2019.10.28 Sean Kealiher

From iGeek
Antifa supporters (Sean Kealiher and Hyatt Eshelman) got into a drunken argument and shot at some guys.
Unwinding after a riot, at the appropriately named Cider Riot (Antifa hangout), Sean Kealiher and Hyatt Eshelman were walking back to their car when they got into a drunken argument with some guys, who got into their Ford SUV and drove away, did a U-turn, and intentionally drove into Sean. Hyatt fired a few rounds into the truck, and the occupants fled.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-12-13 

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • After a riot earlier in the night...
  • At the appropriately named Cider Riot (a far-left Antifa/anarchist hangout), an extremist Antifa supporter (Sean Kealiher) got was walking back to his car with Hyatt Eshelman and got into a drunken argument with some guys on the street.
  • The street guys got into a Ford SUV and drove away... then did a U-turn, and intentionally drove into Sean (and the Democratic Party of Oregon headquarters).
  • Hyatt pulled out a gun and fired a few rounds into the truck, and the occupants of the SUV fled.
  • AAntifa warned members against cooperating with the media and "the pigs" in the investigation.


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Antifascism (aka fascism) incites or commits violence, with the lefts support.

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Tags: Antifa

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