From iGeek
This is a list of "alternate science": things that some claim is science, but isn't.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-10-15 |
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For more condensed summaries: Alt-Science (small). |
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Left | Right |
It's so hard for the superior liberals to have an intellectual discussion with the other side, because conservatives, religion and Republicans are so illogical and anti-science that they can't be reasoned with. The right would replace science with superstition (aka Religion), so you can't trust them. The left wants progress, and the way to get it is to scare the masses into believing that if they don't change NOW, something bad will happen (usually the end of the world or civilization). They're either behind, or at least support, most of the big scares and conspiracy theories, because fear sells their agenda. | Democrats exceeds Republicans on being anti-science on the following topics. I keep looking for ones that go the other way, and there certainly are a few, but they are much more illusive.
Facts[edit | edit source]
ποΈ Note: |
The right isn't immune to being anti-science, it's just that democrats/left/media pretends they are better, when the informed know that as a group, they definitely are worse. Of course I treat individuals as individuals and not a group, but any democrat/leftist individual that broad brushes conservatives for being anti-science is demonstrating selective vision. |
- The left likes to pretend that the Republicans are anti-Science party, and that the Democrats are pro-Science. But while there are pro and anti-science people on both sides of the aisle, facts show that Democrats/Left will put agenda above anything (Family, Country, or Science) far more often or vocally than the Conservative/Right.
- Q: What do you get when you cross science and politics? A: Politics. Putting the politicians in control of science funding (running funding from the Federal government), is politicizing science. Who wants more central control of Science?
- Much of the real fight is about using Science funding to advance a political agenda; a proxy war for causes that the Left/Democrats/media support, and the right and public opposes, so they use faux Science as the excuse for force. You get what you incentivize. If you care about real science, you should support taking the politics (and politicians money) out of "science".
- You can tell who is more anti-Science by just arguing facts and see how they respond to data that doesn't fit their agenda. Do they appeal to emotion (or use emotional arguments), or appeal to facts/data? Do they want more debate and both sides, or to "fact check" / censor the opposition? Does new information cause view revision, or do they attack the apostate? The left was called bleeding-heart and knee-jerk for reasons: appeals to emotion and demand for action before understanding is anti-science, and works better on the left than the right.
βΆ Examples
Alt-Science, Left Lies β’ [36 items]- Alt-Economics - These are the lies (alternate economics) that are told by Fake Economists of the left, and repeated by their rubes and polemics.
- Alt-Science - This is a list of "alternate science": things that some claim is science, but isn't.
- BMI - BMI doesn't differentiate between muscle and fat. A moronic weight to height ratio tells little about health or fitness.
- Beepocalypse - There was this huge scam that the bees were all dying, and it was going to be the end us of all.
- Biofuels - Biofuels are an anti-science flam-flam on the gullible, wasting food, wasting land, polluting, defrauding taxpayers.
- Black Conspiracy Theology - I'm not black, but my Step-Dad is black, I did live and work in black communities.
- Carpool lanes - These cost Cal $2.5B+, a 20% capacity loss, increased pollution, decreased carpooling, and increased injuries (50%+).
- Climate - The Climate is always change, the debate is over the cause and consequences. Where there's no debate, there's no science.
- Colonoscopy - Colonoscopy has been touted as something everyone should do, and best way to reduce risk. May be debunked.
- Environment - I'm pro-environment myself, just anti-environmental-scarism.
- Evolution and Creation - The views are more mixed than many (left/media) pretend. And I'm OK with that, because I'm not an asshole.
- Gender Wage Gap - If you adjust for things like occupational choices, experience, employment gaps, hours worked, and so on, there is no pay-gap.
- Gender is a choice - Gender is not a choice. I'll play make believe to be tolerant to trans folks, but knowing reality is not a phobia/hate.
- Global Cooling Scare - The dishonest, partisan and uninformed downplay the Global Cooling craze of the 1970's, because it makes them look bad.
- Green Energy - The left believes that Green Energy exists, it's cheaper, and could provide all our power needs. Pure ignorance.
- Hydroxychloroquine - Hydroxychloroquine showed great early results in some prelim studies.
- Keynes - A microeconomist that got a few things right in the little picture, but got virtually everything wrong in the big picture.
- Life Begins at... - Science says life begins at conception. Period. Now where should a human life get rights/protection?
- Light Rail - In a vacuum, Light rail sounds great: trains are efficient, comfortable, and just fun. But we don't live in a vacuum.
