IFR (Death Rate) was intentionally manipulated/exaggerated to scare people during COVID.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-01-08 |
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COVID/Science/Death Rates - COVID had as 3.4% death rate. 2.2M Americans are going to die. If you catch it, you will be hospitalized. If you are hospitalized, you will go on a ventilator and die -- because we don't have enough capacity to help. | COVID death rate is 1/10th to 1/100th of what the WHO claimed. People were terrorize by the disinformation (polls showed they had no idea how high the survivability rate was). And those who tried to correct the record were bullied, censored or fired. It was a psychological terror campaign by the far left for various political agendas. |
Facts[edit | edit source]
๐๏ธ Note: |
Both my Parents died due to the panic caused by the fearmongers. My mom wouldn't see her cardiologist due to fear of hospitals/COVID despite angina, and she had a heart attack and died for an easily addressable blockage. My Father delayed getting checked out, despite many pains/issues -- and by the time he went in, his potassium levels were dangerously low, and he stroked out while they were finally bringing them up. |
The initial IFR (fatality rates) was estimated to be โ3.5% and an R0 of โ2.5 (contagiousness) due to poor testing methodologies and exaggerated claims.
The actual numbers fall to numbers as low as 0.003% (for those under 20), and are 0.3% below 60. Even if you're over 70 with other chronic conditions / comorbitities, the death rate was lower than WHO claimed.
The vaccines were not targeted to the at risk, but spread through the entire population. And later variations/mutations were more virulent to adapt. |
- You get what you incentivize, and over-reporting every death as COVID was incentivized. The media, medical professionals/hospitals, politicians, schools, and individuals were all incentivized to exaggerate deaths and death rates (and maximize fear). There were cases where a kit was hit by a car, but tested positive (with an unreliable and overly sensitive test), and thus it was reported as a COVID related death. An abortion, workplace accidents, it was all COVID deaths. They had people with stage 4 cancer, their systems shutting down... but if an administrator said they might have had COVID, it was COVID.
IFR is what matters (Death versus total infections), so the media/left reported CFR (deaths versus verified infections), because it made the disease look deadlier.
IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) is deaths to all infections. Since โ85%+ of infections were asmptomatic, and unreported/traced, the media used CFR (Case Fatality Rate), this is a much smaller verified cases versus deaths. Making the disease look more lethal.
Either they were all incompetent, or they were intentionally maniplating the gullible. |
Outliers as News.
The media/left sensationalized the extremely rare death/hospitalizations of young outliers. It could hit anyone. But they were careful not to offer context to understand how rare cases and deaths were.
This fear as a weapon was used to keep people locked up in homes, keep schools locked down, and so on. They also didn't share the studies that showed that even when young people got it, they were usually asymptomatic, and didn't have a viral load high enough to spread it well to others. There were almost no cases where teachers were catching it from students. And K-12 was not significant transmission vectors, as most that caught the disease, caught it somewhere else -- even where schools were open. |
- Efforts by medical professionals to correct disinformation were suppressed, censored, and those who offered the studies/facts or caution about the over-inflated exaggerations or context were often attacked or fired. That's not science, that's politics.
- April 2020, I'd found at least 16 scientific studies that proved infection rates were WAY higher (thus death rates way lower) than was being shared with the public. It was obvious the public was being lied to, and the need for lockdowns was a fraud. This was April 2020. We didn't remove the lockdowns for a couple more years. Democrats were intentionally hurting the economy, destroying business, ruining people for their politcal agenda.
Death Rates[edit | edit source]
Death rates is based on numerator/denominator -- how many people died divided how many people caught the disease.
Normally, we use a IFR (Infection Fatality Rate). How many people we estimated have caught the disease, versus how many died. So 1M people caught it, but 1,000 have died. It's a 0.1 IFR (or 1 in 1,000 that if you catch it, you'll die).
But for COVID the propagandists used CFR (Case Fatality Rate). How many cases were had verified with the disease, versus how many died. Since โ85% of the people were asumptomatic (and thus never getting tested), this means that the cases were about 1/6th as many, as how many cases were actually out there. Thus this would be over-estimating the risk of death by at least 6x.
We knew early on that up to 85% of people that had the disease were asymptomatic, and the majority of those that had symptoms weren't being caught as having COVID, and the majority that got symptoms weren't getting it severe enough to be hospitalized, and only a small fraction of those hospitalized were dying of it. Still, the media and professions ignored the large pools of asymptomatic people and just did their death projections based on known cases (usually hospitalized) divided by deaths. And then used those artificially high numbers to scare people on how many were dying.
Then, to make it worse, whenever someone died, they either tested them for COVID (with a test netoriously overly sensitive, and throwing false positives up to 40% of the time). If they were hit by a bus, but had COVID? COVID caused death. If the doctor or administrator just guessed that COVID was involved, they'd say it was (without testing). The results were a deflated numerator and over-inflated denominator -- thus COVID wasn't nearly as deadly as reported by doctors. But on top of that, the media didn't report numbers, just sensationalized deaths. ("If it bleeds, it leads"). So the public over-estimated their risk of death by 10x, the already inflated Fake "Science" numbers.
To this day, we report โ1M COVID deaths in the U.S. But they are counting people that die "with" COVID, not from COVID. And they estimate about 100M reported cases. But the actual cases is probably many times that. (Many people have had it a few times).
Incentives[edit | edit source]
The way it works is that you get what you incentivize, and Hospitals are incentivized to count as much as possible as a COVID Death. For Hospitals it gets them more money. For left-wing politicians, it gets them to exaggerate how bad this is, and why you need more shutdown and more government to fix it. (Creating a dependency class, aka the Democrat base). For the media, it's about scaring people or sensational headlines gets them clicks; "Worry" gets more clicks than "don't worry", so they sacrificed their integrity for their agenda and money.
