ACLU - pedophiles good, Trump supporters bad

From iGeek
The ACLU has defended Terrorists, NAMBLA (Homosexual child abuse), Kiddie Porn, Nazi's, the KKK, drug dealers and so on.
The ACLU has defended Terrorists, NAMBLA (Homosexual child abuse), Kiddie Porn, Nazi's, the KKK, drug dealers... But Trump supporters or anti-Immigration folks are causing a rift in the ACLU on whether free speech can go too far. Which reflects poorly on how far authoritarian the ACLU has gone. If you think pedophiles are better than Trump supporters? You're useless.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2017-08-17 


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Once a civil rights organization, now just boosters for the DNC's latest woke agenda items.

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There is real hate in America, but it's usually by the left and towards anyone else.

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