Charlie Gard
A victim of Single-Payer "Healthcare", a death paned decided he should die rather than let him go to the States to be saved.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-04-04 |
Facts[edit | edit source]
- A terminally ill infant presented with a rare disease
- A couple of children with the same disease (caught in early progression) had been treated in the U.S.
- The parents wanted to take their kid to the U.S. and try to save their child's life.
- The UK's infamously bad NHS system did not want to spend the money -- so a death panel denied their claim and gave them the buerocratic run-around.
- The Parents raised the money for the treatment themselves and appealed.
- The death panel decided to put the kid in a hospice and take away his ventilator until he died.
- Cost savings achieved... all it cost was the souls of all that participated.
Economics[edit | edit source]
From an economics position, it was in the best interests of the state to not expend resources on a child that was likely to die or have a low quality of life anyways.
From a political view, it was in the best interests of the state to not allow the kid to be saved in the U.S. and demonstrate that their system and morals are inferior.
This demonstrates the ethical dilemma is who decides? When you give the state the power, you steal individual liberty and choice, and commit to human sacrifice on the alter of collectivism over humanity.
Simple truths:
- If the individuals decide based on what's better for the family, that's called liberty.
- If the state decides based on what's better for the state, that's called tyranny (or fascism).
- The state decided they knew better than the parents, and the parents were denied free will.
- With insurance, the Parents would have the right/power to make that decision, based on services they paid for.
- In Politician run healthcare (Government run healthcare in the UK and other single payer systems), they aren't choice and consequences, they're state controlled tyranny. A death-panel decides whether you're qualified to live or not. Treatment is conditional on your political value to the state.
And that sums up Nationalized (Politicized) Healthcare in a nutshell. The politicians decide who gets what treatment (a death panel). Health services delayed is the same as health services denied -- and the NHS proved the road that ACA would lead America down, one where bureaucrats and lawyers argued over your end of life decisions, instead of leaving them up to individuals and doctors. So while this wasn't in the American system, it was a big foreteller of what the left wanted for America, and there was definitely a death panel in that case.
When Sarah Palin started using that term (Death Panel) towards Obamacare, the leftist Press (and their fake-fact-checkers) lost their nut, and screamed she was a liar... it wasn't a "death panel", it was just a panel that could make life and death decisions over what treatments you were entitled to have. Charle Gard was a living (dying) example of what that means: he died due to delays caused by single payer (not unintentionally).
This points at a wider problem (dilemma) with government, and what system do you ant to live under: Malevolent liberty or benevolent tyranny?
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- Wikipedia:Charlie Gard case
Tags: People Thought Malevolent liberty or benevolent tyranny Healthcare Death Panels NHS