U.S. Massacres
From iGeek
The largest massacres in the U.S. are not what the leftist press has sold.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-06-11 |
🗒️ Note: |
Watch the word-smithing. If the Press/Left is saying "Mass Shooting" instead of "Massacre" or "Mass Murder" it's because they're trying to dodge events, under the fraud that someone would rather be blown up, beheaded, or burned to death, rather than being shot to death. And the latter is somehow worse. It isn't. |
Examples[edit | edit source]
U.S. Massacres • [36 items]
Twin Towers2001 Victims: 8,996 (2,996 / 6,000) Tools: Box Cutters (& Airplanes) |
After ignoring multiple warnings, 19 terrorists hijacked 4 planes with box cutters, and flew them into various soft targets, as Tom Clancy and others had warned about. | Cause: ☪️ Islamic Terrorism Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Tulsa Race Riots1921 Victims: 1,100 (300 / 800) Tools: Guns, Fire, Airplanes |
A black guy assaulted a white girl, and the black community confronted a white mob, 10 whites were killed, and there was a major backlash (with the help of city government, and the KKK) to burn, shoot and cause mayhem back -- while black sniped intruders, leaving many dead and lots more injuries. Only to have this embarrassment swept under the rug by both sides for 75 years. | Cause: Government/Racism Motive: ⬅️ Left (KKK) [1] |
Jonestown1978 Victims: 929 (918 / 11) Tools: Poison (Flavor-aid) |
Jim Jones (47) - The Democrats highly honored bundler of votes/funds and respected cult leader... until crimes started coming out and he fled to Jonestown, Guyana. In failing health, with the authorities closing in, he convinced/forced his followers to drink cyanide laced kool-aid (Flavo-Aid), which is where comments about "don't drink the Kool aid" come from. While outside the U.S. all the participlants were from U.S. | Cause: 🤪 Cult Motive: ⬅️ Left [2] 🚫 Strict Gun Control |
Oklahoma City Bombing1995 Victims: 848 (168 / 680) Tools: Explosives |
U.S. Massacres/Oklahoma City Bombing (27) - In retaliation for the illegal Waco/Ruby Ridge massacres by Government (86 dead), Tim McVeigh & Terry Nichols filled a Ryder rental truck with 13 x 55 gallon barrels full of racing fuel (nitromethane) and fertilizer (Ammonium Nitrate), drove it to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, and detonated it. | Cause: Revenge Motive: ➡️ Right 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Las Vegas2017 Victims: 472 (61 / 411) Tools: 23 Rifles, Pistol |
Stephen Paddock (64) - Letter carrier/IRS agent, shot into a country music festival from Nearby Hotel (Mandalay Bay). 23 guns, explosives, he used the least effective rifles, and his attempt to blow up a fuel tank at the airport didn't work. He killed himself after 10 minutes. The police took 65 minutes to breach his room. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health ❓☪️ Islamic Terrorism Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Wall Street Bombing1920 Victims: 438 (38 / 400) Tools: Explosives |
The deadliest terror attack up to that date, was when a horse-drawn wagon with 100 lbs of dynamite and cast iron weights was detonated in front of J.P. Morgan bank on Wall Street. It was likely done by anti-Capitalists (leftist Galleanists or other militant socialists active at the time). | Cause: Anti-capitalists Motive: ⬅️ Left |
Wounded Knee1890 Victims: 376 (325 / 51) Tools: Guns, Knives, Clubs |
The U.S. Government decided to disarm the Lakota without compensating them for the cost of the weapons. When some resisted, government forces started firing into Indians, some of which fought back with whatever they had. Hundreds of Women and children were killed. | Cause: Govt (7th Cavalry) Motive: ⬅️ Left [3] 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Chicago (avg month)2021 Victims: 297 (66 / 231) Tools: Pistols (mostly) |
How much do Democrat policies of strict gun control, soft on crime (ignoring gang activity), social justice all help with murders? Use average MONTHLY shootings in Chicago (2021) as a baseline. If other cities and states copied what 87 years of Democrat controlled Chicago has given us, maybe they could achieve these levels of utopia. | Cause: ![]() Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Boston Marathon2013 Victims: 267 (3 / 264) Tools: Bombs (Pressure Cookers) |
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (28) - Muslim Democrats sets off two Pressure Cooker Bombs as revenge for Iraq, after Russia had specifically warned the U.S. in a letter about the Tsarnaevs. The FSB had asked the FBI and the CIA to look carefully into Tamerlan Tsarnaev. | Cause: ☪️ Islamic Terrorism Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Mountain Meadows Massacre1857 Victims: 147 (130 / 17) Tools: Guns & Knives |
