Doc Maries

From iGeek
DocMaries Primarylogo-color.svg
What if you opened a Lesbian bar in Portland, but weren't woke enough for Portlandia? Doc Marie's knows: closed.
What if you opened a Lesbian bar in Portland, but weren't woke enough for Portlandia? Doc Marie's knows. They're temporarily closed because despite a great grand-opening and the obvious need for a Lesbian bar in Portland, a few wokesters decided they weren't work enough. Then demanded it become a collective. And thus, the community needs to go somewhere else.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-07-20 

Those addicted to outrage, will find things to be perpetually outraged about. Even if it means they become Ouroboros and start eating their own.


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Organizations that I felt the need to comment on (more often on the negs than the positives). But there's good/bad in all.

Slacktivism is about pretending you're fully woke, but never being able to measure up. If you are fully woke, you are soon out of business.

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Tags: Organizations  Slacktivism

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