This is a list of "alternate science": things that some claim is science, but isn't.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-10-15 |
Left | Right | Image | |
COVID Masks | COVID Masks - people caught COVID despite no known direct contact: so it is particulate based, transmitted through surfaces, and asymptomatic spread, and Masks (and Mask mandates) save lives. | Asymptomatic spread is rare, COVID is transmitted through aerosols (not surface/particulates), that's why it spread through unknown contact. Thus masks had little positive effect and many negative ones: distracting us from more effective action and dividing America (causing infighting) between the informed/skeptical and the blind following Karen's. | |
Alt-Economics | If you listen to the left, nobody stands a chance of getting ahead because the system is rigged, and everyone who disagrees with them must hate people and want to hold them down. Every issue they touch is about dividing us (by color, gender or class/income), and trying to teach fear of not enough government protecting us from life. It's all about fear.
| The reality is that life is unfair. But do you want government to "redistribute" in the name of fairness, or do you think people should have free will? Countries that put politicians in charge of redistribution get stack-ranked by political pedigree, schools, victimhood status and things other than merit: opportunities for the non-connected evaporate. So it's not fair that some people start with more advantage... but it's more unfair to punish people for that... and have political thugs decide who is worthy of what. | |
BMI | BMI shows that obesity is a huge problem in the U.S., and we need more power/government to fix it. | While Americans (and all populations) are trending more overweight, BMI is junk science, and was abuse to scare the gullible and empower the corrupt. | |
Beepocalypse | Bee Colonoly Collapse disorder is going to destroy aggriculture and is a crisis. (With various leftist excuses for why: pesticides, global warming, and so on). | A decade later, we have more bees than ever, and while it's true a few hives just shut down and we aren't sure why, they are easy to replace. And the scaremongering once against failed to predict the adaptibility of markets. | |
Biofuels | Biofuels are clean and "green" and will help save the planet; from moss/algae, to bio-diesel, ethanol; it's all part of a greener world. | Converting land and calories in petroleum alternatives (alcohol, vegetable oil), is less efficient, more expensive and more polluting than fossil fuels. But it gives government/left an excuse to 'remake' things, and the food shortages cause another crisis to exploit. | |
Black Conspiracy Theology | Since black americans are all victims of white oppression, we can't talk about what many of them believe or why. We need to defend them against the White Patriarchy, no matter how corrupt, absurd, violent. | Many things coming out of the black community are bullshit and anti-Science. Like BLMs belief that blacks are being massacred for their skin color, OJ was innocent, the Tuskegee Experiment was about race, more blacks died in Vietnam than whites, and so on. Nobody is trying to sterlize blacks using friend chicken franchizes, no matter how many Democrats believe it. | |
COVID Death Rates | COVID/Science/Death Rates - COVID had as 3.4% death rate. 2.2M Americans are going to die. If you catch it, you will be hospitalized. If you are hospitalized, you will go on a ventilator and die -- because we don't have enough capacity to help. | COVID death rate is 1/10th to 1/100th of what the WHO claimed. People were terrorize by the disinformation (polls showed they had no idea how high the survivability rate was). And those who tried to correct the record were bullied, censored or fired. It was a psychological terror campaign by the far left for various political agendas. | |
COVID Shutdown | The shutdowns were enacted as "14 days to flatten the curve", to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed (especially ventilators). | Once enacted the far left wouldn't let the shutdown end. Millions of jobs lost, suicides, depressions. Ventilators were shown as one of the worst ways to treat COVID, so the problem wasn't a lack of them, but abuse of them. Only after conservative places (Red States) ignored the lockdowns and outperformed the progressive places (Blue States), for months, and were called Neanderthals and murders, did the fascist left have to cave. Remember, without the liberty of conservatives ignoring progressives, we'd still be locked down: despite the science showing what a bad idea they were. | |
COVID Trump | According to the far left media, social media, and DNC, everything Trump said was wrong, like Operation Warp Speed would get a vaccine before the end of 2020, Hydroxychloroquine had no evidence, other drugs like Remdesivir or Ivermectin were false hope, that COVID originated in China, that the travel ban was racist, that it might have originated in a lab, that Trump had claimed COVID was a Hoax, or was too slow to respond, that lack of testing was his fault, or it would have helped, and so on. | In truth, each of those things was later proven that Trump and the conservatives were correct, and that the leftists, Biden, and their Press (and Social Media and Fake Fact Checkers) were all embarrassingly wrong. | |
Carpool lanes | Carpool lanes are great, they reduce pollution, reward environmentalism, and make the world a better place | They wasted billions, reduced road capacity (increase pollution), decrease carpooling, increase injuries. | |
Climate | CO2 is causing the climate to warm, we’re near a tipping point: 97% of scientists say so. And the earth is doomed if we don’t accept carbon taxes, green energy and stop using fossil fuels immediately. The Green New Deal would be our salvation. Even free speech shouldn't apply to Climate change deniers, with efforts to arrest those scientists and pundits that disagree with the newspeak | The climate is changing because it’s always changing, the models are inconclusive. Science isn’t consensus and the studies that claim consensus are junk-science. Since the climate models are undeniably broken, and CO2 has been proven not to be as much of a forcing factor as expected, we’re near an all time low in global temperature, warming has historically been good for humanity, and those screaming the loudest have a history of being wrong. We need to study more before overreacting: and fossil fuels have done more to decrease pollution than to harm us. And many famous scientists think this stuff is overblown. You don't win scientific arguments through suppression of facts/arguments you don't like. | |
Colonoscopy | Colonoscopy has been touted as something everyone should do, and widespread screening is the best way to reduce colon cancer death risk. Everyone should get one. | The largest/best study to date shows no reduction in deaths due to colonoscopy versus alternatives. Much of the world is reluctant to waste time/money on this invasive procedure, when cheaper and less invasive stool sampling is nearly as good (and more likely to be done). | |
Environment | Republicans would destroy the planet or let Corporations do it. The Democrats just care more about the future. Look at all the examples of the end of the world. 1978 Backpacking goes bad, 2019.03.02 Gas Guzzling Hypocrisy, Baizuo, Biggest Polluters are exempted from Climate treaties, Bike Lanes increase pollution, California Coastal Commission, Earth Day, Paul R. Ehrlich, Fracking, Green Energy, Green New Deal, Hurricanes, Patrick Moore, Gaylord Nelson, Nuclear Energy, Paris Climate Accord, Solar Power, Tragedy of the commons, Volkswagen emissions scandal, Wind Power. | Republicans and conservatives care about the future, that's part of why they study the mistakes and exaggerations in the past. The left's "change" often has Unintended Consequences, as well as direct impacts. Most of the left's cause of the past have been wrong or overstated. So it's our responsibility to not only help one imaginary group(s) in the future, but to think through the broader economic impacts to the entire economy/groups, not just view everything through the straw of social justice, or that all solutions must look like centralized socialist tyranny. | |
Evolution and Creation | The left believes a lot of silly anti-Science stuff around evolution. Like (a) their side doesn't believe in it (b) that the theory explains everything. | To be pro-Science is to be skeptical, informed, and know what you don't know. Both sides have similar percentage of skeptics, the right just doesn't demand anti-Science conformity as much. | |
Gender Wage Gap | Women make only $0.77 for each $1.00 that men make, because of the misogynistic, women-hating, he-man-club, where sexist pigs run the matriarchy. | When Women are fresh from school they earn as much or more than men, once you adjust for things like occupational choices, experience, employment gaps, hours worked, any pay-gap evaporates. | |
Gender is a choice | Gender is a choice, it's fluid, and if you don't respect that you're a bigot. | Organisms are organized around their sex/gender, and it affects things down to the cellular level. Chomosomes aren't mutable. Body dysphoria is a psychological disorder that can't be fixed with cosmetic surgery, horemones, or a game of make believe. I can respect people and their maladies, without buying into or playing along with their psychosis. | |
