Alt-Science (small)
From iGeek
This is a list of "alternate science": things that some claim is science, but isn't.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-10-15 |
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For longer summaries: Alt-Science. |
- The left likes to pretend that the Republicans are anti-Science party, and that the Democrats are pro-Science. But while there are pro and anti-science people on both sides of the aisle, facts show that Democrats/Left will put agenda above anything (Family, Country, or Science) far more often or vocally than the Conservative/Right.
- Q: What do you get when you cross science and politics? A: Politics. Putting the politicians in control of science funding (running funding from the Federal government), is politicizing science. Who wants more central control of Science?
- Much of the real fight is about using Science funding to advance a political agenda; a proxy war for causes that the Left/Democrats/media support, and the right and public opposes, so they use faux Science as the excuse for force. You get what you incentivize. If you care about real science, you should support taking the politics (and politicians money) out of "science".
- You can tell who is more anti-Science by just arguing facts and see how they respond to data that doesn't fit their agenda. Do they appeal to emotion (or use emotional arguments), or appeal to facts/data? Do they want more debate and both sides, or to "fact check" / censor the opposition? Does new information cause view revision, or do they attack the apostate? The left was called bleeding-heart and knee-jerk for reasons: appeals to emotion and demand for action before understanding is anti-science, and works better on the left than the right.
▶ Examples
- Alt-Economics
- Alt-Science
- Beepocalypse
- Biofuels
- Black Conspiracy Theology
- Carpool lanes
- Climate
- Colonoscopy
- Environment
- Evolution and Creation
- Gender Wage Gap
- Gender is a choice
- Global Cooling Scare
- Green Energy
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Keynes
- Life Begins at...
- Light Rail
- Nuclear Energy
- Organic food fraud
- Paranormal beliefs
- Peak Oil Theory
- Plastic Bag Bans
- Recycling
- Science and Religion
- Secondhand Drinking
- Secondhand Smoke
- Sexology
- Smoking
- Smoking and Healthcare costs
- Straw Bans
- The Population Bomb
- Unintended Consequences
- War on Science
- Wind Power
▼ Examples
Alt-Science, Left Lies • [36 items]- Alt-Economics - These are the lies (alternate economics) that are told by Fake Economists of the left, and repeated by their rubes and polemics.
- Alt-Science - This is a list of "alternate science": things that some claim is science, but isn't.
- BMI - BMI doesn't differentiate between muscle and fat. A moronic weight to height ratio tells little about health or fitness.
- Beepocalypse - There was this huge scam that the bees were all dying, and it was going to be the end us of all.
- Biofuels - Biofuels are an anti-science flam-flam on the gullible, wasting food, wasting land, polluting, defrauding taxpayers.
- Black Conspiracy Theology - I'm not black, but my Step-Dad is black, I did live and work in black communities.
- Carpool lanes - These cost Cal $2.5B+, a 20% capacity loss, increased pollution, decreased carpooling, and increased injuries (50%+).
- Climate - The Climate is always change, the debate is over the cause and consequences. Where there's no debate, there's no science.
- Colonoscopy - Colonoscopy has been touted as something everyone should do, and best way to reduce risk. May be debunked.
- Environment - I'm pro-environment myself, just anti-environmental-scarism.
- Evolution and Creation - The views are more mixed than many (left/media) pretend. And I'm OK with that, because I'm not an asshole.
- Gender Wage Gap - If you adjust for things like occupational choices, experience, employment gaps, hours worked, and so on, there is no pay-gap.
- Gender is a choice - Gender is not a choice. I'll play make believe to be tolerant to trans folks, but knowing reality is not a phobia/hate.
- Global Cooling Scare - The dishonest, partisan and uninformed downplay the Global Cooling craze of the 1970's, because it makes them look bad.
- Green Energy - The left believes that Green Energy exists, it's cheaper, and could provide all our power needs. Pure ignorance.
- Hydroxychloroquine - Hydroxychloroquine showed great early results in some prelim studies.
- Keynes - A microeconomist that got a few things right in the little picture, but got virtually everything wrong in the big picture.
- Life Begins at... - Science says life begins at conception. Period. Now where should a human life get rights/protection?
- Light Rail - In a vacuum, Light rail sounds great: trains are efficient, comfortable, and just fun. But we don't live in a vacuum.
- Nuclear Energy - The safest and greenest form of energy on the planet... and the environmentalist left has always opposed it.
- Organic food fraud - Is Organic food better for you or the environment? It depends. There are tradeoffs.
- Paranormal beliefs - What do Astrology, UFOs, Ghosts have in common? Twice as many Democrats believe in them as Republicans.
- Peak Oil Theory - M King Hubbert predicted oil production to peak globally around 1986, it's now expected after 2050. Be skeptical of Chicken Little.
- Plastic Bag Bans - Plastic Bag Bans are anti-environmentalism, anti-economics, and hurts people, and the left loves them.
- Recycling - Recycling is not a panacea often increasing pollution, waste, taxes, and government control over our lives.
- Science and Religion - When you mix Science and Politics, you get politics.
- Secondhand Drinking - Along comes secondhand drinking... which harms 53M Americans? Progressivism is a mental disorder.
- Secondhand Smoke - Secondhand smoke exists, but the effects are so exaggerated as to be Junk Science (the EPA's "Study" is debunked).
- Sexology - The foundations of sex research can summed up as perverts distorting data to normalize their perversions.
- Smoking - Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, to the point of being anti-Science.
- Smoking and Healthcare costs - An anti-smoking rationalization was that smoking increased healthcare costs, only it saves costs.
- Straw Bans - Anti-Science Straw Bans are the epitome of California's intolerance towards right-thinking humans. (Copy-catted elsewhere).
- The Population Bomb - Marxist-sponsored hippie environmentalists re-invented the Malthusian catastrophe, and the only solution was Marxism.
- Unintended Consequences - Every action causes a reaction. Many reactions/consequences are counter productive and make the problem worse.
- War on Science - "War on Science" is a fraud so the left can funnel money to special interests posing as Scientists.
- Wind Power - The best thing you can say about Wind Power is that it's less wasteful and more reliable than Solar Power.
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