2015.08.03 Koch lies

From iGeek
The far-left hates Koch brothers, and so Time distorted a tweet into pretending he's pro-bombing.
The far-left hates Koch brothers, and so Time distorted a tweet into pretending he's pro-bombing. He was actually mocking GDP measures and using bombing as an example that only destroys value, but gets counted as adding value to GDP. Almost directly the opposite of what Time claimed.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-01-21 

Here's what Time put in its tweet, to misquote Koch:

❝ If we make more bombs, the GDP goes up — particularly if we explode them ❞
~ Time misquoting Charles Koch ℹ️

Here's what Charles Koch actually said:

❝ I think we can have growth rates in excess of 4%. When I’m talking about growth rates, I’m not talking about that GDP, which counts poison gas the same as it counts penicillin. What a monstrous measure this is. If we make more bombs, the GDP goes up — particularly if we explode them. ❞
~ Charles Koch ℹ️
What he actually said. 

If you think they represented what he said fairly, then you might be an NPR supporter.


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While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

Time Magazine
A once respected publication before liberals ruined it. Replacing "journalism" with propaganda.

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Tags: FakeNews  Time

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