
From iGeek
Honeybee-cooling cropped.jpg
There was this huge scam that the bees were all dying, and it was going to be the end us of all.
There was this huge scam (perpetuated by the left) for many years that bees were dying, and it was going to be the end us of all, because bees were so important to the ecosystem. Colony Collapse Disorder was sensationalized as the greatest threat to humanity since Nuclear weapons. A decade later, nothing had happened and most had forgotten the media's sensationalism.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-04-03 
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Bee Colonoly Collapse disorder is going to destroy aggriculture and is a crisis. (With various leftist excuses for why: pesticides, global warming, and so on). A decade later, we have more bees than ever, and while it's true a few hives just shut down and we aren't sure why, they are easy to replace. And the scaremongering once against failed to predict the adaptibility of markets.

But the informed remembered, and learned from the mistake.

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What Happened to the Beepocalypse?


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

The Left Lies
When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you can grow (change) or lie. The left usually chooses the latter.

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Fake Studies
This is a list of things that people believe, based on "Studies" that have been debunked or discredited.

Bad Predictions
Progressives want change, so they need to exaggerate the bad if you don't do what they want, or the good if you do.

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Tags: FakeNews  Left Lies  Alt-Science  Fake Studies  Bad Predictions

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