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Asymptomatic spread is rare, COVID is transmitted through aerosols (not surface/particulates), that's why it spread through unknown contact. Thus masks had little positive effect and many negative ones: distracting us from more effective action and dividing America (causing infighting) between the informed/skeptical and the blind following Karen's.  +
While reviewers (and Rotten Tomatoes reviewers) weren't fan's because of imagined slights against their candidate/party (and only gave it a 50%), viewers widely liked it a lot (giving it 83% approval). I was definitely with the majority of viewers on this one.  +
This whole project is looking at America through a Progressive America haters lens. It pretends our DNA is infected with Slavery and Racism, and seen through that lens there's nothing we can do to change our DNA or History, thus we're doomed in perpetuity for the sins of our fathers.  +
Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic won't review it. Wikipedia won't create a separate entry for it, and the only blurbs they allow are negative and Fake Fact Checks by far left institutions like the AP.  +
While liberal reviewers panned it (because they didn't want any of the sketchy truths about Obama to get out), don't let the reviewers hatred (25% approval) fool you -- viewers gave it a 73%. I was definitely with the majority of viewers on this one. So this -48% difference just shows how out of touch and partisan most movie reviewers are. Discrepancies like this are common when it come to conservative documentaries, and go the other way on liberal ones.  +
The National Guard" wasn't created until 1903, and founding fathers (and Supreme Court) defined (a) militia as all able body males able to defend the country (b) that well regulated just meant "in working order" (c) "the People" always meant individual rights (not the collective) (d) they got dependency backwards: militia was dependent on the individuals, not the other way around. The lefts linguistic gymnastics shows how desperate they are to circumvent and distort the legal rights/liberties the Constitution recognized.  +
The Founding Fathers wrote about balancing power between the people and the government: when the firepower changed, it needed to change equally for both sides. But even back then, the founding had 8-shot revolvers, 11-shot field artillery pieces, Jefferson had a 22 shot repeating rifle. Not to mention "burst mode" fully automatics that fired up to 20 rounds with one pull of the trigger. Those that make the argument that the 2A was for muskets are uninformed or lying on the guns history and the guns technology.  +
Virtually zero crimes are actually solved by tracing gun serial#'s and by tracing ballistics. But 3D printed guns usualyl have the same balistics evidence or worse. The foresnsics and circumstanial evidence on a 3D printed gun are liklely stronger. And the practicalities make it more likely that someone would get caught trying to use one.  +
Henry Ford (Capitalism) standardized on the 40 hour work-week, most others had adopted it, and then the Federal Government created a regulation (FLSA) that said we should adopt the 44 hour work week for the very few remaining.  +
In the Wiki haigiography of Milk and Moscone and the character assasination of White, you find fragments of truth burried without context. If you play Jr. Detective and jump around, you can stitch it together: there was voter corruption supplied by Jones for Moscone. Moscone abusing power with cronyism and corruption (and had allies in far left Feinstein and Milk). The city was shifting radical left, and freezing out moderates like White, and that combined with depression lead to tragic events.  +
  * Moscone and Milk were far-left corrupt scumbags who drove good people out of SF (the Curley Effect), and ended Bay Area political sanity or competence * Dan White was buddies with Milk, he killed Harvey over betrayal not Homophobia * Dan White suffered real depression. His defense used eating junk food as a symptom of his depression, not the cause. After release from prison, he killed himself over Democrat bullying * Jim Jones was a leading influencer/bundler for the DNC, and knowingly brought in thousands of illegal votes which got Moscone, Milk, and others into power.  +
The truth is that the left blamed the U.S. for 9/11 from the start, used it as an opportunity to divide us (as they always do), and many of the historical revisions they do to this day, polarize us between those who remember what happened, and the Democrats.  +
Democrats and Republicans are both split on where life begins (and abortion should be allowed), most Americans are against 3rd trimester abortions, and 99% of 3rd trimester abortions are done for reasons other than health of the mother/fetus, and [[Roe v. Wade]] was Judicial overreach, and without it, most states would still support 1st Trimester abortion (37 States had already legalized it before Roe, and many more would since): so the fight isn't about choice, it's about how viable a baby should be before we protect it from extermination.  +
Other than failing at marriage, basic gun safetly that resulted in a negligent homicide, being abusive to his daughter, and being ignorant, abbrasive and incompetent at everything but pretending to be people better than he is, he's a great guy. He is everything he attacks in others.  +
The reality is that life is unfair. But do you want government to "redistribute" in the name of fairness, or do you think people should have free will? Countries that put politicians in charge of redistribution get stack-ranked by political pedigree, schools, victimhood status and things other than merit: opportunities for the non-connected evaporate. So it's not fair that some people start with more advantage... but it's more unfair to punish people for that... and have political thugs decide who is worthy of what.  +
The reality is that both sides often agree that something should be done about some problems, they just disagree on what and how. The right wants blacks/minorities to have equal opportunities with whites, just not special advantages. The left wants equality of outcome, which is something that's impossible without punishing success and merit. Since the left loses rational arguments, they go for demonizing the other side to scare their base. Like we have to fight, "white privilege", and bury the lede that Asians, Indians, Immigrant Blacks outperform whites academically and economically (isn't that yellow and brown privilege?).  +
