From iGeek
The public was lied to. Those lies advantaged some politicians and elites, and have undermined the public trust.
The public was lied to. Not just mistakes, but outright deception. Those lies advantaged some politicians and elites, and have undermined the public trust. The steps in gaining that trust back are (a) admitting the truth (b) holding the liars accountable (c) addressing transparency and process to assure that it won't happen again.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-04-26 
  • COVID Masks - Masking for COVID was a sham that defied the science and destroyed the credibility of the CDC and all that supported them. This was made worse by politicians mandating them, that may have made COVID worse. It divided America between the informed/skeptical, and the blind following left that ignored the science.
  • COVID Biden - Biden ran on the fallacy that he would have handled COVID better, and that Trump was wrong, and that Biden would fix it once elected. Biden got elected. Despite being through the initial (larger) surges, having more knowledge of the virus, the vaccines and theraputics that Trump had delivered, Biden managed to get more people killed, polarized us more, and didn't fix anything.
  • COVID Death Rates - IFR (Infection Fatality Rate aka Death Rate) is number of deaths divided by number of infections. These were intentionally exaggerated to scare people during COVID. In reality, the death rates settled to about Flu levels. (Though later variants were more virulent). The agencies meant to prevent panic and disinformation, were pertpetuators of it.
  • COVID Models - There were multiple models used to scare the rubes on what we had to worry about with the COVID Pandemic. They were terribad. They either under-estimated or over-estimated the dead. But even when they got close, they got the time scale to get those deaths off by orders of magnitude (and would have been more wrong, if the predicted the Vaccines, but wrong on that as well).
  • COVID Rebound - COVID "rebound" (where you get over it, and it comes back because you didn't get all of it the first time), is far more common the the CDC and FDA lead people to believe. They pretended it was a phenom of Paxlovid (antiviral), when it was just a behavior of the virus in general. And they kept selling that πŸ’© long after they knew better.
  • COVID Shutdown - The shutdown was enacted under the guise 14 days to "bend the curve" and prevent a caseload surge that would overwhelm our healthcare and have millions die waiting for ventilators. What happened when you gave the left just a little bit of power? How did they react when the science showed they were wrong?
  • COVID Trump - The Trump hating (TDS suffering) media, decided everything Trump said was wrong. Lies about Trump and COVID included: Trump reacted too quickly, then too slowly, Trump claimed COVID is a hoax, Trump claimed drinking Lysol is a cure, Trump claiming vaccines in 2020 was impossible, Hydroxychloroquine had no evidence or broader that other drugs like Remdesivir or Ivermectin were false hope, that it originated in China, that the travel ban was racist, that it might have originated in a lab.
  • COVID/Natural Immunity - Multiple studies showed that Natural Immunity is better (more durable and more effective) than vaccines. But that didn't stop the frauds and liars from saying the opposite (despite evidence to the contrary) and not only that but silencing/censoring anyone that disagreed as "Disinformation".

COVID Masks[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Masks

Masks for stopping COVID defied science, but the people least informed on what science it (skepticism and critical thinking) would berate and harass anyone that knew more than them, and chose not to wear a mask.

