From iGeek
Collusion is cooperation or conspiracy in order to cheat or deceive others (usually done secret or illegal ways).
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-06-22 |
Here I list a few examples.
- 2016- Russia Trump-Collusion FakeNews Fiasco - FakeNews (CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC) has been promoting this Fraud that there was Trump-Russia Collusion, that collusion is a crime (it isn't or Carter, Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Obama would all be in prison). Years later, it was all exposed, long after the damage had been done.
- 2020.06.19 Trump Rally Attendance - FakeNews was gleefully reporting that Trump's rally attendance was low because of a TikTok campaign to RSVP and use up all the tickets. Only it was first come, first serve -- so RSVP'ing did nothing but make their projections off. The reason for low attendance was bad weather, and leftists bullying people trying to get in.
- Q: Is Collusion a crime? - A: No. And even if they did, Donald Trump colluded, that's still not illegal. It might be an unsavory/unethical dirty-trick (like Hillary paying for the fake dossier, leaking it to the Press, and the FBI/Obama administration using it to spy on the Trump campaign), but that's not criminal, and thus is not supposed to be impeachable. Thus impeachment is a scam.
- Q: Did Trump or his campaign collude with Russia? - Despite 4 investigations, and multiple Democrats claiming things like Collusion/Obstruction, we have no good evidence that anyone can point to. There's virtually no evidence of Russian collusion, and never has been. At least for Trump. The Hillary Campaign, FBI, and DNC? Oh, they colluded. But the left and their media doesn't care about that.
- Biden-Saudi Collusion - Democrats claim colluding with foreign governments to swing elections is a crime. Then Biden admits he was begging the Saudi's to postpone oil production cuts until after the election, to help him out in Mid-Terms. Um, that's exactly what they claim was a crime.
- DNC-Russian Collusion - Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy (twice), Bill Clinton, all asked for Russian collusion and interference in our elections. Barack Obama, in an infamous hot-mic incident, was colluding with the Russians. Hillary campaign paid the Russians for a fake Steele "Pee-Pee" dossier. So there was Russian collusion... by Democrats.
- Facebook Russian-Collusion scandal - Russians threw a few thousands dollars at a billion dollar election (2016) to cause disruption/distrust in both sides. The media acted like it mattered and helped Trump. Facts are it was pro-Bernie, anti-American, and was done before the primary or after the election. The same media didn't care when Zuck corrupted the 2020 election w/$400M.
- Trump: Russian Collusion - Despite 4 investigations, and multiple Democrats (Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, NYT) claim evidence of collusion. Dianne Feinstein and Jim Himes both refuted that, saying they haven't seen any evidence of collusion at all. And later on it was exposed that Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, NYT lied.
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