- Nuclear Energy - The safest and greenest form of energy on the planet... and the environmentalist left has always opposed it.
- Organic food fraud - Is Organic food better for you or the environment? It depends. There are tradeoffs.
- Paranormal beliefs - What do Astrology, UFOs, Ghosts have in common? Twice as many Democrats believe in them as Republicans.
- Peak Oil Theory - M King Hubbert predicted oil production to peak globally around 1986, it's now expected after 2050. Be skeptical of Chicken Little.
- Plastic Bag Bans - Plastic Bag Bans are anti-environmentalism, anti-economics, and hurts people, and the left loves them.
- Recycling - Recycling is not a panacea often increasing pollution, waste, taxes, and government control over our lives.
- Science and Religion - When you mix Science and Politics, you get politics.
- Secondhand Drinking - Along comes secondhand drinking... which harms 53M Americans? Progressivism is a mental disorder.
- Secondhand Smoke - Secondhand smoke exists, but the effects are so exaggerated as to be Junk Science (the EPA's "Study" is debunked).
- Sexology - The foundations of sex research can summed up as perverts distorting data to normalize their perversions.
- Smoking - Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, to the point of being anti-Science.
- Smoking and Healthcare costs - An anti-smoking rationalization was that smoking increased healthcare costs, only it saves costs.
- Straw Bans - Anti-Science Straw Bans are the epitome of California's intolerance towards right-thinking humans. (Copy-catted elsewhere).
- The Population Bomb - Marxist-sponsored hippie environmentalists re-invented the Malthusian catastrophe, and the only solution was Marxism.
- Unintended Consequences - Every action causes a reaction. Many reactions/consequences are counter productive and make the problem worse.
- War on Science - "War on Science" is a fraud so the left can funnel money to special interests posing as Scientists.
- Wind Power - The best thing you can say about Wind Power is that it's less wasteful and more reliable than Solar Power.
βΌ Examples
- Alt-Economics - These are alternate-reality economics that Fake Economists (usually leftist polemics) tell each other and their base. AKA Leftonomics. Never blame on malice that which is more easily explained by incompetence. But when you are an "expert" that knows the facts and repeat the fabrications anyways? Then malice (dishonesty) is all that's left. They know better.
- Alt-Science - There's real science, and there's "politically correct" alternate science. If you believe any of the left narratives, without understanding the context, whole truth, what they're leaving out or just lying about, then you don't know real science. I first learned this in 5th Grade, and my life was never the same.
- BMI - BMI (Body Mass Index) doesn't differentiate between muscle and fat. A moronic weight to height ratio tells little about health or fitness, and flags many athletes as obese. But it was used by leftist politicians to talk about our overweight crisis and try to beg up money and power to fix it (e.g. control the population under a false premise).
- Beepocalypse - There was this huge scam (perpetuated by the left) for many years that bees were dying, and it was going to be the end us of all, because bees were so important to the ecosystem. Colony Collapse Disorder was sensationalized as the greatest threat to humanity since Nuclear weapons. A decade later, nothing had happened and most had forgotten the media's sensationalism.
- Biofuels - Biofuels are an anti-science flam-flam on the gullible, usually done by the left (though some farmers who like subsidies are fans too). The idea is to take land that you could be using to feed people (either directly or feeding animals we eat), and convert it and valuable water resources into growing fuel instead.
- Black Conspiracy Theology - I'm not black, but my Step-Dad is and I lived and worked in black communities. I saw the disenfranchisement, distrust, and their gossip circles and echo chambers. (Rumors and conspiracies over facts). And the DNC either starts, fosters or panders to many of these wacky views of America or the world, feeding the hate/unrest for votes.
- Carpool lanes - These monstrosities cost California $2.5B+, a 20% capacity loss, increased pollution, decreased carpooling, and increased injuries 50%+ (frequency and severity). It turns out a high speed lane right next to a parking lot increases accidents and injury on entry/exit, and not allowing drivers to use the entire road only decreases traffic flow from optimum.
- Climate - There's evidence to support at least some of both sides points (or severity) on man-made Climate Change. There is no consensus, and science is skepticism not consensus. We need nuance, discussion, debate and enough intellectual curiosity to be open to answers that don't fit your preconceptions (Bias).
