2019.05.09 Raping dog to death

From iGeek
A guy that rapes his fiancee’s dog to death is set free, because he was an illegal alien in a Sanctuary State (Oregon).
What does Sanctuary City/State laws mean? It means a guy that rapes his fiancee’s dog to death is set free, rather than letting ICE deport him. (Oregon). Animal cruelty is nothing compared to political posing and virtue signaling.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-05-11 

What does Sanctuary City/State laws mean? It means a guy that rapes his fiancee’s dog to death is set free, rather than letting ICE deport him.


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I love immigrants. I am one. Supporting legal immigration isn't xenophic, it's compassion.

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Tags: Illegals  Sanctuary

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