2019.05.10 Stolen Golfball Fabrication

From iGeek
Trump is so bad, the far left (Sports Illustrated) has to make up stories how he cheats at golf.
Trump is so bad, the far left (Sports Illustrated's liberal sports writer Rick Reilly) has to make up stories how he cheats at golf. But there are many holes in the story, like no water feature on the hole in question, "Daddy" line came from a 25 year old, no witnesses. But Vox, Vice, Esquire, The Independent, Hill Reporter, Daily Beast, New York Times retweet anyways.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-05-11 

There's a story going around about how Donald Trump cheats at golf, with Sports Illustrated's liberal sports writer Rick Reilly telling how Donald Trump beat Ted Virtue as club champion of Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. Rick's telling involved Trump playing ted the remaining 6 holes for the championship title, which Trump won, but only after Ted's 11 year old's ball gets claimed by Trump as Trump's (after Trump's ball goes in the water) and the line, "Daddy that's MY ball", and how the story was backed up by Golf.com. Only Ted's son is 25, is unlikely to have said the money-quote "Daddy...", you don't play a remaining 6 holes from the 9th hole in Golf, the 14th hole (where this is supposed to have happened) has no water feature, and why can't Rick find a single witness to back up the tale "on-the-record". The story sounds like complete bullshit, but that didn't stop FakeNews outlets from repeating the preposterous story (Vox, Vice, Esquire, The Independent, Hill Reporter, Daily Beast, New York Times (contributor Brendan Nyhan), and thousands of re-tweets by the gullible left).


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New York Times
A never great News Agency has become a shadow of their former self: admittedly biased, occasionally good content.

Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

A hard left outlet, that exists to twist every news story from a hard left PoV.

Vox is an American opinion website founded in 2014 by far left folks to put a far left skew on FakeNews.

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Tags: NYT  FakeNews  Esquire  Vice  Vox  DailyBeast  The Independent

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