Guns are a tool. Gun prohibition is like the prohibition on drugs, alcohol or crime.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-12-10 |
The smartest Gun-Controllers in the room, can't explain a gun's basic operation, and don't know what a gun is (thinking it is a murder-machine), or if you ask them "What is an assault rifle?", most can't explain that is just cosmetic accessories on a low powered hunting rifle. They demonstrate the Dunning-Kruger (or the Beginner-Expert phenomenon), simultaneously knowing nothing, and getting mad at experts for contradicting them.
Gun-controllers (not all, but most) think things like:
- the 2nd Amendment was about the militia or the 2nd Amendment was for muskets -- if you show them dozens of quotes and rulings that contradict them, they change the topic.
- they think places with gun-control are all safe like the U.K, Canada, Australia... and then if you show them how their numbers were faked, or show facts about the rest of the world -- they change the topic, again.
- they pretend that there are no mass shootings that have been stopped by civilians... and then get mad when you offer evidence to the contrary
So irrational hopolophobics (gun phobics) aren't informed, don't accept corrections, and use the same fear-based reasoning that causes arachnophobics to scream like a little-girl and feint at the site of spiders: it's all fear-based reasoning, as proven by:
- I did a whole Gun FAQ to decompose many of their arguments.
- they talk about Reasonable Gun Laws, and ignore how absurd the ones we have are
- they talk about smart guns without understanding why no police or civilian wants them
- they further wasteful failures like Shotspotter, despite evidence that it doesn't work
- they cry for No Fly Lists while ignoring how it violates the 4th amendment
- they pretend they just want to ban "Assault Rifles", but the informed know that if you think guns are responsible for killing children, then the only reasonable gun control, is to ban all the guns
- they have tantrums and cries of "Do something", while blocking more-effective solutions (like offering schools better security).
- they shut down reasonable discourse, then get mad that the other side mocks them with Memes, because every Discussion with a Gun-Controller is likely to go in circles: you're arguing with hypocrites and impassioned fools.
Of course the reasonable know that laws can turn regular people into felons, but they can’t turn felons into regular people.
The question I ask is, "Do you think career politicians really don't know anything about guns or how to get laws passed -- or that they know better, and will stand on the graves of our children to get votes/money/power?" I suspect they aren't as dumb as they act, and they know better -- but they know that if they pass effective security improvements, then their best attention and campaign issue evaporates. Since they know this wouldn't be popular, they blame the other side for exactly what they're doing (commit the Big Lie™).
Incivility[edit | edit source]
Always - Gun Control - the left believe guns cause people to kill other people. Informed people recognize that individuals do that (and Democrats abuse guns more than Republicans). But because the left believes in their silliness, they believe anything they do is justified to end murder: lying, cheating, distorting, and certainly insulting and attacking anyone that disagrees with them, in the media. It's not just a disagreement, it's life or death. This divisive tribalism and self-righteousness, not only lowers the tone, it increases violence.
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