Neuropathy (pain) makes her unhappy, Visits (Mirna, Running-Rebecca, Sigrid), Moved from Cardiac to Neurological unit..
Created: 2023-02-28
2023-03-01 (Wednesday) - Neuropathy, Visits, Moved from Cardiac to Neurological unit.
- Visitor conflict Melissa loves people and interacting, but likes to put a good foot forward. So as her Husband, there's sort of this conflict -- does the benefit of Social Interaction outweigh that she wouldn't want people to "see her like this"? Close friends, those that have been on the Journey with her from the start, makes sense. But I'm trying not to add too many more people to the list, until she's a little stronger/further.
That being said, we had visits from:
- Running-Rebecca - The start of the visit was rough, because Melissa was in pain and focused on it -- but pain meds helped and she got to see a little of Melissa. Like her getting pissed and saying, "Dave, shut the fuck up!" (Someone wasn't happy about the pain).
- Heart-Rebecca was going to visit. But didn't come down when she'd asked status and it wasn't a good day (and they were saying they were going to do the MRI, again). She'll try again later.
- Sigrid came -- and since she works with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) got to see how much progress Melissa has made since last visit. And she did progress, though she caught the vision issues, and has concerns there.
- Mirna visited as well, and was just happy with how much better Melissa is; speech, strength, color, has an oxygen tube, but doens't need it. They wouldn't have moved her out of the cardiac until until she was strong enough. And they did.
- Running-Rebecca - The start of the visit was rough, because Melissa was in pain and focused on it -- but pain meds helped and she got to see a little of Melissa. Like her getting pissed and saying, "Dave, shut the fuck up!" (Someone wasn't happy about the pain).
- Heart-Rebecca was going to visit. But didn't come down when she'd asked status and it wasn't a good day (and they were saying they were going to do the MRI, again). She'll try again later.
- Sigrid came -- and since she works with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) got to see how much progress Melissa has made since last visit. And she did progress, though she caught the vision issues, and has concerns there.
- Mirna visited as well, and was just happy with how much better Melissa is; speech, strength, color, has an oxygen tube, but doens't need it. They wouldn't have moved her out of the cardiac until until she was strong enough. And they did.
- Neuropathy Melissa is having neuropathic pain in her feet. And just loses her shit. A symptom of TBI is that if there's something like pain, you get in a loop and can't get out. And she's completely in "make it stop" mode. I get it, and we would if we could. I did get the nurses to up her pain meds a little -- but they're only using things like Aspirin, because they don't want to give her narcotics for MRI or other brain healing. So it torture watching her suffer and cry, and not being able to help/stop it. The meds did something, and she got more reasonable, then crashed. But it kind of comes and goes. And I assume that some of Neuropathy is the brain reconnecting the nerves to the brain. The problem is sometimes neuropathy is temporary, sometimes it isn't. I'm utterly helpless.
- Neurology They moved Melissa from the Cardiac Recovery unit to the Neurological recovery unit. Which is a sign that she's pretty out-of-the-woods heart-wise. But there's still a TBI (Brain Injury) that will take time to get over. The biggest concern there, is she's gone from saying things like, "I can't focus" to, "I can't see". And now she's not focuing/tracking when she opens her eyes. I had thought her eyes closed stuff was just focusing on speech and blocking out visual noise. Now of course, I'm much more concerned for the implications. And while I say, "don't go down that rabbit hole", that's exactly where I go whenever I let my guard down. But she does have an appointment for eye exams, etc. Hopefully, that happens before the mythical MRI that we've been promised every day for a week now.
- Shepherd's Pie A neighbor made me some "Turkey Shepherd's Pie" to feed the helpless male who's been living on frozen/take-out food. It was good/appreciated -- but when I told my British Cousin (Alexis) she was aghast. Shepherd's Pie is made with Lamb, not Turkey. Cottage pie is beef. We yanks are barbarians putting poultry in Shepherd's Pie. And that's why we left the crowned colonies 247 years ago; if we want Turkey in Shepherd's Pie, so be it. (It was pretty good).
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