2017.02.15 Russian Contact

From iGeek
CNN repeatedly claimed Trump had "constant contact" with Russians during campaign, only he had none.
CNN repeatedly claimed Trump had "constant contact" with Russians during campaign. Only Trump didn't appear to have any direct contact. And it is normal for their campaigns to have some, but Trump's had less than normal and certainly less than Hillary's campaign (with the Steel Dossier). And many investigations have not found anything to hint that he colluded with the Russians to fix a campaign. Or that the Russians did anything to successfully change the outcome of our election.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-01-21 

CNN repeatedly claimed Trump had "constant contact" with Russians during campaign. Only Trump didn't appear to have any direct contact. And it is normal for their campaigns to have some, but Trump's had less than normal and certainly less than Hillary's campaign (with the Steel Dossier). And many investigations have not found anything to hint that he colluded with the Russians to fix a campaign. Or that the Russians did anything to successfully change the outcome of our election.


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

1980 Ted Turner started CNN to put his left center spin on "the news". Then it went downhill.

Donald Trump
A list of articles on Trump, his accomplishments, scandals (real and imagined).

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Tags: FakeNews  CNN  Trump

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