Ahmed Mohamed

From iGeek
President Obama tweet to student Ahmed Mohamed (cropped).jpg
Ahmed Mohamed became "Clock Boy" after coming to school with what looked like a time bomb in a briefcase.
Ahmed Mohamed became "Clock Boy" after coming to school with what looked like a time bomb in a briefcase. The left called the reaction to simulated explosives, "racial profiling", and rewarded him with WhiteHouse visits and scholarships to Harvard. But the truths were that his dad was an activist, he should have known what he was doing.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-08-25 

The wannabe suicide bomber of course sued Texas for trying to prevent the bombing of their kids... but the lawsuit was laughed out of court. As were his lawsuits against Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro for reporting the truth about his background. In hindsight, Ahmed's supporters look like the rubes they were for helping a kid parlay a bomb-threat in 15 minutes of fame and tried to bilk people of millions from nuisance lawsuits. But if they could learn, they wouldn't be progressive snowflakes:

Memes[edit | edit source]

Memes/Clocks • [14 items]

Confused on Clock, Bomb or Gun? This might help.

It's a clock cooker!

Look, I made a flashlight!

A Grandfather Clock!

Two can play that game: it's just a clock!

Kids with homemade clocks!

Picard: Who the fuck builds a clock in a briefcase?

Safety Jijadist is not impressed by my infidelling!

I don't always build a WMD, but when I do, Obama invites me to the Whitehouse.

Look, it's a clock!

How to make a candle.

How to make a candle 2... the teacher be impressed.

Just dropping off some clocks.

Obama Clock Tweet: good job!


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This is the root for finding info on people

Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

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Tags: People  FakeNews

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