
From iGeek
I like Oz (Australia) and Australians... but sometimes your purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.
Started as a penal colony, Oz (Australia) is a wonderful place, with wonderful people, and flora and fauna that all wants to kill you. Like Canada, they are far to the left of America: which means they don't REALLY understand what made America great, and they have a populous that thinks collectivism will lead to utopia.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
🗒️ Note:

I was applying for Australian citizenship and the interviewer asked, "Do you have a criminal record?"
I replied, "No. Is that still required?"

I didn't pass.
Apparently a sense of humor is a disqualifier.

Freedom[edit | edit source]

A lot of people like to pretend that Australia is a free country, just because it has a semi-functioning Democracy. But freedom/liberty is the inverse of Taxes/Regulations/Laws (that restrict liberty/freedom).

If more of what you make goes to the government (in Taxes) than yourself, then you're more slave than a freeman.

  • Top income taxes are 45%
  • + 2% medicare
  • + 10% GST (VAT) on almost every good or service you buy
  • + extras like a 33% car luxury tax
  • + 30% Corporate Tax
    • if you own a corporation, then you pay that on top...
    • if you work for a corporation or bought a good or service for one, then they paid that tax for you, before paying you or selling you the good/service. Meaning the tax is hidden, but it was paid by the consumer/investor/employee

A law/regulation is usually used to restrict what you can do. It's the point where guys with guns will steal your property, liberty or life if you don't comply. So what aren't you free to do in Australia?

  • 1A (Free Speech) - The right to free speech is severely limited, and situational. They give the illusion of it -- but they can and will prosecute you for saying they don't like.
  • 2A (Self Defense) - The right to self defense (keep and bear arms) is severely limited. If only the cops have guns, then you live in a police state. Oz is a police state.
  • 4A (Privacy/Not to be Searched) - There's no overarching right to not be searched in Australia
  • 5A (Remain Silent) - The courts are allowed to infer guilt, or increase penalties if you won't voluntarily incriminate yourself
  • 9/10A (State Sovereignty) - there are few limits on federal overreach
  • Separation of powers - Parliamentary systems don't have as good of separation of powers to protect individuals against the ruling party. In practice, that their governments are usually run by coalition, they often have some compromises required to limit absolute power by one party... but there are less protections agaist tyranny of the majority or the few.
  • COVID - you need look no further than how they handled COVID, putting people under house arrest, despite no evidence that they had a disease and were a threat to others. The way they limited protests, assaulted those who wouldn't comply.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In good times, Oz has the illusion of being a free'ish country, other than be a wage slave to the Company Store (Country), with an absurd tax buden. In bad times, the illusion comes off, and you a pesants to the crown -- you have no constitutionally protected rights, only temporary liberties that they will take away at will. They will eliminate your ability to travel, work, play, or leave your house, when it suits them.

They have a constitution, but not for what it was designed for. In the U.S. it was about all the power/liberty is in the hands of the people, and they let the government have certain powers. In Oz, all the power is in the hands of the government, and they grant fewer liberties (and less absolute) to the people -- on the condition that they can take it away under the guise of the greater good (tyranny of the ruling party, as a guise for being the majority of the people's will).

So I don't dislike Oz. They have a fun people/culture, and other than many venomous plants and creatures, it's a pretty place. And there are certainly worse places in the world. But don't try to sell me on the bullshit that they're a free country. They're a bunch of serfs that are so miseducated that they think they're free, just because the government is temporarily granting them recess -- as long as they keep giiving it over half their lunch money.

Related[edit | edit source]

Australia • [3 items]

There’s a popular fraud that since Oz (Australia) enacted their Gun confiscation program, that things magically got much better there. This is usually done with very selective editing of the “facts”. The reality is that murders didn't go down by as much as the U.S. over the same time (while loosening gun laws), and illegal guns and gun crimes went up.
Australian Fires
The latest 50 years are wetter than the prior 50. 40% of fires are deliberately lit and 47% accidental: thus 87% are manmade (not Climate Change). Australia's firebug problem scaled up after new poor land management policies and gun confiscation (or in spite of gun control) as preferred mass murder tool. The media/left blames Climate Change.
Australian Mass Murders
FakeNews outlets promote the fallacy that since Australia violated everyone's civil liberties and got rid of guns, that the place is a utopia (no more mass murders). Reality is that their crimes/murder dropped less than the U.S., they have more guns than ever, and their mass murders have gotten worse, not better.

🖼️ Memes

Memes/Places/Australia • [2 items]

Only you can prevent Climate Change!
"In Asutralia guns are..."... Fuck Australia!


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