and the President re-tweeted it because it was political gold, showing how out of touch the far left is with the average American, that they can't even admit 9-11 was Islamic Terrorism, and was a bad thing that shouldn't be politicized by the left or a Muslim, to pretend they care more than everyone else. | |
The Great Depression | The left believes that the Great Depression was caused by capitalism/Wall Street and Hoover fiddled while Rome burned. Then FDR came in, gave us the new deal, and everything was good because he saved the day. All bunk. | What happened is
Hoover saw some of it happening in New York, and warned FDR about it (who was in NYC), but FDR didn't react.
When it crashed Hoover did spending and wanted to do more to lessen the bank failures, but the Democrats resisted any mitigating factors because they knew ruination would lead to regime change.
FDR gave us the New Deal (copying Hoover's policies), and it didn't help, and in fact contributed to the second depression (depression in a depression as it was called), so he offered a New New Deal, and that didn't help either. (Government spending and dramatic changes scares investors/businesses).
Then the war happened and saved FDR.
When the war ended the Keynesians wanted another New Deal to prevent a post war recession, but the country had grown and resisted. Instead of the Keynesian predicted depression, we got a post war free market boom instead. | |
The Southern Strategy | Nixon (Republicans) went after the disenfranchised Southern Democrat racists after LBJ passed 1964 civil rights act, and they all switched parties. Thus the entire racist past (and present) of the Democrats is wiped clean, and the Republicans own all the prior sins. | Nixon lost the South, and Democrats continued to carry the South for 40 years. There's never been a shred of evidence that lifelong Democrats switched parties to the Republicans over race or a minor 1960's addendum to the Fair Housing Law that Republicans passed in 1875, especially when the Republicans had a richer history of passing more significant Civil Rights (including ending slavery). | |
Twitter Files | Democrats: Trump was meeting with foreign diplomats during his transition; abuse of power. | Also Democrats: The FBI and Joe Biden bullying a tech company to censor something during an election/transition is no abuse of the 1A since he wasn't yet sworn in, so the abuse of power doesn't count. | |
Twitter Files | Dems hate Fascism, care about free speech, corruption, government abuse of power, election integrity, and misinformation.
Twitter isn't biased towards Dems.
Shadow banning was just a conspiracy by the right..
The Laptop was Russian hackers.
Even if it was real, Twitter is a private company so no 1A implications, as long as there's no collusion with a government agency.
FBI acted in good faith even though they knew better the whole time.
FBI didn't pay or bully for access, and Biden admin wasn't involved. | Fascism is government and private collusion to achieve the states political agenda. The Twitter Files prove that Twitter-FBI were collaborating in a fascist / anti-free speech way. The FBI was abusing power to manipulate an election, and was creating misinformation (that the laptop wasn't real, Russian hacking, etc) to prevent an informed electorate about obvious corruption/concerns with the Biden Crime Family. The left not only doesn't care about any of it, their "Journalists" actively suppressed exposing the public to any of it. And their operatives attack anyone that brings up the topic. | |
War | Democrats start most of our wars (either through action or inaction), then want to blame it on the other side. Bush Lied, Iraq was over Oil or was never a threat, Saddam was our guy, North Vietnamese just wanted peace, Israel started it, we didn't need to use the bomb Japan. The Democrats did (or supported) most of that, then want to play innocent and blame the other side, and convince the gullible that the other side. JFK got us closer to nuclear war than any other President, but the Republicans might get us nuked. Everything is about fear the militant right, while the truth is a strong military makes the other side more willing to negotiate in good faith. | One of the reasons the left is thought to be Anti-American has to do with selective hypocrisy on American Wars. They might cheer for the War at the start (especially if Democrat Presidents are for it).... but then they undermine American interests and support our enemies in the end. Virtually all negative (and incorrect) war tropes have leftists at the forefront of the cause with a megaphone, and often Soviets or other American-hating backers behind them. Years or decades later when you show their trope was false all along, they deny, make excuses, or attack anyone for defending the facts. | |
You didn't build that | You didnβt create that, you built it on the backs of government. | Government built itself on the backs of individuals and the private sector. Without government, weβd still have innovated and created things (including government). But without private innovations and big government, weβd all look like North Korea or Cuba or USSR: drab, grey cinderblock row houses, filled with wage slaves to the state. | |