New Rule: Along for the Pride (Video)

From iGeek
< Bill Maher
Bill MaherNew Rule: Along for the Pride (Video)
Maher does a 10-minute rant on the obvious that many of us noticed about 10+ years ago, and have been saying ever since.
Bill Maher does a 10 minute rant on the obvious that many of us noticed about 10+ years ago, and have been saying ever since. But if he keeps saying this stuff, they’re going to take away his Marxist Progressive Card. So while it’s a rehash (and yes I read Abighail’s book), but at least he’s saying it. And he has some wit about it (or at his writers do).
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-05-25 

None of this is because the right has changed their tone and are saying anything different… it’s just that the far left has gotten so absurd that even some of the lefties are getting red-pilled… and if they’re not careful, enough of them will start opening their eyes, that they’ll lose a generation or two to sanity. We’re already hitting another phase where being Alex P. Keaton is more rebellious than getting your genitals surgically removed, and the real oppressed minorities in most schools are the Young Republicans.

Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
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New Rule: Along for the Pride


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What is Trans? Which trans? Transvestite, Transexual, Transgender, Transphobia, Transmission?

Bill Maher
Bill Maher pretends to be libertarian, but he is an old-school tax-and-spend liberal with reasonable limits on authoritarianism.

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