Bros (2022)
Far left Gay Film flops at the box office, bigoted writer blames homophobia and not a bad film/story or woke fatigue.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-10-04 |
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Bros (2022) - Reviewers loved it, the audience that saw it loved it. But most of audience just stayed away. Since the true measure is how many wanted to see it, and it cratered at the box office, that tells you what you need to know. A big loser. |
It did get a 90/91 on RT. But that's self-selected viewers and self-selected audience that loved it -- it wasn't widely watched enough to get a good diverse opinion.
One of the problems is if you advance it as a gay rom-com, you probably already narrowed your audience tremendously. I don't care about gay or not... but I'm not that interested in explicit gay sex scenes. Guys will suffer through a Rom-Com to appease women and increase their odds of getting laid -- but not sure this movie would set that mood for guys or the girls they're trying to bed. This was also post-COVID, and movie watching is way down.
How not to influence people:
- Bill Eichner (writer) had started by making it about him... saying that he was proud that he was releasing this during a culture war. And that he didn't make this movie for half of America and they shouldn't see it. He mocked religion, red states, middle America, then whines that they don't want to see his queer rom-com. Which is it? Do you want them, or do you want to be condescending? [1]
- Eichner is a flaming douche that was alienating potential audiences on twitter. And in real life, when he tries to play prissy queen of the elites in "Man on the Street" interviews. [2]
- Eichner blames the bomb on Homophobia, which is retarded since plenty of other gay movies did just fine, and his bomb didn't pull in any gay audiences either. It's not like it's a hit with the LGBT community, or the numbers would be far higher. So despite a ton of PR/Marketing, it flopped because it wasn't a compelling story, or the right time. [3]
- Don't get me wrong, I think he's right that much of middle America doesn't want to watch a far left rom-com about urban gays in crisis, with explicit sex scenes. But that's no more homophobic than the fact that movies about rural southerners having straight sex, isn't likely to be a huge hit with gays (if that's all a movie is about)... and that's not Heterophobia. The more narrow you get in plot, the more narrow your audience. And being an asshole didn't generate buzz, it just limits those with interest.
- Movies with interesting stories/plots succeeded despite being gay, as long as they were about more than being gay. Breitbart lists a lot of successful gay movies: Bohemian Rhapsody, The Birdcage, Rocketman, The Imitation Game, Brokeback Mountain, Philadelphia, In & Out, The Crying Game, Love Simon, To Wong Foo - Thanks for Everything!, Milk, Moonlight, Call Me By Your Name. Which defies the "Middle America is homophobic" about films. [4]
The more you brand this as a Woke LGBTQIAA Film, the more you disinterest a lot of the audience. If you want to sell it, sell it why it's funny, shocking, or does something entertaining and why they should see it. Not. "See it because it's gay and if you don't, you must hate fags!"
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