1980 Corona

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Cars1980 Corona
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-12-14 

After Dad killed my Subaru, my Grandma's neighbor was selling a 1972 Toyota Corona for cheap. It was the fugliest car I have ever seen. When she asked, I literally begged her NOT to buy it and promised I would drive it. So she bought it for me. (It's an Italian thing). I smiled, thanked them, and after a drove it home, I never drove it again. I was heartbroken because I couldn't sell it and get what I wanted, and I would rather die than drive that car to the ER.

It wasn't that I was ungrateful... but I was a teenager, and for some reason there was a viseral reaction to the car. So I both appreciated the gesture, and hated that they refused to consider what I valued and tried to force me into something they wanted. (This wasn't the first time).

After 3 months of taking the bus, or riding with friends, my Dad drove it to get it "smogged" and "blew up another one", which I teased him for.

In hindsight, I think he might have done that to give me an out (get around the family drama that turning down any gift would have caused). Or they didn't want to give me a win by being honest. (My family had a thing with going around truths).


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Cars are freedom, fun, and what gets me to places I'd rather be (or away from places I don't want to be).

Cars are freedom, fun, and what gets me to places I'd rather be (or away from places I don't want to be).

Tags: Cars  Cars/all

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