  • Some bad studies show masks work. A few places had lower caseloads and wore masks. Tada! Of course other places wore/required masks and had higher caseloads. And the places with lower caseloads, were only temporarily lower, and spiked higher later -- it was only evidence that people go inside during the summer in the South, and wait until fall to do that in the North and West. All they proved was a cherry picking fallacy. They didn't pass reasonable scrutiny.
N95/PPE is ineffective against COVID, don't use them (Fauci 02/2020).
Truth: N95 were effective in clinical settings. Faucci lied and later claimed he only lied because "he didn't want consumers doing a run on the supply". As if that makes the lie OK.
Fauci showed contemptuous elitism towards the America Public. All he had to say, is that in short term exposure, with custom fitting and property training, N95 helps. But they do nothing for the general public. But these other things do help...
  • Cloth Masks help prevent COVID (Fauci 03/2020). Truth: Cloth Masks were widely studied on Coronaviruses before COVID, and virtually all studies showed they were useless or detrimental. Fauci was privately admitting that. They were called "talismans" that gave a false sense of security. But Publicly Fauci was telling people they would help, knowing that it could make things worse, and that it caused counter-productive mandates, and division between the army of sheep (Branch COVIDians) and the informed.
Studies show Cloth Masks work.
Truth: all good studies showed no positive effects. A few studies with laughably bad methodology disagreed -- but no serious scientist gave them much credit; they existed to obfuscate and give politicians cover.
How it worked:
  • Some bad studies claim to show through inference that masks work, because a few place had lower case loads and wore masks -- but they ignore other better reasons for fewer cases and ignore outliers that prove them wrong. Other better studies/papers contradict the efficacy (especially before the politics of COVID), and credible places call them more placebos or "talisman's" -- good for politics or confidence but little else.
  • If the cloth masks worked against COVID, then cities, states or countries with masks mandates would outperform those that didn't. You can cherry pick places that had fewer cases and mask mandates (but it's nearly impossible to isolate it to masks as the cause and not other things), and other places that were disastrous despite mask mandates (like Belgium) which proves that they are not a prime contributor to slowing the disease.
  • We know that most people that got COVID were mask wearers. (The CDC says >85%, but other studies show U.S. compliance is closer to 93% and we still had a second outbreak).
  • There is a lot of evidence that masks may actually exacerbate issues: touching, talking louder, getting closer and repeating yourself, false security, moist place for virus to survive, all contribute to increased risk, not decreases.
The problem wasn't the initial ignorance/fear reaction. I give them a little more leeway in Spring of 2020.
By summer/fall of 2020 the data was well in that masks weren't working. But the far-left refused to learn and just doubled-down. OBEY! It took until April 18, 2022 before they lifted the mask mandates that were known ineffective since April 18, 2020. Two years of completely unnecessary harm and bullying.
By January of 2021 they were so committed that Heir Biden enacted the mandates on Planes, Federal Buildings and so on. As the evidence against them got stronger, they got more determined to remain ignorant and authoritarian. The censorship of "disinformation" (and the people sharing it) which was really inconvenient facts, got worse. That was the problem -- the left became a death-cult of ignorance. The more the facts proved them wrong, the more shrill they got to anyone pointing it out.

COVID Biden[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Biden
Hands holding a "Let's go Brandon" sign.jpg

Biden ran on the fallacy that he would have handled COVID better, and that Trump was wrong, despite all his excuses for why he would handle it better were either already being done or of dubious merit at best. But he had to pretend.

  • Biden ran on the lie that he would handle COVID better and shut it down. But he didn't. He divided us more, and more people died under him -- despite us having gone through a bigger first wave and more deadly strain, and now we had vaccines, theraputics, and more knowledge.
Biden promised he wouldn't make masks mandatory.
Instead of just asking people to volutarily commit to 100 days of masks, he broke his promise and made it mandatory... then he didn't remove his 100 day mandate for about 400 days. The more evidence came in against the masks/mandates, the nastier he and his base got against those willing to consider it.
Joe Biden
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Promising he won't make vaccines/masks mandatory
Places with mask mandates often underperformed those without. And after COVID, the scientists came forward and admitted that cloth masks had been a sham all along.
  • Biden had ran on the lie that we'd never get Vaccines in 2020. Trump delivered them. Then Biden tried to take credit for the vaccines and the delivery plan that Trump had put in place. (Polarizing the informed against the Democrats).
Biden promised he wouldn't require vaccines if elected (or vaccine passports).
So once elected, he did the opposite. This one-size-fits-all mandate makes no sense, as people that already had COVID didn't need it. (He lied about that too). They fired/ruined the lives of people that wouldn't comply, and polarized and divided Americans completely unnecessarily.
Joe Biden
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Promising he won't make vaccines/masks mandatory
Rick Scott
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Senate Floor Testimony

