From iGeek
Disney used to be the all American Company, but it has changed with the times in ways that Walt and Roy would never have approved.
~ Aristotle Sabouni |
- Beauty and the Beast (2017) - My wife’s wanted to see Beauty and the Beast for her birthday. (I wanted to go too). The live action version of an animated classic was sort of on the must see list. It did not disappoint. It got a 71% by reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes but 85% viewer scores, and the reason both were that low is likely that the snowflakes were melting over traditional gender roles, and others got bent over some gay references. Puhlease.
- Bob Chapek Fired - Afer years of Wokeness and failure, Chapek fired and replaced by his mentor and predecessor Robert Iger. Iger has criticized Chapek for not being woke enough. But it's likely the underperformance (financially) of their streaming service, and lack of investor confidence. But consumers aren't thrilled with Disney's wokeness, and may be having an impact in earnings.
- Bob Iger - Bob Iger is the on-again, off-again CEO of Disney. A woketard that is good at business, bad at keeping politics away from alienating half or more of his customers. Worse, the ones he's alienating, are more likely to be informed. This a perfect example of his "Gun Control" above all other things. Fortunately, the media will suppress the story for him.
- Tim Allen - American actor and comedian known for Standup, Tim "The Toolman" Taylor on Last Man Standing, voice of Buzz Lightyear, the Santa Claus. Ex addict, got his life together, seems to believe (or portray) wholesome values in many of his characters, and making fun of both sides, including self-deprecating humor.
- Gina Carano - Gina made a valid point that the problem with Hitler was that the people supported him. Despite other people being defended for far worse, Gina was fired from the Mandelorian. And I cancelled my subscription. She was picked up for a job by The Daily Wire. But Disney claimed that was anti-semitic is moronic. Their double standards are worse.
- Disney Pelosi Character - Disney’s ‘Andor’ Executive Producer Says The Show’s ‘Good Senator’ Is a ‘Nancy Pelosi Character’... so a raging cunt? No one in congress, in my lifetime, has done more to lower the tone of the country than Pelosi. She's always dishonest, divisive, partisan -- and intentionally sabotages deals and undermines American interests. But other than that...
- Disney Sex Busts - Florida human-trafficking investigation busts Disney Employees, contractors, HS math teacher, HS coach, and so on.
- Disney/Buzz Lightyear and Tim Allen - Disney went woke. Tim Allen isn't. Disney replaced Tim Allen on Buzz Lightyear (an iconic role he owns). WTF? This may be nothing more than Tim Allen declined. But I doubt it. I suspect this is more wokescolds at Disney didn't want to reward a rational actor for being rational. If so, they deserve the scorn they earned.
- Eternals (2021) - Disney released Eternals. Reviewers hated it, viewers not as much, but audiences didn't materialize for the long, convoluted, and gender-bending wokeness (replacing characters with gender/race dopplegangers). It's hard to know what to blame, it had bad writing, an assemble film without any pre-investment in the characters (or their backstories), and wokeness was identity over quality. It made a splat sound at the boxoffice.
- Humorless Woke Disney - Disney had a #dadjokes on email thread... and they apologized for a harmless joke, embarrassing themselves. The joke was, "My four-year-old son has been learning Spanish all year and he still can't say the word 'please.' Which I think is poor for four."... cute, and harmless, but they apologized profusely, for cultural insensitivity and mocking learning difficulties.
- Jungle Book (2016) - I wasn't that interested in seeing the new live-action Disney Jungle Book: the original books being creepy and dark, with singing. But it was all the rage in India (and I work with India a lot), so I checked Rotten Tomatoes and it was a high 95/92% approval, and I figured, I might as well see it, for social value. It was over-rated, but not bad.
- The Muppets - Once iconic, innocent puppets, saying silly/naive things, that were cute and adorable... then the creator died, Disney SJW'd them, ratings tanked. Now they are annoying little shits that annoy me everywhere. They should be fun, innocent, and preachy douchebags isn't fun.
- Ricky Gervais - It might be his leftist bonafides, but Ricky Gervais has told the self-important Hollywood elites at the Golden Globes how the rest of the country (and world) see them and their sanctimonious speeches at masturbatory award shows. He's a rare lefty that seems to get that leftism can go too far, when it starts trying to censor and bully and preen.
- Star Wars - Star Wars is a cultural phenomena, but I'm not a huge fan despite seeing all of them. 4 and 5 were good. 6 diverged as Lucas replaced Kurtz as Producer and converted the series from serious adult story into merchandising for kids. Lucas ruined 1, 2, 3, and his juvenile re-edit of 4 was worse. 7, 8, 9 (Solo, Rogue 1) were better, thanks to Disney being less purile than Lucas.
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
I like Disney. My 1st Step Dad worked at Disneyland, and I grew up in the back lots. I think they've done a lot of good stuff. But that doesn't mean they're beyond reproach and haven't done some crappy stuff too. The problem is they're following the trends into Woke Fascism, and once you start hiring and promoting that kind of racism and intolerance, how do you ever get it out? It's already making the shows, rides, brand a lot less than it once was.
👁️ See also
- Memes/Organizations/Disney - These Memes are just about Disney.
- Memes/Star Wars - Not a huge Star Wars fan (though I've seen them all)... but a fan of things that make fun of Star Wars or their fans.
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- Corporate Site: Walt Disney Co
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- Empower Wisconsin: Woke Indoctrination
- Woke Reports: Woke Disney
- Breitbart: Woke Disney Stock
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