Global Cooling Scare | The left/media/science never really believed in Global Cooling. And if they did, it doesn't matter because Science advances. | The left did believe it, and it matters because it shows a pattern; use a made-up crisis to advance your political agenda. Learning from past mistakes means learning how we were wrong, why, and avoiding it in the future by being skeptical. | |
Green Energy | The left believes in Green Energy: that it exists, it's cheaper, and could provide all our power needs, if we just embraced it. | Science says that Solar and Wind is unreliable, space inefficient and highly expensive if you remember to add in the costs of over-capacity, backup plants, and storage (for when they aren't working). The left hates cheap and reliable Greenest Energy: Nuclear, Hydroelectric and Geothermal. | |
Hydroxychloroquine | Hydroxychloroquine had no evidence it could help. Trump was irresponsible by sharing it. People needed more fear, not more hope. | When Trump talked about, multiple prelim-studies, circumstantial evidence and Epidemiologists did believe it helped. Some later studies confirmed it, some contradicted it (but the contradicted were often intentional sabotage studies). Larger/better studies took a year, and it might not have helped as much as some thought. But providing hope and the facts at the moment, was exactly what a President should do. The media/left was irresponsible. | |
Life Begins at... | Life begins at conception for every other mammal and bi-sexed creature, except humans. That doesn't fit the political agenda. So life begins at birth for Humans. Denying that violates a panumbra right not enumerated in the Constitution. | Science says life begins at conception... or at least something like heartbeat, brainwaves or viability... Abortion is a complex moral issue about the rights of the fetus versus the rights of the mother -- but the scientific part isn't very fuzzy. And a panumbra is a political rationalization, not a constitutional protection. | |
Light Rail | Light rail is great, efficient, comfortable, fun, environmental. | In the real world, they're 19th century transportation: expensive, inefficient, less green than alternatives. Unless elevated, they increase commuter congestion (pollution), and ridership is low anywhere that people can afford cars. | |
Nuclear Energy | Nuclear power is dangerous, polluting, and must be stopped. | It is the safest and greenest form of energy we have, and the only one that could viably replace fossil fuels for base power. The left by stopping Nuclear Power cost more CO2 per year, than all the Windmills and Solar Panels will reduce in their lifespans. | |
Organic food fraud | Organic food, better for you, better for the planet. (Especially if you don't know what you're talking about). | Organic is less land efficient, more polluting (replacing organic fertizer with the illnesses they carry, over a few targeted chemicals). | |
Paranormal beliefs | Astrology, UFOs, Ghosts. Twice as many Democrats believe in them as Republicans. | Reincarnation, fortune telling, the Bermuda Triangle, spiritual energy? 50%+ more Democrats than Republicans. | |
Peak Oil Theory | We're going to run out of oil by 1986, and this is going to cause a world catastrophe. | 1986 was Chicken-littleing based on no new discoveries or advancements. We're further away from peak oil now, than when the calamaty was supposed to hit. | |
Plastic Bag Bans | We can help save the planet by banning plastic bags, and using cloth bags instead. | Cloth bags carry disease, takes hundreds (or thousands) of uses to hit break-even, but they break down after about ≈50 uses. Bans did nothing but steal liberty, spread disease, and hurt the planet. | |
Recycling | Recylcing lowers our footprint and can help with CO2 and the planet. | Facts are that many things we "recycle" cost more time/energy than it would to make them, others we can't recycle and just put in landfills. If it's done by market forces, there's generally a net return. When it's done by regulation? There's often a net loss, and no way to fix it. | |
Science and Religion | Follow the Science! We need to give more to Science through big government, and do whatever they tell us! | Science is skepticism. Following what elites tell you is not science, that's religion (or a cult). Politically sponsored science is called politics, not science. Golden rule: follow the money. Scientists will tell you what they're paid to tell you. | |