COVID Death Rates[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Death Rates
Grim Editor icon.png
πŸ—’οΈ Note:
Both my Parents died due to the panic caused by the fearmongers. My mom wouldn't see her cardiologist due to fear of hospitals/COVID despite angina, and she had a heart attack and died for an easily addressable blockage. My Father delayed getting checked out, despite many pains/issues -- and by the time he went in, his potassium levels were dangerously low, and he stroked out while they were finally bringing them up.
The initial IFR (fatality rates) was estimated to be β‰ˆ3.5% and an R0 of β‰ˆ2.5 (contagiousness) due to poor testing methodologies and exaggerated claims.
The actual numbers fall to numbers as low as 0.003% (for those under 20), and are 0.3% below 60. Even if you're over 70 with other chronic conditions / comorbitities, the death rate was lower than WHO claimed.
The vaccines were not targeted to the at risk, but spread through the entire population. And later variations/mutations were more virulent to adapt.
  • You get what you incentivize, and over-reporting every death as COVID was incentivized. The media, medical professionals/hospitals, politicians, schools, and individuals were all incentivized to exaggerate deaths and death rates (and maximize fear). There were cases where a kit was hit by a car, but tested positive (with an unreliable and overly sensitive test), and thus it was reported as a COVID related death. An abortion, workplace accidents, it was all COVID deaths. They had people with stage 4 cancer, their systems shutting down... but if an administrator said they might have had COVID, it was COVID.
IFR is what matters (Death versus total infections), so the media/left reported CFR (deaths versus verified infections), because it made the disease look deadlier.
IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) is deaths to all infections. Since β‰ˆ85%+ of infections were asmptomatic, and unreported/traced, the media used CFR (Case Fatality Rate), this is a much smaller verified cases versus deaths. Making the disease look more lethal.
Either they were all incompetent, or they were intentionally maniplating the gullible.
Outliers as News.
The media/left sensationalized the extremely rare death/hospitalizations of young outliers. It could hit anyone. But they were careful not to offer context to understand how rare cases and deaths were.
This fear as a weapon was used to keep people locked up in homes, keep schools locked down, and so on. They also didn't share the studies that showed that even when young people got it, they were usually asymptomatic, and didn't have a viral load high enough to spread it well to others. There were almost no cases where teachers were catching it from students. And K-12 was not significant transmission vectors, as most that caught the disease, caught it somewhere else -- even where schools were open.
  • Efforts by medical professionals to correct disinformation were suppressed, censored, and those who offered the studies/facts or caution about the over-inflated exaggerations or context were often attacked or fired. That's not science, that's politics.
  • April 2020, I'd found at least 16 scientific studies that proved infection rates were WAY higher (thus death rates way lower) than was being shared with the public. It was obvious the public was being lied to, and the need for lockdowns was a fraud. This was April 2020. We didn't remove the lockdowns for a couple more years. Democrats were intentionally hurting the economy, destroying business, ruining people for their politcal agenda.

COVID Models[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Models

There were models to teach us what we had to worry about with the Pandemic.

  • 2020.03.13 NYT had their model which predicted 9.4M infections at peak (100M overall), and 1M dead and 366K ICU cases. That was with Social Distancing, cancelling large events and work from home. Based on what actually happened, that was pure fear mongering.
  • 2020.03.17 Imperial College of London Covid-19 Response Team (Dr. Neil M. Ferguson) claimed even with Social Distancing & Quarantine, best case we would see 1.1 Million dead and Hospitals overwhelmed in America and worst case was 2.2 Million dead. FakeNews like The Intercept, NYT and CNN was hyping that.
  • 2020.03.14 The CHIME model (Penn Medicines: COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics), was for modeling individual Hospitals and regions, and later turned out to way over-estimate the demands. But the media was more focused on national rather than regional modeling, so it didn't get as much attention unless sensationalizing the local impact of the crisis.
  • 2020.03.26 The UW IHME (University of Washington, Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation), estimated 93K (39-177K) deaths, they dropped this to 82K (49-136K) on 04.07, and kept revising the numbers over time. While their initial projections in death rate were inflated, they were off by more on their Hospitalization and ICU beds (peak demand of 40,646 ICU beds, and a bed shortage of 23K ICU beds). They halved those projections over the next weeks, but were still off by 5-10x actual requirements. Regionally they were often worse.
  • 2020.03.29 Donald Trump said the death projections were between 100-200K, but we expected to get that down with the latest measures and upcoming treatments and the media was aghast. MSNBC (Chris Hayes) and others accused the President of lying or sandbagging (inflating numbers). But people called them on it, and pointed out it was Fauci, the task forces numbers based on the IMHE model, so that was shut down pretty quickly.

COVID Rebound[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Rebound
  • The Paper published in Nature was pre-published many months before the CDC/FDA acknowledged it, despite knowing of this. And in fact, they had plenty of data to prove that this was the case, long before Nature published this paper. (They could easily verify in their own databases). That they didn't means they were incompetent or dishonest. (or both) [1]

COVID Shutdown[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Shutdown
  • The shutdown was enacted under the guise that we needed was 14 days to "bend the curve" and prevent a caseload surge that would overwhelm our healthcare and have millions die waiting for ventilators.
  • What we got was the stock market to drop 30%, GDP to drop 40%, Trillions in debt , and 30%+ unemployment (including healthcare worker laid off for lack of work).
  • The COVID Models were off by 4-10x or more, and we never neared capacity, even in the worst hit places. We had at least twice the ventilators per capita as Germany at the start and was surging manufacturing to have many times that in months. Oh, and ventilators turned out to be the worst way to treat it (with 80% dying anyways).
  • As long as the economy was still alive and Trump might get re-elected, they are prepared to burn the whole economy down for their political ends: creating a dependency class of unemployed dependents is what they wanted all along.
  • The most effective mitigation is the one that does the least harm, but keeps from destroying lives: the Swedish Model. The Shutdown does the most harm possible. Despite experts from top Universities saying End the Shutdown the anti-liberty left, doesn't care about the lives they're ruining.

