Wall Street Bombing

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< U.S. Massacres
U.S. MassacresWall Street Bombing
Wall Street Bombing1920-09-16
Victims: 438 (38 / 400)
Tools: Explosives
The deadliest terror attack up to that date, was when a horse-drawn wagon with 100 lbs of dynamite and cast iron weights was detonated in front of J.P. Morgan bank on Wall Street. It was likely done by anti-Capitalists (leftist Galleanists or other militant socialists active at the time). Cause: Anti-capitalists
Motive: ⬅️ Left

The deadliest terror attack up to that date, was when a horse-drawn wagon with 100 lbs of dynamite and cast iron weights was detonated in front of J.P. Morgan bank on Wall Street. It was likely done by anti-Capitalists (leftist Galleanists or other militant socialists active at the time).


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