Are Trump voters racist?

From iGeek
Are Trump voters racist?.png
Three simple questions that disproves the whole "Trump" or "Trump supporters" are racist narrative. But we knew that.
Dennis Prager had a great point / litmus test, just ask Trump or Trump supporter 3 simple questions: do you prefer a white leftist or a black conservative? Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court? Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal? But we knew that.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-08-04 

Dennis Prager had a great point / litmus test.[1] If you want to know if that Trump supporter is racist, it’s pretty easy. Ask Trump or Trump supporter 3 simple questions:

  1. Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?
  2. Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?
  3. Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case. If they don’t, then they’re not a racist, and the accuser is a bigot if they didn’t ask and get the facts first. I don't know of a single conservative that would have a problem with the black conservatives (or they could be Latino, Asian, Indian, etc.). I'm sure they're out there, I've just never met one.

There's a reason the media never asks anyone they accuse of being a Trump Supporting racist these questions... and that's because they likely already know the answer, and it's not favorable to their dishonest premise.

Is Trump a racist?[edit source]

           Main article: Is Trump a racist?
Trump is not a racist. He was celebrated for his pro-diversity positions before running for office. Virtually all examples that the left uses evaporates with any inspection, or application of common sense. It's all "dog whistles", things you can't hear, but trust them, it's there. That's why he dates, employed, hugs, celebrates minorities.


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Is Trump a racist?
Trump is not a racist. He was celebrated for his pro-diversity positions before running for office.

Tags: Racist Trump

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