Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman is an ex microeconomist that turned into a Democrat polemic, willing to lie for fame/money.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-04-04 |
Paul is an idiot savant, without any special talent. So while Mini-Marx (Robert Reich III), often tries to keep up, he's just not in the same caliber.
Paul is an idiot savant, without any special talent. So while Mini-Marx (Robert Reich III), often tries to keep up, he's just not in the same caliber.
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Paul Krugman is a Nobel Prize winning economist, genius and NYT writer, that is hated for the right for disagreeing with them and being correct. They deny science when they disagree with Krugman. | Appeal of authority/celebrity fallacies aside, while writing for the NYT, Paul often contradicts basic economic theories, and replaces them with whatever Democrat Talking Point he's pandering to at the moment. His Nobel is for a microeconomic proof of showing how some economies are more specialized than others, and for being progressive (like Obama's), not for accomplishment. |
Facts[edit source]
- He thinks that Florida banning anti-American, Marxist, disinformation (alternate history/reality aka CRT) is the same as being left wing thought police. It isn't. The left is trying to censor opposing truths/perceptions, the right is trying to reduce leftist lies (teach both sides) and staying age appropriate. Huge difference, that escapes the smartest man on the left. [1]
- Bad Predictions/Krugman on the Internet - 🔮 "By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.” ~ Paul Krugman. The smartest guy at the NYT, written in an article for Red Herring magazine (1998), explaining why “Most Economists’ Predictions Are Wrong". Then proving it.
- Bernie isn't a socialist - Bernie Sanders isn't REALLY a socialist, just because he calls himself one ran for the top position in the Socialist parties, his allies like AOC are socialists, he cheered for the USSR, Venezuela/Chavez and Nicaragua under Daniel Ortega, and wanted to nationalize banking, and still wants to nationalize healthcare and education.
- The Broken Window Fallacy - This is a fundamental concept of economics (and logic) about seen advantages versus unseen costs. Henry Hazlitt summed up the art of economics as not merely looking at the immediate consequences but the longer effects of any act or policy, and tracing those consequences not merely for one group but for all groups. In other words, break a window and the glazer might win -- but the shopkeeper and customers did not.
- Krugman disagrees with himself on minimum wage - Krugman, "Any Econ 101 student can tell you... the higher wage... leads to unemployment". His book says it, he said French unemplpoyment was because of it. But when writing for the NYT he champions the "living wage" and raising minimum -- that he mocked his whole career. 500 real economists wrote an open letter disagreeing. Who you going to believe?
- Krugman is an anti-semite apologist - Krugman tweeted tweeted that the only anti-semitism on the right bother him, while excusing the virulent anti-semites in the DNC who want to see the elimination of Israel, they displacement and/or extermination of the millions of Jews who live there, or that they're parasites.
- Krugman lies about austerity - Krugman hates austerity, he likes government spending other people's money wantonly. When spending doesn't work, he lies about the causes. When the economy gets better, he lies about the causes. He also lied about the austerity in France and Greece in 2012, Estonia 2012, UK in 2011, and Germany in 2014. Are you seeing a pattern?
- Krugman on Death Panels - Krugman admitted that there were Death Panels in the ACA, but argued it would save huge amount of costs and balance the budget. This was based on the economic delusion that putting politicians in charge of healthcare wouldn't politicize healthcare, and that any cuts wouldn't cause backlash that would the cause political pressure to revoke.
- Krugman on Election Legitimacy - "[Joe Biden] will be the first modern U.S. president trying to govern in the face of an opposition that refuses to accept his legitimacy...” ~ Paul Krugman... ignoring that Krugman himself (and NYT) called Trump "illegitimate" a few times, not to mention thousands of lefties at left wing media.
🖼️ Memes
Memes/People/Krugman • [6 items]
![]() Krugman has forgotten more than you know on economics. He proves it daily.
![]() Keynesian Housing Bubble.
![]() Krugman: In case of collapse, break more windows.
![]() Krugman: Terrorists create job opportunities.
![]() It tickles me that my vote cancels out Paul Krugman's.
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
I don't agree with hit pieces against people -- but stating the facts (or negative truths) about someone who is overglorified isn't doing that. Nor is shredding bad arguments.
Friedrich Hayek won the Nobel Prize for showing the dispersed knowledge problem (proving why command economies: e.g. those with central controls including price/wage controls, statistically underperform more free/dispersed economies). Paul got his for a microeconomic proof of showing how some economies are more specialized than others, and for being leftist enough... just before Obama got his Nobel Prize for most creative use of drones.
Microeconomics is looking at the little pictures -- not the bigger ones. Since working for the NYT, Paul often contradicts basic economic theories, and replaces them with Democrat Talking Points instead -- and he's commenting on Macroeconomics (not his specialty of Microeconomics) -- this is equivalent to your manicurist arguing with your neurosurgeon on what's causing a facial tick.
People quoting Krugman are repeating the polemic Paul, and think they are quoting the economist Paul. They aren't.
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