If you trust your neighbors, you make guidelines, not laws/taxes. Real liberty is about debating with people, but letting them have the free will to do what they want anyways... not using the tyranny of the majority (50%+1 of votes) to force laws or authority to take away their right to do it. That's fear of what they might do. Without fear, we'd have more status quo, which means less progressive successes... and more harmony. * '''<font color="#333333">Examples:</font>''' -  <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="➕" data-collapsetext="➖"><div class="mw-collapsible-content"><table class="wikitable" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin:3px; vertical-align:top; padding:0px; width:; background-color: WhiteSmoke; box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);"><tr><td>[[SMW::off]]<ul class="smw-format ul-format exampleclass"><li class="smw-row">[[Anti-American|Anti-American]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Anti-Americans|Anti-Americans]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Backpage|Backpage]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Corporate Personhood & Citizens United|Corporate Personhood & Citizens United]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Democratic Tolerance|Democratic Tolerance]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[EPA|EPA]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Eighteenth Amendment|Eighteenth Amendment]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Eighth Amendment|Eighth Amendment]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[FCC|FCC]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[FDA|FDA]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[First Amendment|First Amendment]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Fourth Amendment|Fourth Amendment]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Gun Control|Gun Control]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Party of fear|Party of fear]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Plastic Bag Bans|Plastic Bag Bans]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Second Amendment|Second Amendment]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Sixth Amendment|Sixth Amendment]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Smoking|Smoking]]</li></ul>[[SMW::on]]</td></tr></table> </div></div>  +
Democrats exceeds Republicans on being anti-science on the following topics. I keep looking for ones that go the other way, and there certainly are a few, but they are much more illusive. * '''<font color="#333333">Examples:</font>''' -  <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="➕" data-collapsetext="➖"><div class="mw-collapsible-content"><table class="wikitable" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin:3px; vertical-align:top; padding:0px; width:; background-color: WhiteSmoke; box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);"><tr><td>[[SMW::off]]<ul class="smw-format ul-format exampleclass"><li class="smw-row">[[Alt-Economics|Alt-Economics]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Alt-Science|Alt-Science]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[BMI|BMI]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Beepocalypse|Beepocalypse]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Biofuels|Biofuels]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Black Conspiracy Theology|Black Conspiracy Theology]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Carpool lanes|Carpool lanes]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Climate|Climate]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Colonoscopy|Colonoscopy]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Environment|Environment]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Evolution and Creation|Evolution and Creation]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Gender Wage Gap|Gender Wage Gap]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Gender is a choice|Gender is a choice]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Global Cooling Scare|Global Cooling Scare]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Green Energy|Green Energy]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Hydroxychloroquine|Hydroxychloroquine]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Keynes|Keynes]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Life Begins at...|Life Begins at...]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Light Rail|Light Rail]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Nuclear Energy|Nuclear Energy]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Organic food fraud|Organic food fraud]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Paranormal beliefs|Paranormal beliefs]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Peak Oil Theory|Peak Oil Theory]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Plastic Bag Bans|Plastic Bag Bans]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Recycling|Recycling]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Science and Religion|Science and Religion]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Secondhand Drinking|Secondhand Drinking]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Secondhand Smoke|Secondhand Smoke]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Sexology|Sexology]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Smoking|Smoking]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Smoking and Healthcare costs|Smoking and Healthcare costs]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Straw Bans|Straw Bans]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[The Population Bomb|The Population Bomb]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Unintended Consequences|Unintended Consequences]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[War on Science|War on Science]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Wind Power|Wind Power]]</li></ul>[[SMW::on]]</td></tr></table> </div></div>  
Bloods gang member, registered sex offender and lengthy rap sheep, with open warrants was illegally selling pirated CD/DVD's and illegally carrying a weapon. Deadbeat Dad (owed $25K in child support) had 5 kids by many different women, one impregnated when she was only 14 (and he was 20). Cops were called because he'd brandished a gun. He resisted arrest and grabbed his gun when shot. Had he not been shot, he would have gone to prison for many crimes.  +
8/84 is a huge (76 point) spread that shows how out of touch reviewers are with their audience. They hated this documentary, because it told them unconfortable truths that they didn't want to hear. (Children tantruming over eating vegetibles). That doesn't mean it is without spin. It's just offering counter-truths to leftist 1/2 truths (if not outright lies). And the left HATES that.  +
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