Mormon persecution lead to suspicion and paranoia, and after some animals (and people) were alleged poisoned, and during a time when a Democrat President was agitating the mormons with the U.S. military, they wiped out a Wagon train (the Baker–Fancher party). There's a lot of fuzziness on whether it was sanctioned by Mormon leadership, and whether the rumors about the Baker–Fancher party were true. | Cause: Utah Territorial Militia Motive: ↔️ Both [4] |
Bath School disaster1927 Victims: 103 (45 / 58) Tools: Explosives |
Andrew Kehoe was angry over losing an election, under financial distress of losing his farm partly because of high taxes, so he decided to seek revenge on the town by blowing up the school and killing all the kids. Not all of his bombs went off, and "only" 38 students were killed. 500lbs. of explosives were found in the basement, undetonated. | Cause: Revenge Motive: ❓ Unknown 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Pulse Nightclub2016 Victims: 102 (49 / 53) Tools: Assault Weapon, Pistol |
Omar Mateen (29) - Muslim Democrat goes into a gay bar, explains on the phone to the cops that this is Islamic Terrorism, while the cops wait outside for 2 hours and 30 minutes with him shooting people and the victims bleeding to death. The media blames the gun and can't find any other issues. | Cause: ☪️ Islamic Terrorism Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Waco Siege1993 Victims: 102 (86 / 16) Tools: Teargas, Fire |
The Clinton Administration attacked some religious separatists in a botched show-of-force, that resulted in a siege that showed the Davidian's that the Government was out to get them. The FBI tried to tear gas the Davidian's out (after 51 days), and burned the compound down killing 76 people. | Cause: Govt (ATF/FBI) Motive: ➡️ Right 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Aurora Theater2012 Victims: 82 (12 / 70) Tools: Teargas, Armor, Grenades, Shotgun, Pistol, Assault Weapon |
James Holmes (27) - Guns bought legally with background checks (pistol, shotgun, AR-like), history of mental issues and attempted suicide since Jr. High and history of threatening to kill people, tried to seek help from 3 different professionals including getting disconnected from crisis hotline and mailing his thoughts before shooting spree. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
El Paso2019 Victims: 46 (23 / 23) Tools: Assault Weapon |
Patrick Crusius (21) - Great Replacement Manifesto and his quotes throughout let you know that he's authoritarian left, disliked the right, and attacked Latinos for the environment. He picked a Gun Free Zone, and targeted Latinos so he could do more carnage and get more exposure., El Paso shooter is being portrayed as a far-right terrorist, he's a left leaning socialists that dislikes conservatism. | Cause: Green Nationalism (GRT) Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Robb Elementary2022 Victims: 40 (22 / 18) Tools: Assault Weapon |
Salvador Ramos (18) - Transgendered troubled democrat kid (with many past warnings), shoots up Robb Elementary School. Police take ≈90 minutes to go in on an active shooter, while the kids bled to death and were shot. An off duty Border Patrol agent went in on his own with a borrowed shotgun and stopped it. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Illness Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Heavens Gate1997 Victims: 39 (39 / 0) Tools: Plastic bags |
Marshall Applewhite (65) - University Music Professor Marshall Applewhite founded a mystical cult around extraterrestrials, and the idea that aliens on the Hale-Bopp comet would provide them new bodies if they freed their spirits (killed themselves) for the ride. They showed that you don't need guns to kill a lot of people. | Cause: 🤪 Cult Motive: ❓ Unknown 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Sandy Hook2012 Victims: 30 (28 / 2) Tools: Pistol, Assault Rifle |
Adam Lanza (20) - History of mental illness (aspergers, OCD, anorexia, depression), on anti-depressants, cut-off communication with everyone, fascination with violent video games and mass murders (including Columbine). Guns stolen illegally from Mom (killed her first). Knew the safety procedures and went room to room shooting kids, then suicide. | Cause: ❓Unknown Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Club Q2022 Victims: 23 (5 / 18) Tools: Handgun, Rifle |
After multiple ignored warnings and failing to prosecute for 5-6 felonies, failing to use the Red Flag Laws, Anderson Lee Aldrich (22), Shoots up a Drag Queen LGBT club. The far left and their media blames the gun and conservatives -- which of course did nothing to encourage violence. But it distracts from their failures to prosecute. | Cause: Unknown Motive: Unknown 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Gilroy Garlic Festival2019 Victims: 21 (4 / 17) Tools: Rifle |