If the COVID Shutdown worked, there would be cases where states or countries that didn't shutdown would outperform those that did. But the facts are there are many examples to the contrary:

  • California shut down earlier and harder than Texas. California has more cases, more deaths, and a worse curve than Texas.
  • In fact seven states never issues shut down orders at all: Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. All of them outperformed California or New York which had shutdowns.
  • There are many countries that never did lockdowns: Belarus, Brazil (Roraima, Rondonia), Iceland, Japan, Latvia, Malawi, Tanzania, Nicaragua, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, Uruguay. Many of those countries well outperformed countries that did full lockdowns.
  • There's even more evidence that some that did late lockdowns, or didn't lock down as hard, did NOT always under-perform those that did it earlier or harder.

COVID Trump[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Trump

The Trump hating (TDS suffering) media, decided everything Trump said was wrong -- so they said the opposite, even if it was anti-Science, anti-American or anti-Humanity. They didn't care if people would suffer or die, as long as it hurt Trump.

The media said Trump claimed drinking/injecting Lysol is a cure.
Truth: Trump was doing his job explaining the advancement of theraputics (Treatments for COVID) and repeated what his experts were telling him about UV light treatment and disinfectants. FakeNews reductio ad abusdium'ed that into a false Lysol claims.
Donald Trump
YouTube Logo 2017.svg

Disinfectants and sunlight might be able to used as treatments and diminish the threat of the new coronavirus. Later both were confirmed as valid experimental treatments.
The media also was infuriated he was giving people hope on various drugs that were showing some hope.
They expecially lost it on Hydroxychloroquine claiming it had no evidence (and there were many studies that said the opposite at the time). But they also attacked that other drugs like Remdesivir or Ivermectin were false hope.
Remember, even if some of the drugs are disputed effects years later, that doesn't change that (a) the Placebo Effect is real, and could have saved some lives, and/or reduced stress (b) the evidence at the time was showing some positive effects of these treatments -- far more than Masking/Lockdowns.
  • The left/media attacked mercilessly false tha Vaccines might arrive in 2020 This was while many dozens of vaccines were in the works. The facts are that Warp Speed was a success, they did deliver in 2020 (others had delivered sooner in other places of the globe without the FDA). They would have delivered sooner, but the Drug Companies held off the announcement/delivery until after the election, because they didn't want to help Trump.
  • The left pilloried the Lab Leak Theory, and censored it and the people showing evidence. Later it came out that there always was a lot of evience that it leaked from a Lab. Too many weird genetic markers that shouldn't have happened in nature, where it originated, Chinese suppression, that it fit perfectly with gain-of-function research. And so on.
  • Travel Bans were racist. Only it was the right thing to try. Biden did the same thing later to other hot spots, the Press never called him racist.
  • Calling it the ChinaVirus or WuHan Flu were racist. Only almost all prior pathogens were named for their origins. The media did it first, before responding to their democrat handlers that this was now bad/racist, then they all flipped terminology over night to try to frame Trump. And part of the goal here was to pressure China into being more open, or maybe be more helpful in trade deals with America.

What there is no doubt on, is that the left and their media took every opportunity to put their Political agenda above American or global lives. They would rather that people die, or get depressed and be hopeless (and be submitted to tyranical lockdowns and mask mandates and persecution/firing for not getting a vaccine), than admit there was some advancement and positive studies, that natural immunity worked, that masks didn't. Advancing American interests and saving lives was the last thing on their minds; bashing Trump and advancing leftist fascism, that's what really mattered.

Natural Immunity[edit source]

           Main article: COVID/Natural Immunity
Dr. John Campbell
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Natural cross immunity confirmed
Cross-reactive Immunity
Not only does natural immunity provide better protection, but you don't even need to catch COVID (SARS2), you can get any milder coronavirus (Common Cold or Flu) and it gives you resistance against COVID. This means that lock-downs which prevented COVID transmission, also prevented common cold flu, which is why we're seeing outbreaks of those later, but they also prevented the natural immunity those things would have conferred. Thus killing more than they helped.
  1. Nature: Cross-reactive memory T cells associate with protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in COVID-19 contacts This is part of the reason why kids (more exposed to those) likely had lower instances/severity to COVID.
  2. WebMD: Common Cold Could Protect Against COVID-19, Study Says Same underlying data, just dumbed down for the little people.


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COVID-19 (for COrona VIrus Disease circa 2019 or SARS-CoV-2) was a pandemic/opportunity for the left to seize liberty/power from the masses.

COVID FakeNews
The media has been generating a landslide of FakeNews around COVID (SARS-CoV-2).

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Tags: COVID/all  COVID-FakeNews

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