While waiting for the other test results, we got a setback; a small stroke. But a quick remedy.
Created: 2023-03-03
2023-03-03 (Friday) - stroke, angeogram, heart scare, and a lot of Melissa's personality.
Driving in they call me and tell me she had a stroke, and they are doing a brain angeogram. This little Eagle Scout is trying to earn all her Merit Badges in a visit. If you're going to have a clot, the Neurology Ward of Houston Methodist is the place to do it (while on blood thinners, with a watchman device in place). I got there as they started, and 30 minutes later she was in recovery. They said no major occlusion, but they were looking at addressing some minor stuff further down (smaller vessels).
Great interaction today
While in recovery (and later) she was chatty cathy again. Great interactions. Click for the disccussions
- False Alarm While in Recovery (and the discussions above) she complained about pain in her chest. I let them know, and that started a scramble for an EKG, and a response. But while they were responding, she said the pain moved to her back. And I reached under her, and started pulling / pressuring on the knotts in her back. To "That's it, harder". To which I replied, "Any harder, and I'm coming through the other side". After about 10 minutes, the pain went from a 3 or 4 to, "You got it, it's all better".
- Visit Jennifer Manning and Diane. Diane re-introduced herself as the person who introduced Melissa to the Running Club where she had the heart attack. I said, "So it's your fault she's in here?"... and for about 2 beats I think I flummoxed Diane, before she got that I was pulling her leg (with the help of Jennifer saying I'm snarky/sarcastic). I smiled and pointed out if it wasn't for her, Melissa might have dropped somewhere without such great healthcare around. They had great conversations with Melissa, and she was much more interactive. But by 3:30pm and talking most of the day she was getting tired and a little harder to understand. (Which isn't always easy).
- Other stuff
- She always asks about the cat, chores, it's hard because of her speech issues, lots of frustration because her brain is faster than her mouth. But she's in there and very interactive.
- She was talking with her Mom and mentioned, "We're still going to Ireland in Summer, right? You're going to kiss the Blarney Stone". (This is a trip she started planning a month or so ago).
- She said she couldn't see again... but then I turned the flashlight on the cell phone and she could see the light. I think it's more that her optic nerve/etc., is still working, but her brain doesn't want to use the brain power to handle the imaging. I told her that was something we think/hope will get better.
- She mutters things like "My Body Betrays me"... and things that let you know she fully gets what's going on
- She was trying to pull out the Oxygen tube that was in her nose (because of the "pain in her chest/back"). And I was stopping her hands. She wouldn't leave it alone. So she reached out with her tongue and hooked it over the tube and pulled it out. I quipped, "Holy shit, how long have you had a prehensiled tongue? You've been holding out on me!" And she laughed.
- Vick and Rich visited later -- and she was engaged. She was also scared of how large her room/space is. (This is a symtom of where she had her stroke). But they got to see and interact with her. And she mentioned that she's gonna be slower at playing Dominoes (something she loves).
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