Santino William Legan (19) - it appears Santino Legan used wire-cutters to get into the Gilroy Garlic Festival, and opened fire, killing 4 and injuring 15 before getting shot by cops. During the shooting someone yelled, "why are you doing this", and he yelled back, "Because I'm really angry!" California has every gun control they can imagine, and this was a gun free zone with metal detectors and personal scans, and still this happens there (at least 35 times in California). I've been to this festival a few times, as it is about 30 minutes down the road and I was in town when it happened. | Cause: ❓Unknown Motive: ❓ Unknown 🚫 Gun Free Zone 🕊️ Gun Control State |
Gabby Giffords (Tucson)2011 Victims: 19 (6 / 13) Tools: Pistol, Knife |
Jared Lee Loughner (26) - Known drug and alcohol abuser with history of mental issues and arrests, suspended from college (sent a letter to his parents for his disruptions), rabid fan of Zeitgeist: The Movie, sent letter threatening to assassinate Gifford and attended her events. Left a message on friends answering machine and on myspace, was stopped for running a red-light, then took a cab to event where he shot Gabby Giffords. Stopped by Joseph Zamudio a CCW holder. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Binghamton2009 Victims: 18 (14 / 4) Tools: Pistol, Body Armor |
Jiverly Antares Wong (41) - ![]() |
Cause: 🤪 Mental Health Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone 🕊️ Gun Control State |
Geneva County2009 Victims: 17 (11 / 6) Tools: Pistol, Car, Assault Rifle |
Michael Kenneth McLendon (28) - Wrote a grievances letter about people that had wronged him and his Mom, after washing out of Cops/Marines. Quit his job week before. Drove around and killed parents, cousins, Grandparents (their dogs), shot at passers by from his car. Suicide when cornered. Ironically, National Guard helped stop shooting, but was in violation of Posse Comitatus Act. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health Motive: ❓Unknown |
Buffalo2022 Victims: 13 (10 / 3) Tools: Assault Weapon |
Payton Grendon (18) - Great Replacement Manifesto and his quotes throughout let you know that he's authoritarian left, disliked the right. He chose assault weapon over more effective bombs because he'd get more press/reward. He picked a Gun Free Zone in a gun control state so he could do more carnage. And targeted blacks because the media would magnify his attention/exposure., Buffalo shooter is being portrayed as a far-right terrorist, he's a left leaning socialists that dislikes conservatism. | Cause: Green Nationalism/GRT Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone 🕊️ Gun Control State |
Collier Township2009 Victims: 13 (4 / 9) Tools: Pistols |
George A. Sodini (48) - Frustrated tech worker at a law firm had this "exit plan" for revenge over sexual and social rejection -- shooting up a women's aerobics class at the LA Fitness. There were warning signs, like a prior note, and an incident where he brought an inert grenade on a Port Authority bus. Suicide. He's sort of recognized by the incel movement (involuntary celibates). | Cause: Revenge / Incel Motive: ❓Unknown |
Charleston Church2015 Victims: 10 (9 / 1) Tools: Pistol |
Dylan Roof (24) - High school drop-out, multiple warning signs including arrests for drugs and trespassing, on anti-depressants (Xanax), avid video game player. He was radicalized over black on white violence after the media/President sensationalized Trayvon Martin and other racial hate crimes: and responded to the perceived race-war by attacking back. Contributing factors include games, violence and media/Obama's sensationalizing of racial crimes and shootings. | Cause: Revenge/Racism Motive: ❓Unknown 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Congressional Baseball2011 Victims: 7 (1 / 6) Tools: Pistol, Knife |
James T. Hodgkinson (66) - Homeless Bernie Sanders and SPLC super fan, with a history of crimes, tried to assassinate a bunch of Republicans playing baseball. He shot U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R), Matt Mika, Zack Barth, and killed U.S. Capitol police officer Crystal Griner. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Ruby Ridge1992 Victims: 5 (3 / 2) Tools: Guns |
U.S. Government Agents (FBI/ATF) railroaded a guy to try to make him an informant. When he refused, they spied on him, got caught, got in a shootout, caused a siege, killed his wife, child and dog, then hid evidence of their malfeasance. Later got scolded in an investigation, and settled a civil suit for $3.1M. | Cause: Govt (ATF/FBI) Motive: ⬅️ Left [5] |
UVA Shooting2022 Victims: 5 (3 / 2) Tools: Handgun |
After multiple ignored warnings, a bullied black football player (Christopher Darnell Jones, 22) with record of problems that were ignored, finally opens fire on a bus, killing 3 and wounding 2 of his teammates for picking on him. Media blames the gun. | Cause: Revenge/Bullying Motive: Revenge/Bullying 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Idaho Mass Murder2022 Victims: 4 (4 / 0) Tools: Kabar Knife |
