Brenton Tarrant
Leftist Green Nationalists shoots up a Mosque in NZ. Leftist media pretends he's a crazed right-winger.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-05-16 |
A left wing crazy (Brenton Tarrant) shoots a bunch of innocent muslims in Christchurch because according to his manifesto:
- (a) he is a Green Nationalist who believes that immigrants are overpopulating the planet and causing global warming
- (b) he hates Capitalism/Conservatism, and the country he most admires: Communist China
- (c) Does he like Trump? A:"As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no."
- (d) He explained how a Van full of TATP (explosives) would be more effective, but he chose guns because the media/left would magnify his message, fracture society over gun control, and be his tools (lead to a civil war)
- (e) He murder 40 people at one Mosque (live-streamed the attack), but is stopped in a second incident by a good guy with a gun firing back (and chasing him off)
- (f) In the 20+ minute shooting spree, not a cop is heard or found -- you will always have a stronger vested interest of your life and your friends than government, trusting others to protect you is a fools errand. When seconds count, the cops might be hours from helping (in the Orlando Shooting example).
The FakeNews and liars on the left all omit all that context, spin it as a right wing terrorist, pretend this is Trump's fault, act as Tarrant's tools and try to blame it on a lack of gun-control (in a very gun restrictive country), then FB, Google, Twitter, other far-lefties block access to the source document to prevent people from learning the truth.
Great Replacement Theory[edit source]
If Tarrant's manifesto proved or supported that Tarrant was right-wing (by any standard definition of right/conservative/moderate/religious/etc), then the left would have shared the shit out of it, like it was a draft of a Supreme Court ruling. Instead, they blocked sharing it. De-platformed people that did share it. And misquoted it. So their dodging sharing the source proves that the source doesn't further their agenda. (Aka the willingness to let this opportunity go to waste, is proof they know it's not a very good opportunity). |
The idea that globalist multiculturalism is allowing native displacement (via immigration and overpopulation) by less desirable elements/cultures (e.g. the French people and culture are being replaced by anti-West North African Muslims). Furthermore that such replacement and overpopulation will ruin the native cultures, quality of life, and the planet. This is just a combination of Left-Wing Paul_R._Ehrlich's Population Bomb, left-wing environmentalist defeatism (Gaylord Nelson's Earth Day), mixed with Margaret Sanger's left-wing racist Negro Project later renamed Planned Parenthood. A pinch of anti-globalist leftism, a dollop of leftist environmental defeatism, and a dash of "do something" progressive ehuthenasia/post-birth abortion becomes Greta Thunberg with a gun and a cause. The left tries to spin this progressive enviornmental nationalism as "right wing", by pretending left wingers can't be nationalists, but Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, Castro, Saddam Hussein, Korea's Kim's, and all the others seem to disagree. The adherents claim they don't hate Muslims, Immigrants, Blacks, etc., they just need to convince them to stay away and allow the cultures to remain distinct. The realities that immigration is happening, causing friction, and is both bragged and lied about by the left/media/globalists, seems to empower the rage/backlash against the immigrants. And the more the left tries to censor (supress the manifesto's), the more appealing those manifestos seem to those who find them. |
Details[edit | edit source]
🗒️ Note: |
While I agree that this Great Replacement is happening and encouraged by the far left, that doesn't mean I agree with Replacement Theory extremists' solutions to that reality. Violence, isolation or forced/encouraged expatriation are the wrong means and the wrong ends. And I wouldn't call most of the people/cutlures that are mixing "inferior", just different. But to fix reality, we need to first accept reality. And the reality is that the foundation of Replacement Theory is somewhat factually correct. |
The media talks about the Great Replacement Theory angle -- without getting into it, as it is a can of worms, that shows the left for what it is.
- Democrats: American Whites are being replaced by brown immigrants with different values/cultures. Woot! End whitey! That’s why we’re for open borders! You can’t replace American values/culture and race quick enough for us.
