55 MPH Speed Limit

From iGeek
Speed Limit 55 sign.svg
The federally mandated 55 MPH speed limit failed at every goal, but still too; many decades to replace.
The federally mandated 55 MPH speed limit failed at every goal. It saved 1/4th the oil promised ($350M), but it cost $3.65B in enforcement. We went from 70% speed limits compliance to 90% non-compliance. Accidents and fatalities were flat, but declined when we raised speed limits later. Bitter legal/constitutional fights wasted $ millions and decades of court time.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-07-01 
Unintended Consequences
YouTube Logo 2017.svg

A toastmasters speech I did on Unintended Consequences (2010)


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We need to agree on what terms mean. This used to be easy, before SJW's/Marxists started Orwelling our language.

Unintended Consequences
Every action causes a reaction. Many reactions/consequences are counter productive and make the problem worse.

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Tags: Terms  Unintended Consequences

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