Not a Democrat (Snopes)

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< Omar Mateen(Redirected from 2016.07.07 Omar Mateen a Democrat)
Omar MateenNot a Democrat (Snopes)
Snopes pretends that Registered Democrat (Pulse Nightclub Shooter Omar Mateen) might not actually be a Democrat.
Snopes does mental gymnastics to pretend that a Registered Democrat (Omar Mateeen: Pulse Nightclub Shooter) might have changed parties in the last few months. So we don't know that he's a Democrat, just because he's been one his entire life, so far. (That's their version of a "Fact Check".
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2016-07-07 

After the left tried to paint Orlando nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) as a conservative anti-Gay person, a few places pointed out he was registered to vote as a Democrat (and was a Muslim that didn't appear to know/care it was a gay nightclub). Snopes jumped in to defend their allies on the left, and did logic-yoga to conclude that while Omar might have registered as a Democrat, he might have changed his mind between registration and hit mass-murder.

While theoretically true, it's not fact checking to call everyone else wrong because of facts not in evidence, or imply that they were jumping to conclusions based on facts that we did know. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. We go with what we know: Omar was registered a Democrat. We have no evidence he had a change of heart.

That doesn't make all Democrats into mass murderers, but more mass murderers do seem to be Democrats.


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

Snopes started as fact-checking but devolved into a hybrid of fact checks and leftist advocacy.

Democrat Shooters
List of Democrat shooters

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Tags: FakeNews  Snopes  Democrat Shooters

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