- Informed: We call that Replacement Theory, it was first documented by a Left-leaning Gay Activist Frenchman (Renaud Camus).
- Democrats: Look at this Fringe Right-Wing Replacement Conspiracy Theory! No basis in reality!
History of GRT (Great Replacement Theory)
- GRT was created by a gay French activist named Renaud Camus, who wrote a book L'Abécédaire de l'in-nocence ("Abecedarium of no-harm")(2010) that covered the reality that globalist multi-culturalism was allowing the French to be displaced by Muslim (and other) immigration and out populating the natives in France.
- Camus criticized the left for prioritizing defending Islam and anti-racism over criticizing Muslim homophobia. E.g. Camus' agenda seemed to be about protecting his subculture, and sexual identity. It was personal because that new subculture wanted to exterminate him and his kind.
- Camus's view that he was being replaced isn't really a "conspiracy theory", as it is a mathematical/cutlural/statistical reality.
- If you believe the leftist politicians are aware this is happening, but choose globalism over nationalism because immigrants vote more left than natives, then this isn't really a theory, but just a reality that he's spinning for his own agenda. And if you don't believe they're aware of this, you must really think they are clueless/stupid.
- "The Great Replacement" is also the title of Brenton Tarrant's manifesto (the New Zealand Mosque shooter) referenced Camus's book and ideas. As did Patrick Crusius (El Paso Shooter) in his manifesto. And Payton Grendon (Buffalo Shooter)'s manifesto.
- Calling this "The Great Replacement Conspiracy" is a way for the left to avoid dealing with the reality that the claim aren't just loony toons. The premise is correct (or at least has elements in it that are correct). French (or American) values and people are being displaced through immigration and population rates. It is just that some extremsists conclusion/solutions that are wrong. (They believe that violence or race warfare will fix it).
- Here's what everyone but the far-left understands: change/progress/immigration (melding) has a speed limit. When you exceed that speed limit, you get backlash. The culture/people can feel under attack, and they respond by "counter-attacking". Thus the problem isn't just the guy throwing rocks at the speeding car (bad behavior), but the speeder in the car (also bad behavior). The solution isn't to end driving, it's just to moderate it to the point where everyone feels safer. Immigrants require time to join the melting pot and become Americans, without being non-integrated pocket cultures that speak different languages, and have anti-American (or far-left) values -- you have to respect the rate of that merging, or accept the reality that any friction is caused by unrestricted inflow.
- When you deny the problem exists (and it obviously does), then anyone that looks into it, can see that you're lying to them. A few figure, "well if this wacky conspiracy theorist was telling the truth about the media lies, then they might be telling the truth about the solution being violence". Bad conclusion, but it's empowered by the left's unwillingness to accept uncomfortable truths. This is magnified by the fact that the leftist media won't fairly/honestly analyze the Manifesto or share it, that proves that at least some of them know it doesn't fit their agendas/narrative and they are willing to lie to the public for their agenda. And they do the next step, "which is they are lying about this, what else are they lying about".
So the problems here are not simple. Replacement Theory is an observation of reality. Lying about what it is, empowers the extremists. Some of the interpretations of what it means are wrong, and certainly a few fringe extremists are using this to rationalize violence as a way to fix it, which is more wrong.
The biggest problems here is with leftist activists/progressives that want to fix these problems now (and be the change that their Marxist teachers taught them to be): they aren't conservative/moderate/patient or humanists (right wing). It's also with leftist racists, that believe race is the problem here, and not the cultures: cultures can be changed (individuals can be taught and grow to be more America), race and gender are immutable. Which is why I don't care if we have a lot of Pro-American immigration from Africa, Middle-East, Asia, etc, but I do care if we have Anti-American immigration from Middle East, Europe or Central/South America (even if the latter looks more like me).
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Tags: People Mass Murder Global Massacres/Christchurch Shooting