Alt-History (small)

From iGeek
This is a list of the alternate history that the left uses to twist perception and thus twist reality.
There's real history, and there's "politically correct" alternate history. If you believe any of the left narratives, without understanding the context, whole truth, what they're leaving out or just lying about, then you don't know real history. I first learned this in 5th Grade, and my life was never the same.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-10-15 

Alternate History - There are really two different histories of America -- the one that I know existed based on extensive reading and studying of history, and the one that some of my left of center friends know by repeating what they were taught in School/Universities, what they read in their version of the media, or what they really want to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary.

When I read Howard Zinn, NYT (1619), or Karl Marx's view of the world -- it sounds like an average far-left intersectional Democrat's view of the world. While it has names in common with mine, the facts have been changed to protect the guilty and convict the innocent.

Without someone having an accurate understanding of the past, they have a distorted view of the present, and no ability to understand what's coming in the future. Which explains how they can demand such ruinous things with the glee of a cult follower reaching for their glass of flavor aid. Thus our realities will only occasionally intersect, and when they do, it's usually not a great reaction. Alt-History, Left Lies • [36 items]

  • 1619 Project - The NY Times’ 1619 Project is a Marxist alternate history to reimagine America as founded on slavery.
  • 40 Hour work week - To the left, community organizing/Unions/Govt. gave us everything... that we already had. Like the 40 hour work week.
  • 70s SF Democrats - The left has rewritten history around 1970's Bay Area Democrats: Milk, Moscone, Jones, White and what happened.
  • 9-11 - 9/11 brought us together for a moment, then the left saw an opportunity to politicize and divide us, and took it.
  • Abortion - Abortion is a deeply personal view, but someone's views on it is a window into their soul.
  • Alt-Equality - There is inequality, but we're in the top handful of countries in the world as far as tolerance and diversity
  • Alt-War - There's the real history of war (what, why, how), and the progressive/left version. They only vaguely resemble each other.
  • American Exceptionalism - Is America exceptional? Yes. In so many ways that uneducated, miseducated, or indoctrinated refuse to understand or admit.
  • Black Lives Matter - BLM is the Black Klan, founded by Marxist, using lies and propaganda, with the agenda of division and advancing Marxism.
  • Charlottesville Race Riot - Lies: (1) Charlottesville was all about race (2) Trump supported the White Supremacists.
  • Christian Nation - America is undoubtedly a Christian Nation: founded on Judeo-Christian values and ethics.
  • Civil War and Slavery - To the simple, the Civi War was good v evil, and all about Slavery. To informed adults? Far more complexity.
  • Columbus - The left's version of Columbus and Columbus Day, Indigenous People's and so on, is completely out of touch with reality.
  • Conspiracy Theories - The left and right both have some conspiracy theories, and there are some conspiracy facts.
  • Death Panels - A government panel that denies you access to life-saving healthcare, is a death panel. ACA has a death panel.
  • Dropping the Bomb - The "defeated Japan” theory, is the idea that “the U.S. didn’t NEED to drop the bomb”, American did it because we are bad.
  • Election 2020 - Election 2020 - The polls were off, the media/Social was manipulative, the counts are dubious, and there was cheating.
  • Fascism - Fascism came from Socialism, called themselves socialists, and acted like Socialists. Some pretend they are "right wing".
  • Gentle savages - There were few "Gentle" savages. Their cultures were often brutal by our standards, as were we by today's standards.
  • Government made the iPhone - Pelosi (and the left) thinks the Government gave us the iPhone. Truth is commerce/business funds government.
  • How the West Was Won - This is not about a book or a movie, but about the rise of Western Civilization, over more advanced Eastern ones.
  • Inciting Violence - The left tries to cover up their bad actions, by blaming the other side for it, first. Inciting violence exemplifies this.
  • Institutional Racism - "Systemic/Institutional Racism" is the delusion that the system (laws/agencies) are against poor brown people.
  • J6 - 01/06/2020 was a protest used by the left to have show trials, attack their political enemies, and undermine America.
  • The Jungle - A failing socialist author wrote a debunked political propaganda book, that the miseducated still think was true.
  • Abraham Lincoln - Racist, un-constitutionalist, tyrannical bigot killed more Americans than any other President.
  • Mohammad Mosaddegh - Myths; democratically elected, freedom fighter, overthrown in CIA coup, then America put in our puppet (the Shah).
  • Native American Genocide - There's an oft-spread lie that America committed Genocide on Native Americans. Massacres and Genocide are not the same things.
  • Origins of the Internet - The Internet was not created by DARPA (they created a protocol), but the technoligies are based on customer needs.
  • Reagan emptied mental institutions and caused homeless crisis - There's a persistent myth is that Reagan emptied the mental institutions and that's why we have a homelessness problems.
  • Republicans are racists - Democrats distract from issues by accusing anyone that disagrees as being racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe.
  • Slavery - No one is going to defend Slavery: it was a vile institution. But the issue is far more complex than many let on.
  • Slavery and the New Deal - The "Roots" (Uncle Tom's Cabin) narrative, as told by abolitionists, make no sense.
  • The Southern Strategy - The Southern Strategy was to attract all disenfranchised conservative voters, not racists.
  • War - War, what is it good for? Democrats seem to like is as a tool for dividing us. (Imagined Imperialism).
  • You didn't build that - Without government we'd have commerce. Without commerce and people to tax, there would be no government.


👁️ See also

  • Alt-History - This is a list of the alternate history that the left uses to twist perception and thus twist reality.

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