- Colonoscopy - Colonoscopy has been touted as something everyone should do, and best way to reduce risk. But the largest/best study to date shows no reduction in deaths due to colon cancer. Much of the world is reluctant to waste time/money on this invasive procedure, when cheaper and less invasive stool sampling is nearly as good (and more likely to be done).
- Environment - This article is about the Environment and Environmental issues.... and since I'm a but of a skeptic and counter-culture person, many (most) of the articles are going to have a spin about things that people think they are doing that's good, but isn't, or things that pretend to help but actually harm the environment, or the frauds that foist this bullshit on their base.
- Evolution and Creation - The theory of evolution still has some holes, but I generally believe in it. But there needs to be humility and room for others views. And it turns out while the left mocks the right for being backwards/creationists, it crosses party lines. And believing without understanding isn't science it's just a religion that blindly believes the elites.
- Gender Wage Gap - This one is many myths (lies) in one: (a) Women get $.77-.82 cents on the dollar compared to what men make (this injustice is called the "Gender wage/pay gap" or GWG) (b) We need big government (politicians) and new laws/regulations/taxes to fix it (c) Democrat politicians motives are all sincere, anyone that opposes is a sexist/misogynistic/bigot. All false, and debunked here.
- Gender is a choice - Gender is not a choice. While I choose to play along, and love the individual (no matter their malady), demanding that I (or others) deny reality is hate and intolerance. Demanding that we pretend men and women don't have physiological difference at the pro-athlete level is anti-science and out of touch with reality.
- Global Cooling Scare - Many downplay the Global Cooling craze of the 1970's, but it was a real, large and popular movement based on the "Scientific Consensus" of the day, and was sensationalized by the media. When the temp trends flipped, they flipped too: same cause, same cure -- man is to blame, we need Marxism to save us. So says the Marxists and their flock.
- Green Energy - Green Energy: doesn't exist, isn't cheaper, and can't provide all our power needs. Solar and Wind is unreliable, space inefficient and is expensive if you remember to add in the costs of over-capacity, backup plants, and storage. Cheap and reliable forms of Green Energy are: Nuclear, Hydroelectric and Geothermal: the left opposes adoption of these greener energy solutions.
- Hydroxychloroquine - Hydroxychloroquine (or Chloroquine) showed great early results in some prelim studies and some top international epidemiologists and field doctors were touting its success. So President Trump cautiously mentioned it as a promising treatment. The media/left turned against it in hopes that more would die under his watch. And they succeeded.
- Keynes - While his micro-economic theories worked, he had all of his Macro-economic theories that we could tax ourselves into prosperity proven wrong by history, and explained why by Hayek. Staglation (1970s) couldn't happen in his models. The left still believes that Keynesianism works. Real economists do not.
- Life Begins at... - Science says life begins at conception... But that doesn't mean (to me) that's when a human being should get all rights and privileges conferred on them. That's a greyer area. I tend to think the extremes are likely wrong, but I only have a problem with it, if they can't talk about it, or leave room for any other views except their own.
- Light Rail - In the real world Light Rail doesn't work: it costs more, increases fares, does less, increases total travel time, reduces rider overall and from other services, slows other traffic, increases pollution, and thus supporting them is anti-environment, anti-economics and anti-science. But cities promise they'll make up those losses in volume. They never do.
- Nuclear Energy - Nuclear power is one of the safest and greenest form of energy on the planet: and the environmentalist left has always opposed it. The left got over 120 reactors blocked or cancelled in the U.S. so we stayed on fossil fuels and coal for that power instead. That was not about the environment, and it was anti-Science.
- Organic food fraud - Is Organic food better for you or the environment? It depends. Usually it replaces controlled chemical dosages (medicines for plant, soil and pests) with organic herbal remedies. Some work, some don't. For some crops it doesn't matter, for some it does. Generally, it takes more land to get the same yield, which means worse for the environment. There are tradeoffs.
- Paranormal beliefs - What do Astrology, UFOs, Ghosts have in common? Twice as many Democrats believe in them as Republicans. 50% more believe in: reincarnation, fortune telling, the Bermuda Triangle, spiritual energy. (Usually this is like 20% of republicans and more like 30-40% of Democrats).
- Peak Oil Theory - In the mid 50βs M King Hubbert plotted out oil production and said we would peak in the U.S. between 1965-1970, and in the world by 1986, so we needed to give government control to save us. Advances in discovery have resulted in at least 2050 until we expect to supply peak -- assuming no further advancements. Demand peak may already be on the decline, well before we ever consumed all the supply.