Secondhand Drinking | Along comes secondhand drinking... which harms 53M Americans? | Progressivism is a mental disorder. They truly claim this, and "Follow the Science". And the gullible gobble it up. | |
Secondhand Smoke | Second hand smoke is deadly, and we need to regulate the shit outta it to save people from themselves. But not so much that it'll hurt tax revenues we get of cigarettes. | The effects of Second Hand smoke were so exaggerated as to be Junk Science (the EPA's "Study" is debunked). By 2010 they finally had some reasonable studies to confirm it did harm, but all the stuff before that was crap. Also, if the left cared, they'd support safer alternatives like vaping. But they oppose those because they don't bring in the tax revenue of cigs. | |
Sexology | Many people are gay or bisexual. That behavior is as normal as cis-gendered. You're born that way. Gender is (or can be) fluid. | Kinsey studies were as perverted as Kinsey, by bad methodology (sampling of hookers, pedophiles, young, deviants). The researchers were biased, and activists pushing an agenda. Much of the things they sold generations on, are far from clear/proven. | |
Smoking and Healthcare costs | Smoking increased healthcare costs, and if we take away your freedom to private healthcare, that's why the public has an interest in regulating smoking! | Actually, smokers (on average) die faster and cheaper than non-smokers, to there's no healthcare cost savings. Since diet, exercise and genetics have bigger impacts on healthcare costs, if you believed the premise, then that rationalization would allow complete tyranny (nation breeding/fitness/controlled diets) in the name of cost savings. | |
Smoking | Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, as proven by the intolerance of progressive areas (California, Oregon, Washington, NY, Mass., etc). Of course that's anti-Science. | While smoking isn't healthy it's not as unhealthy as a bad genes, not exercising, bad diet, or bad attitude (stress). Safer alternatives like vaping are attacked by the left, which would save lives/health. It's not about the habbit, it's about money/power/control. | |
Stem Cell Research | George Bush blocked science for religious reasons when he banned Fetal Stem Cell Research. That's why California had to force their taxpayers to fund it; to prevent science from stagnating because of superstitious kooks. | George Bush was the first President to create guidelines allowing federal funding of Fetal Stem Cell Research. But he followed ethicists guidelines that the 60 current strains were enough, and we shouldn't harvest new ones as better supply and alternative research was showing better results. A decade later, virtually all stem-cell breakthru's were outside of California. | |
Straw Bans | Banning straws would reduce plastic trash in the rivers and oceans, and help save the planet. | There are only a few places that have the problem with plastic waste, and they aren't near America. The alternatives aren't greener. All they did was teach contempt for the law and lawmakers. | |
The Population Bomb | Marxist-sponsored hippie environmentalists re-invented the Malthusian catastrophe. "We need Marxism to save the planet!" | The suicide cult believed that if we don't give the government supreme power to enact compulsory population control, then there would be mass starvation and war by the early 1980s. We didn't, nothing bad happened. If we had, something very bad would have happened. | |
Unintended Consequences | We can fix X by just doing Y, it's simple, just throw money at it. What could go wrong? The left always has the best of intentions, and ignores what the road to hell is paved with. | Historically there are more failures of big-government than successes, and every action has a reaction. Progressives look for all the good that one of their things might do, without considering any of the bad or how people might adapt. Otherwise, the wouldn't be progressive but thoughtful conservatives. | |
War on Science | If you don't fund all the leftist FakeScience used to rationalize their causes, you hate Science! | Politician funded Science is Politics. I don't hate science. I do hate politics masquerading as Science. | |
Wind Power | Windmills are great, cheap electricity, non-polluting, environmentally conscious? We need more, more more! | In the real world, they are unreliable and need backup power plants, they kill birds, have short lifespans, cost tons of CO2 to produce, can't be easily recycled -- and are less "green" and more expensive than many things they replace. |
👁️ See also
- Alt-Science - This is a list of "alternate science": things that some claim is science, but isn't.
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