Same day as UVA_Shooting 4 students found dead in University of Idaho, stabbed to death. More bodies, dramatically less media interest. It wasn't a gun, so the left doesn't care that they died. | Cause: Unknown Motive: Unknown 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
FRC Shooting2012 Victims: 1 (0 / 1) Tools: Pistol, Chik-fil-a |
Floyd Lee Corkins (29) - 🇺🇲 Washington, DC: Floyd Lee Corkins was a gay activist who was triggered by the SPLC list of hate groups. So he went to the one: the near-by Family Research Council. He took a handgun, two extra magazines of ammo, and sandwiches from Chick-fil-A to smear in the faces of his victims and opened fire at the local FRC office., Gay activist was triggered by the SPLC list of hate groups, took a handgun, two extra magazines of ammo, and sandwiches from Chick-fil-A to smear in the faces of his victims and opened fire at the local FRC office. Fortunately he only hit one security guard who disarmed and apprehended him. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone |
Carthage Nursing Home2009 Dead: 8/3 Tools: Pistols, Shotguns |
Robert Stewart (45) - Unemployed painter and ex-national guardsman. History of physical and substance abuse (drinking), violent temper, and possessiveness. He went after his estranged wife at the nursing home she worked at, shooting patients (and 1 staff member) along the way. Tried to commit suicide by cop, but was only wounded. | Cause: Revenge Motive: ❓ Unknown |
Hialeah shooting2013 Dead: 7/0 Tools: Fire, Pistol |
Pedro Vargas (42) - Fired from Miami-Dade University, history of asocial behavior, sent multiple threatening emails over years. Basically, this seems to be asocial guy, ostracized by society, and just snapped and lit his apartment ablaze, opened fire from his balcony, and was finally taken out when good guns arrived on the scene (SWAT). History of steroid use, but no evidence it was a contributing factor. | Cause: 🤪 Crazy / Rage Motive: ⬅️ Left? (Miami Cuban) |
Seal Beach2011 Dead: 8/1 Tools: Pistols, Armor |
Scott Dekraai (42) - Bitter divorce (history of abuse), restraining order filed against him barring him from possessing firearms, history of rage, PTSD and manic. He felt his son was being taken from him, so he went into Salon and shot people wearing body armor (illegal in California). Legality of guns unknown (3 pistols: 9mm, .45, revolver). Prosecutorial misconduct took the death penalty off the table. | Cause: Divorce/Depression Motive: ❓Unkown 🕊️ Strict Gun Control State |
UCSB - Isla Vista2014 Dead: 7/15 Tools: Car, Knife, Pistol |
Elliot Rodger (22) - History of seeing therapists and on anti-psychotics, had warning the night before with an upload of a video saying what he would do and why, Police were called, he also posted a manifesto. He killed women for isolating him and not sleeping w/him. Shot himself when cops got there. | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health (Incel) Motive: ⬅️ Left 🚫 Gun Free Zone 🕊️ Gun Control State |
iHOP2011 Dead: 5/7 Tools: Illegal Assault Rifle |
Eduardo Sencion (32) - History of paranoid schizophrenia, but no anti-psychotics in his system, was bankrupt, walked into iHop started shooting national guardsman first (other patrons later). Suicide as cops came. (He used an AK style weapon). | Cause: 🤪 Mental Health Motive: ⬅️ Left |
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
The first thing you need to know is the breakdown of Mass shootings in the U.S. (using the most comprehensive study, the FBI study that looked at 2000-2013), and a summary is:
- 160 events (6 were females)
- averaging 11 events a year
- the average "active shooter" kills 3 people over about 5 minutes, and doesn't even need to reload (most have more than one gun)
- 70% focused on "gun free zones" (businesses or schools)
- 67% of the time it ended before police arrived because, the shooter fled, committed suicide, or a citizen intervened
- 40% ended with the perpetrator committing suicide (and most of the time the shooter committed suicide or fled is because civilians intervened)
- In the last 100 shootings the average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 14.29, when stopped by a civilian it is 2.33
🔗 More
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🔗 Links
- https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2014/september/fbi-releases-study-on-active-shooter-incidents/pdfs/a-study-of-active-shooter-incidents-in-the-u.s.-between-2000-and-2013
- http://dailyanarchist.com/2012/07/31/auditing-shooting-rampage-statistics/
Tags: Main Page Guns Mass Murder by Country Mass Murder/all
- ↑ The KKK was the militant/terrorist wing of the DNC.
- ↑ Trans-racial Marxist, Strong Democrat supporter and bundler, friends of Carters and SF Democrats
- ↑ While William Harrison (R) was President at the time, the Indian relocation had been started and championed by Democrats.
- ↑ Basically, it was a subset of persecuted Mormon separatists behaving badly, after a Democrat President made things worse.
- ↑ Anti-gun Clinton/Reno were "applying pressure" to separatists in red states.