Benefits encourage unemployement

From iGeek
Is anyone surprised that paying people not to work, encourages more people to not work?
Is anyone surprised that paying people not to work, encourages more people to not work? Well, as soon as a conservative suggested it in 2020 (not to raise unemployment too much), far left News organizations all pearl clutched over the offensive premise of cause and effect. So Democrats did it, and they got the exact effect the reasonable had warned.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-06-28 

After Democrats paid people more to not work than they made when working, the unemployment numbers shot up more than expected: and that didn't convince leftist sources of anything.

Now WSJ published a report that the 22 states (including Missouri) that opted out of the higher unemployment benefits are seeing their employment rates improve faster than states that are still paying people more to not work.

🗒️ Note:
I'm not saying it's always bad to help people out. I'm just saying that the adults in the room know there are balances and tradeoffs that have to be taken into account. There's little moral high ground in stealing from one guy to give to another.

FakeNews[edit | edit source]

Of course some Fake News outlets like NYT are still publishing unsupported disinformation to muddy the waters. Like the claim that job fairs in Missouri as still not seeing as many workers as they have jobs. [1] While that's true, it's anecdotal and unsupported and proves nothing other than after a government forced economic downturn, when government removes the shackles on private enterprise, we can have a surge in demand that exceeds the supply.


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