Dylan Roof

From iGeek
U.S._Massacres/Charleston Church
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2015-06-17 

U.S._Massacres/Charleston Church • [1 items]

Charleston Church2015
Victims: 10 (9 / 1)
Tools: Pistol
Dylan Roof (24) - High school drop-out, multiple warning signs including arrests for drugs and trespassing, on anti-depressants (Xanax), avid video game player. He was radicalized over black on white violence after the media/President sensationalized Trayvon Martin and other racial hate crimes: and responded to the perceived race-war by attacking back. Contributing factors include games, violence and media/Obama's sensationalizing of racial crimes and shootings. Cause: Revenge/Racism
Motive: ❓Unknown
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Charleston Church

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