- Plastic Bag Bans - Plastic Bag Bans are Anti-Science. Cloth bags carry disease and takes hundreds or thousands of uses to hit break-even, but they break down after about β50 uses. So reusable bags are bad for the environment, bad for people (sickness), and most of all, it bad for liberty/tolerance (trusting people to make their own choices): it teaches conformity over common sense.
- Recycling - Recycling is not the panacea that some think it is, it is about teaching the gullible to follow without question, while increasing pollution, waste, taxes, and government control over our lives. That's not conspiracy, these are just facts. But still the gullible trained proles follow out of ignorance or virtue signaling as a demonstration of symbolism over substance -- they put their agenda above science.
- Science and Religion - The lines between Science and Religion are becoming blurred. Especially with the left's Alternate Science. When you mix Science and Politics, you get politics. When you mix Science and strong political beliefs, you get a religion. Science is skepticism and questioning, Fascism is consensus.
- Secondhand Drinking - As if the threats of secondhand smoking weren't enough moral preening to rationalize hectoring everyone around you for their lack of virtues, along comes secondhand drinking (which harms 53M Americans). I shit thee not. How long until that gets the left to champion bringing back prohibition?
- Secondhand Smoke - The left's war on liberty (and the battle against smokers) wasn't working fast enough (despite exaggerations and fear mongering), so they magnified the Junk Science (exaggerations) on smoking to include "second hand smoke". Which also gets debunked, but takes years or decades, while the lies have immediate effect.
- Sexology - The foundations of sex research can summed up as perverts distorting data to normalize their perversions. Magnus Hirschfeld, Alfred_Kinsey were both homosexuals with some sexual deviancies that got them interested in the field, and their agenda was to destroy social-sexual norms, to convince the gullible that deviancy was normal.
- Smoking - Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, as proven by the intolerance of progressive areas (California, Oregon, Washington, NY, Mass., etc). Of course that's anti-Science. While smoking isn't healthy it's not as unhealthy as a bad genes, not exercising, bad diet, or bad attitude (stress).
- Smoking and Healthcare costs - An argument used to justify anti-smoking laws was that smoking increases healthcare costs -- as if that meant that it was OK for the government to then tell you what you can do with your body as a cost savings measure. In truth, most healthcare costs are late in life, and smokers die quicker and thus cheaper than everyone else. So it's a cost benefit.
- Straw Bans - Banning Plastic Straws (and cocktail sticks) is ignorance-based virtue signaling. 10 rivers (8 in Asia, 2 in Africa) are responsible for 95% of the plastic pollution in the Oceans. The rest of the world is 5%; the U.S. ranks 20th on that list. California decided that banning plastic straws would help with 0.002% of the problem, so they're willing to annoy everyone for a symbolic cause with no benefit and significant harm.
- The Population Bomb - Marxist-sponsored hippie environmentalists re-invented the Malthusian catastrophe as "The Population Bomb". This suicide cult believed that if we don't give the government supreme power to enact compulsory population control, then there would be mass starvation and war by the early 1980s. It didn't happen. But they assure us that Marxism is the only cure for what's coming any day now.
- Unintended Consequences - Every action causes a reaction. Some reactions are pleasant surprises, many are negatives, some are counter productive (perverse) and make the problem worse. Since consequences matter more than intentions, we have a social obligation to plan for them (and avoid them).
- War on Science - "War on Science" is about money and corruption. The media and left wants an unlimited purse to funnel money to special interests and political supporters, posing as Scientists, in the name of science. To use the false flag of "Science" to further their alt-science agenda.
- Wind Power - The best thing you can say about Wind Power is that it's less wasteful and inefficient than Solar Power -- but that doesn't mean much. Those that are proponents are usually the least informed on the topic, and they'll talk about how great it is in cost/MWh of generation, without being able to do basic economics on total costs.
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- Democrats think Muslims have it worse in America, than Christians have it in the muslim world:
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- Right wing anti-vaxxers: Bill Maher, Jenny McCarthy, Alicia Silverstone, Mayim Bialik, Charlie Sheen, Jim Carrey, Kristin Cavallari, Holly Robinson Peete, Aidan Quinn, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Lisa Bonet
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- Republicans are more scientifically literate than Democrats:
- Libertarians are more scientifically literate than both
- By being more tribal, their sense of belonging is based on consensus more than truth:
Tags: The Left Lies Left Lies Alt-Science Party of fear Alt-Reality