How much was the incentive? $13,000 per COVID addmission, $39,000 for each COVID patient on a ventilator, and about the same for a death related to COVID. [1] It helps to remember that โ80% of COVID patients that go on a ventilator will die, and the majority of the remainder will have permanent lung damage. In the meantime we've discovered that putting patients on CPAP+Oxygen and laying them on their stomach does more good and doesn't cause lung damage, but the Hospitals won't get $39K for doing that. So talk about moral hazard and rewarding something that hurts people. Those that reported these perverse incentives weren't treated as valued whistleblowers, but attacked or "Fact Checked" as frauds.
In Italy, they used the same system, and independent agencies did an audit and found that 88% of the COVID deaths, weren't really COVID deaths. If you got hit by a bus, but were suspected of having COVID, it was a COVID death. Which helps explains why in Germany the death rate to COVID is 0.3%, and in Italy it was 8%. Is there any reason to believe the U.S. Hospital Administrators aren't as creative / dishonest / motivated to cheat as the Italian ones? [2]
Exaggerations[edit | edit source]
- NY just arbitrarily adds 3,700 Wuhan Virus deaths to the rolls, once they found out they get paid more for COVID deaths. They have no evidence that they were COVID related, but they died, so why not? [3]
- Man who ODโd after testing positive for Coronavirus, listed as Coronavirus Death[4].
- They loved to sensationalize outliers like the rarely healthy or childhood cases, even though they were extremely rare. Then they suppressed facts like only 6% of NY patients had no chronic conditions / 94% had at least one, and 88% had two or more. [5]
- Johns Hopkins published an article on a study that showed that Year-over-year death rates are flat or down, showing that other deaths (like Heart Disease) are being misreported as COVID, or those people were destined to die this year anyways. Under political pressure they deleted the article. Facebook and other places wrap any links to the actual study as False Information and lacking context for the high crime of offering context. The Fake Fact Check says that the CDC says 263K died to COVID, so they're just going to ignore the point that total deaths haven't changed or all the evidence that this is inflated. If Big Brother says 263K died due to war in Eurasia, then facts and people that contradict that, must be suppressed. [6]
- Santa Clara County (California) did an audit of their death toll, and found that they had over inflated COVID deaths by 22% (only 1,696 died from COVID, instead of 2,201 that died "with" COVID) [7]
- Alameda County (California) over-counted their death rate by 25% (about 400 people: 1,223 instead of the earlier reported 1,634 COVID-19 deaths. [8]
- Excess deaths by category dashboard [9]
Interesting how once Trump is out of office, suddenly it's OK to silently start telling the medical truth again -- as long as it's not widely publicized that Trump and supporters were right all along (and the numbers were being inflated for political reasons). And of course a suspected reason why they're doing it -- is if they start being the only ones that fix this now, they get to pretend that masks and lockdowns worked better than places that didn't do them as hard -- but only by making sure that they use different accounting for death rates. (After the fact).
There is no doubt that the numbers were inflated. The only debate was by how much.
There is a counter debate that it's possible that due to the lack of testing, there were lots of deaths that might have been COVID related (e.g. they were undercounted in other areas). While there's likely at least a few, that doesn't justify corrupting your data knowingly, and the evidence is that far more were over-counted than undercounted, so anyone that brings that up is trying to justify a bad action with disinformation. You don't falsify a report of murder to make up for some other missing person that might have been killed.
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
These numbers matter because the death rate, and number of deaths tells you how fast it is spreading and how many people have it: which tells you how you need to respond. In computers we say, GIGO: Garbage in = Garbage out. If you have bad inputs, you'll get bad outputs. So the politicians at the CDC or WHO or elsewhere that intentionally tainted the numbers, definitely tainted the reactions based on those false numbers. The problem is the authorities lied to us about all of the important variables: the deaths was inflated, the total number of cases was undercounted, and the death rate was too high -- which panicked them about overloading hospitals, and so on. These were not simple accidents, these were concerted efforts to misinform, and a high reluctance to correct the information when it was shown they were wrong. They destroyed lives and livelihoods. People who did that need to be fired and driven from ever being able to misinform the public again.
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๐ Links
- Stanford Study
- Staford Refutation: https://covidpapers.github.io/posts/stanford-serology-study/
- https://www.acsh.org/news/2020/11/18/covid-infection-fatality-rates-sex-and-age-15163
- https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/09/25/cdc-data-shows-high-virus-survival-rate-99-plus-for-ages-69-and-younger-94-6-for-older/
Tags: COVID COVID Studies COVID Lies
- โ Profiteering of COVID:
- โ COVID deaths:
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/have-many-coronavirus-patients-died-italy/
- https://www.independentsentinel.com/only-12-of-italys-patients-reported-as-dying-from-cov-19-died-from-it-directly/
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/31/counting-coronavirus-different-countries-calculating-death-tolls/
- โ https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2020/04/14/818384/
- โ https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/04/28/man-who-odd-after-testing-positive-for-coronavirus-listed-as-coronavirus-death/
- โ Healthy hospitalization rates:
- โ Johns Hopkins:
- https://sgtreport.com/2020/11/johns-hopkins-published-then-deleted-an-article-questioning-the-u-s-coronavirus-death-rate/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20201126223119/https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19
- FakeFactCheck: https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/11/fact-check-covid19-deaths-not-overblown-johns-hopkins-student-paper-not-censored.html
- โ https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2021/07/02/santa-clara-county-revises-covid-death-toll-down/
- โ https://abc7news.com/covid-death-count-alameda-county-deaths-19-cases/10755419/
- โ CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm