BLM is the Black Klan, founded by Marxist, using lies and propaganda, with the agenda of division and advancing Marxism.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-12-29 |
Left | Right |
The cops are institutionally racist and look the other way when whites kill innocent blacks like Zimmerman/Trayvon, they shoot unarmed black folks without consequences like "Hands up, don't shoot", Michael Brown -- and the best thing for the black community is to defund the police. | Cops shoot blacks far less than Whites and Latinos relative to violent crime rates, and blacks kill more whites than the other way around. Michael Brown was a thug charging a cop when shot and "hands up, don't shoot" never happened. And Trayvon was shot while on drugs and afer ambushing and attacking a latino dude for preventing him from breaking in houses. And the Fergeson Effect demonstrates that when cops stop policing, blacks suffer the most. |
Foundation[edit source]
Timelines[edit source]
Critical Race Theory[edit source]
Fake Victims[edit source]
If there is such a epidemic of racism and police abuse in America, then where are the good examples? There are a lot of good example of media making up (or magnifying) false-narratives, in order to magnify leftist agendas, violence/division, and increase ratings (profits). Alton Sterling, Jacob Blake, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Henry Louis Gates, Keith Lamont Scott, Paul Krugman, Leonna Hale, Micah Xavier Johnson, Alfred Olango, Rodney King, OJ Simpson, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Valerie Plame The vast majority of the best examples are criminals resisting arrest while armed, the mentally ill brandishing weapons, or far more complex stories than originally sold? If you have good examples then you don't need to embelish, censor people who question the details, or omit facts. Most investigations (by far left cities/politicians) still exonerate most of the cops, the rest were being investigated without the riots anyways. When the data and the political narrative disagree, trust the data. It's amazing how often that disagrees with the mainstream media narrative. I have no dog in this fight beyond caring about civil liberties, but if you have the data or even good anecdotes, please offer them instead of the propaganda garbage being sold to the gullible. Those of us that can do basic research, feel bad for the rest: but not because of racial abuse, but because of those preying on others gullibility. |
Real Victims[edit source]
These are people that were attacked and misrepresented (usually by leftist activists and their propagandist media). Often, attacked because they were white (or misrepresented as white, bigots, sexist, homophones, etc), all to further some leftist agenda of virtue signaling, or inersectional victimhood. If there is so much institutional/systemic abuse, why aren't there better examples, and instead so many of the pilloried turn out to be "not that bad".
Examples[edit | edit source]
- BLM/Baltimore BLM Professors racist tweet - Lawrence Brown, Morgan State University Professor (and BLM agitator) said that "White People Need To Personally Give All Their Money To Black People" to make up for their white privilege.
- BLM/Demanding "Police Free" communities - Alicia Garza (one of the 3 BLM founders) demanded we have "Police Free" communities. This shows their agenda: to empower the criminals and gangs in black communities.
- BLM/Kill all the white babies - BLM Co-Founder (Yusra Khogali) called white people subhuman, called for killing all the white people, and then later revised it to pray to Allah to give her the strength not to kill all the white people.
- BLM/Oakland BBQ offer refused - Oakland PD made an offer to BLM to have a BBQ and meet and greet to improve relations between the community and cops, and Karissa Lewis (one the BLM, Bay Area Chapter organizers) said, "I eat pigs, I don’t eat with them"
- BLM/Torture of mentally handicapped kid - 4 "BLM supporters" tortured a white mentally handicapped Trump supporter in Chicago.
- BLM/Vanderbilt rape case - In the immediate aftermath of George Zimmerman acquittal and the founding of BLM, a group of black football players (on scholarship) brutalized and raped an unconscious girl in Vanderbilt University rape case. The lead assailant (Cory Batey) said while gang raping her, "that's for 400 years of slavery you bitch!"
- Black mob beats white guy for voting for Trump - David Wilcox was beaten (and dragged through the streets) for being a Trump Voter in Chicago. Unlike the later Jussie Smollett case, this assault was a real hate crime in Chicago, and the national media had no interest.
- Michael Brown - A stoned thug strong arm robs a liquor store, jaywalks, then verbally and then physically assaults the cop questioning him (tries to take his gun), when report of Michael's crimes comes over the radio. Michael initially tries to escape, but turns and charge/tackle the cop when he's shot.
- Bubba Wallace and BLM - After the death of George Floyd, Bubba Wallace's was radicalized and started speaking out for BLM causes, and wearing things like a "I Can't Breathe" T-shirt, or running his all black car with "#BlackLivesMatter" added to his livery, to alienate as many white fans as possible.
- Bubba Wallace/BLM - After the death of George Floyd, Wallace's was radicalized and started speaking out for BLM causes, and wearing things like a "I Can't Breathe" T-shirt, or running his all black car with "#BlackLivesMatter" added to his livery, to alienate as many white fans as possible.
- Fake Race/Tekle Sundberg - BLM started making a Fake Race stink about the police shooting of Tekle Sundberg. One of the people involved (Arabella Yarbrough) came forward and pointed out that Tekle shot into her apartment, the cops did the right thing trying to use non-lethals multiple times, but the final solution of sniping the crazy guy (after 6 hours) was the right decision.
- Female anti-bullying ambassador arrested - Shacara McLaurin (the ambassador for "Stomp Out Bullying") and BLM activist was arrested for felony assault at Trump Tower protest for pushing man (74), to the ground (where he hit his head on the cement) in fight over the new President-elect. She claims she's the victim.
- Rudy Giuliani - Rudy Giuliani tenure as mayor of New York, reduced murders, helped Harlem/South Queens, creating hundreds of thousands of minority jobs, all by targeting thuggery (with stop and frisk), especially in black neighborhoods. So the far left and BLM hate him for that.
- Raised Fist - The ✊ Clenched Fist is a symbol of communism/socialism, violence, and revolution going back to the 19th century European monarchies. Starting with the French Revolution (King Louis-Philippe), then Socialist/Communist Organizations in the American, German Communists Movement (in the early 1900s). It makes sense that Marxist Black/Women's and Antifa movements hijacked it.
- Reuters Datascientist fired for anti-BLM - Zac Kriegman (Director of Data science) did an investigation of BLM data and documented the fraud, so was fired for the temerity, to tell the truth in a progressive company. "I Criticized BLM. Then I Was Fired. The data about police shootings just didn't add up, but no one at Thomson Reuters wanted to hear it."
- San Diego BLM assault (2016) - A SDSU student (Feras Jabro) was doing citizen journalism in El Cajon, where protests were happening over the shooting of Alfred Olango. Feras was filming day-2 of the BlackLivesMatters protests and asking questions, and was beaten, kicked, and had bottles thrown at him while he fled the scene. Another cameraman was mugged. CBS News and Reuters reported it as peaceful protest.
- Two Homes Vandalized with BLM and Anti-Trump Graffiti - "Fuck Trump", "BLM" were spray painted on a couple of homes, and a trailer lit on fire, all to demonstrate liberal tolerance in Tampa, Florida.
- Fake Race Crimes/University of Albany Race Hoax - Two black (Ariel Agudio and Asha Burwell) and a latina (Alexis Briggs) female BLM college students claimed to be victims of an assault by a group of whites. They made it up after assaulting a white woman first. The girls were convicted, fined, suspended, made to do community service, and put on probation. Hillary had tweeted about it, CNN covered it, apology never issued.
🎥 Videos
Videos/Black Lives Matter • [3 items]
Black Lives Matter/Anti NRA Ad |
Here's BLM repeating hate and disinformation on the Philandro Castille and NRA, in an anti-reason advertisement. |
Black Lives Matter/Bill Whittle |
Bill Whittle provides shocking evidence that demolishes the central, Big Lie of Black Lives Matter. |
Black Lives Matter/PragerU |
PragerU / Heather Mac Donald (Manhattan Institute) answers whether police are racist that disproportionately shoot African-Americans. |
🖼️ Memes
Memes/Organizations/BLM • [32 items]
![]() Uncle Sam: No ones life matters more/less than anyone else, grow up.
![]() If black lives matter, why is there more black on black crime than white on black crime? And why is trying to address that racist?
![]() Black Ice Matters.
![]() MLK, I have a dream
![]() Everyone's life matters...
![]() Lessons in flags and free speech... they don't get it.
![]() Takes knee to protest violence... beats his Woman...
![]() Black Lives Matters Ghetto Stomped me for being white...
![]() Kermit: All lives matter. Any other narrative is called segregation.
![]() Brotha's and sista's... I'm with you! ...from the back of my Limo.
![]() Joker: Say all-lives-matter and people lose their minds...
![]() Chart: What BLM is protesting.
![]() From a universal perspective, no lives matter.
![]() You don't matter... and in a few moments you won't even be matter.
![]() Penguin Lives Matter.
![]() Black Lives Matters fights racism with racism. Which is called racism.
![]() What if I told you believing whites are all racists is racist?
![]() Riots are just an excuse to steal shoes.
![]() Trans Protect: I swear to God, I don't know what's going on any more...
![]() Black Lives Matter is doing for race, what Westboro did for Religion.
![]() If Black Lives Matter, why do you kill so many of each other?
![]() Charlotte Uprising Demands: what BLM really stands for...
![]() If black lives matter, why aren't they protesting in front of planned parenthood?
![]() What BLM does: tear down America for an agenda. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
![]() Black lives matter not, in Chicago...
![]() Black lives only matter when they're killed by a white cop...
![]() 25x as many blacks assault whites as the other way around.
![]() Black votes matter... to Democrats.
![]() Drunk wives matter!
![]() |
![]() Panda Lives Matter! (They're Black... and White!)
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
So what we know is:
- Black Lives Matter/Foundation - Garza, Cullors, Tometi (Marxist Agitators) left BOLD to found a more violent organization based on lies about criminals and justice.The founders were Marxist, that came from a racist organization called BOLD (Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity), whose job it was, was to be community agitators, and turn minor problems into major disruptions for money and attention. Garza wrote a Manifesto titled “A Love Note to Black People", that had to be expunged from the Internet for exposing what they stood for.
- Black Lives Matter/Timelines - Timeline of Black Lives MatterTimeline of Black Lives Matter
- Critical Race Theory - CRT came from Marxist Critical Theory that divides us (by race) in order to control us.When original Marxism failed to get the revolutions they wanted by dividing us by class, the Neo-Marxists (Frankfurt School) created Critical Theory to divide us by Nationality, Race, Gender, Culture, Sexual Identity -- all with the same ends of destroying social norms, creating victims, to magnify social injustice and get the revolution they wanted. In order to remake us into an Authoritarian Socialist dystopia. CRT is just the implementation of the Racial angle to that plan.
- Fake Victims - A list of people that were played as victims but weren't what they were presented as.Here's a list of "Fake Victims". While some of them were also real victims, the stories told about them weren't the whole truth and nothing but the truth: there was often culpability, criminality, or context that was omitted. So the perception presented and the reality were at odds.
- Examples: -
- Real Victims - A list of people that were played as demons/criminal but weren't what the media/left claimed.Here's a list of "Real" victims of the system/left. People that we were told were bad/evil/criminals, and once the facts came in, were exonerated (at least partly). Even if they had some guilt, the lie (of omission/commission/exaggeration) is still wrong.
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- Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects? (Paper) ~
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