Tuesday; Standing...talked to Neurology. Shannon and Sigrid visited.
Created: 2023-03-06
2023-03-07 (Tuesday) - chatty, talked to Neurology, got her standing. Shannon and Sigrid visits.
Melissa was very chatty today. But Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) came and did a lot of little things with her, and were already noting changes/improvements. They got her to stand. And reading through the notes, they're helping her <25% to get her to sit up or stand (it looks like more).
- Vision Definiately, it's becoming clearer (pun intended) that she can see. She's just not processing everything, which is part of the stroke. And she sees some things that aren't there (her brain fills in blanks in strange ways). Sigrid or the OT Girl would ask her objects and she couldn't get them all. But if she touched/interacted she could figure them out better. That's what rehab is for.
- Neurologists... Finally Cornered them and talked.
- They never did the MRI, because whenever they brought her down there, they didn't think she was responsive enough (or willing to sit still enough), to bother. At this point, with all the CT's (and Brain Angeo), they don't think it's going to show them anything that they don't already know.
- They let me know that throwing a clot is an ischemic stroke (I thought that was hemoragic).
- They weren't going to talk too much to a plebe (and knowing the damage doesn't predict how well she will recover), but they kind of helped me on rehab stuff, which is that they didn't think she was THAT severe a case. Pretty much any rehab place should be able to help.
- They're probably going to want Mellisa on Eliquis (or some other blood thinner) forever. They don't seem to trust the watchman as being adequate.
Shannon visited and discussed a Disney Run that she and Melissa had talked about doing (and that Shannon tributed to Melissa). And she brought back an ornament. Melissa loved the company and running stories.
- Sigrid Sigrid visited and was doing her day-job and seeing how well Melissa had progressed. I'm not a professional and I could see the improvements since last time. As well as some of the work ahead; her not being able to do the connections on what an object was based on what her eyes were telling her. But if she could touch them, she could. Definitely, some neuroplasticity training to come.
- Rehab A lot of decision making around Rehab. Houston Methodist was selling me on the advantages of leaving her with them. And their arguments made a lot of sense. TIRR Woodlands was a slightly easier commute, but Saint Mirna not only saved my wife's life, but is providing carpooling for Mary to the Med Center. With Neurology not thinking Melissa is a very extreme case, it seems like the continuity of care, private room, flexibilituy of a smaller program, makes Houston Methodist a better choice for rehab, even without the national reputation.
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