From iGeek
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[[COVID Masks]] - people caught COVID despite no known direct contact: so it is particulate based, transmitted through surfaces, and asymptomatic spread, and Masks (and Mask mandates) save lives. +
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1619 is a History effort, lead by the NYT to educate people on the evils of Slavery and America. Slavery was the foundation of American and thus the founding fathers (and the Nation) are racist hypocrites. +
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For 200 years every legal scholar and ruling on the 2A was wrong, because gun-control activists in the 1960's figured out that the 2A was not an individual right, but only meant to protect people in the militia (National Guard). So the 2A doesn't protect people's right to bear arms at all, only the militias. +
The 2A was passed when the people only had muskets, therefor only muskets are protected under the 2A. The founding fathers couldn't have imagined changes in armament / technology, thus it couldn’t have been intended to apply to modern pistols and rifles. +
The left pretends that 3D printing guns would empower criminals, because they make untraceable weapons, and untracable ballistics. Thus is would allow unsolvable crimes. +
Unions (Community Organizing, Progressives, etc) gave us the 40 hour work week. +
[[Wikipedia]] shows it's bias in omission and spin when talking about Milk/Moscone/Jones/White. There's a lot of suppressed truths in the talk pages (that periodically get scrubbed). The far left editors would never allow anyone to tell the story why a lifetime civil servant White, would be so outraged to end the lives of two of his coworkers. +
* Moscone was a great man
* Harvey Milk was a martyr to LGBT rights and killed for Homophobia
* Dan White was a Homophobe, and the Twinkie Defense was made up to get him off light
* Jim Jones was a crazy right-wing religious cult leader that had nothing to do with the DNC or left. +
The left's revisions of history is that after 9/11, they behaved well and that the nation came together. Then the Iraq War and [[Bush lied...|the Bush Lies]] divided us. +
Republicans would take away a woman's choice, late term abortions are mostly done for health of the mother/baby, Roe v Wade was good law and protects a Woman's right to choose. Repealing it would outlaw abortions and make Women into chattel. +
Alec is a great guy because he's a progressive vegan, who is rightfully outraged and abusive to the right, especially on issues he knows nothing about like Gun Control, Economics, Immigration, Minorities, and he relentlessly attacked and mocked OrangeMan (Trump). That alone shows that he's a man of good character. +
If you listen to the left, nobody stands a chance of getting ahead because the system is rigged, and everyone who disagrees with them must hate people and want to hold them down. Every issue they touch is about dividing us (by color, gender or class/income), and trying to teach fear of not enough government protecting us from life. It's all about fear.
* '''<font color="#333333">Examples:</font>''' - <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="➕" data-collapsetext="➖"><div class="mw-collapsible-content"><table class="wikitable" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin:3px; vertical-align:top; padding:0px; width:; background-color: WhiteSmoke; box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);"><tr><td>[[SMW::off]]<ul class="smw-format ul-format exampleclass"><li class="smw-row">[[40 Hour work week|40 Hour work week]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[The Broken Window Fallacy|The Broken Window Fallacy]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Financial crisis of 2007-2008|Financial crisis of 2007-2008]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Government and Society|Government and Society]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Government made the iPhone|Government made the iPhone]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Green Energy|Green Energy]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Income inequality|Income inequality]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Keynes|Keynes]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Military industrial complex|Military industrial complex]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Minimum Wage|Minimum Wage]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[New Jersey and the Economist|New Jersey and the Economist]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Obamanomics v Trumponomics|Obamanomics v Trumponomics]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Rent Control|Rent Control]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Socialism|Socialism]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[The Great Depression|The Great Depression]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Trickle Down Economics|Trickle Down Economics]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Unintended Consequences|Unintended Consequences]]</li></ul>[[SMW::on]]</td></tr></table>
To listen to the left or SJW's, etc., you'd believe that Republicans love inequalities like slavery, the oppression of minorities and women, and they'd bring it back if they could. On all these issues the message is "'''fear the other side'''", they are out to oppress you. Inequality of outcome is evidence of oppression and they use that inequality to foster hate and fear those who oppose their agenda. Examples:
* '''<font color="#333333">Examples:</font>''' - <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="➕" data-collapsetext="➖"><div class="mw-collapsible-content"><table class="wikitable" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin:3px; vertical-align:top; padding:0px; width:; background-color: WhiteSmoke; box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);"><tr><td>[[SMW::off]]<ul class="smw-format ul-format exampleclass"><li class="smw-row">[[Black Lives Matter|Black Lives Matter]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Cultural Appropriation|Cultural Appropriation]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Fake Rape|Fake Rape]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Gender Dysphoria|Gender Dysphoria]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Gender Wage Gap|Gender Wage Gap]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Homophobia|Homophobia]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[How the West Was Won|How the West Was Won]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Income inequality|Income inequality]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Institutional Racism|Institutional Racism]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Racism, Sexism, Homophobia|Racism, Sexism, Homophobia]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Social Justice Warriors|Social Justice Warriors]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Transphobia|Transphobia]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[Virtue Signaling|Virtue Signaling]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[VoterID and Voter Fraud|VoterID and Voter Fraud]]</li><li class="smw-row">[[War on Women|War on Women]]</li></ul>[[SMW::on]]</td></tr></table>
</div></div> +
Taxes, laws, regulations are the point where guys with guns will kick down your door, and take away your liberty, property or life (if you resist). In order to convince people to make these liberty suffocating things, you have to convince (and usually scare) them into believing the alternatives are worse. You have to give up free speech or people might say mean things, you have to give up guns or people might shoot other people, and anyone that doesn't agree is the enemy and trying to destroy our civilization or progress. Progress towards what is a little vague, but seems to be an authoritarian utopia. We need government thugs, or people would run amok. +
It's so hard for the superior liberals to have an intellectual discussion with the other side, because conservatives, religion and Republicans are so illogical and anti-science that they can't be reasoned with. The right would replace science with superstition (aka Religion), so you can't trust them. The left wants progress, and the way to get it is to scare the masses into believing that if they don't change NOW, something bad will happen (usually the end of the world or civilization). They're either behind, or at least support, most of the big scares and conspiracy theories, because fear sells their agenda. +
[[Alton Sterling]] - "innocent" black guy and a "hardworking loving father of five" "scraped together a living selling CD's and DVD's", was held down and shot by two white cops, for no good reason. +
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