COVID Treatment

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There are a lot of positives for various treatments around COVID...
There are a lot of positives for various treatments around COVID...
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-03-01 

COVID Therapeutics[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Therapeutics
There are also many existing drugs that offer some help with COVID. A few include:
  • Hydroxychloroquine (or Chloroquine) showed great early results in some prelim studies, but since Trump mentioned it, the hate-Trump media and far-left attacked it as "unproven", and some bad politicians restricted its use, and leftist scientists even did junk studies to sabotage a promising treatment. They'd rather see people die than for Trump to have given people some hope.
  • Gilead’s Remdesivir was developed to treat Ebola, and seems to help work as an anti-viral for COVID [1]
  • AstraZeneca's Calquence (used for leukaemia), is being studied to see if it helps with a immune response (cytokine storm) related to COVID[2]
  • Ivermectin
  • Antibody therapy

COVID Vaccines[edit source]

           Main article: COVID Vaccines
YouTube Logo 2017.svg

Many times where Joe Biden/left claimed the vaccine would stop the spread, and if it was spreading, it was your fault for not getting vaccinated.
  • The left screamed that Trump was lying when he said we'd have a vaccine in 2020 (Operation Warp Speed). It delivered in Nov 2020. The FDA and drug companies delayed it until after the election, because they didn't want Trump to win (killing people in the delay), or it would have delivered sooner.
  • Ignoring the science of mutation, the left then promised it would stop the spread and get us to zero COVID if you just got your vaccine. The lie was "it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated". Since that wasn't true, they claim they never said that. In truth, once >50% is vaccinated, the mutation that spreads to the vaccinated will outperform the one that doesn't and it became a pandemic of the vaccinated. [3]
  • There were early indications of some complications. For high risk cohors (old, comorbidities) it makes sense to get vaccined anyways. But for healthy/young/low-risk, it does not. The left put mandates on everyone to get vaccines, and punished/fired/harassed those that wouldn't. Resulting in more death and suffering than if they left it up to individuals.

Hydroxychloroquine[edit source]

           Main article: Hydroxychloroquine
Hydroxychloroquine 200.svg
The OrangeMan=Bad media and their allies, lost it -- and claimed:
  • he was foisting unproven treatments on a gullible public
  • leftist politicians restricted or banned it's use for COVID (even though it was proven harmless in 40 years of use)
  • FakeNews outlets touted the dangers of it (and used a case where a wife murdered her partner with fish tank cleaner, as an example)
  • and a few leftist scientists created junk studies to sabotage it's reputation.

It's sad the measure people will go either to prevent hope or to hurt Trump.

In the end, there are some studies that show it might help if used early in disease progression... and conflicting evidence that it helps/hurts later on. But that's not really the point -- the point was that when it was brought up, it was being touted by top epidemiologist in France, China and other countries -- and Trump was right to offer people hope that it was one of many potential treatments coming on line.

Positive Benefit[edit | edit source]

  • Jan/Feb - Chinese, Italian Studies - highly effective in reducing severity/duration. (Best data at the time, since refuted)
  • March - Original peer reviewed French Study (Didier Raoult) - highly effective in reducing severity/duration. (Best data at the time, since debated)[4]
  • July - Henry Ford Medical Group: Hydroxychloroquine lowered death rate. (OK data) [5]

No Benefit[edit | edit source]

  • July - University of Minnesota - no effect on symptoms or severity (if issues early in hospitalization) w or w/o Zinc (Good data) [6]
  • June - Oxford University study - no effect. [7]

Negative Benefit[edit | edit source]

  • June - UK’s RECOVERY project: no difference in death, but worse on progression (if issues early in hospitalization). (Good data) [8]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The data is swaying me that the benefits of Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment are in question (but still unknown if it is a preventative -- however that seems unlikely). But that doesn't change that in March when Trump made his statements, it was the most promising treatment he had, and what he said was not even vaguely out of line with common sense -- and those attacking him for it, wanted people to die and the economy to collapse more than they wanted to give a political win to someone they despised.

Even if he knew it was bullshit, and you know the basics of crowd dynamics, hope on something that doesn't help will save more lives than it costs (Placebo Effect), and the Press/Left scaring peopel that there's no hope, will increase death and suffereing (Nocebo Effect). The left was willing to sacrifice those lives to hurt Trump. I support helping people, even if it meant that it wouldn't hurt Trump.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

So multiple vaccines coming, multiple treatments, low death rates, it's generally only taking out old people with multiple severe chronic conditions... so while there's the possibilities of mutations that make this virus worse, or that reactions to the vaccines (or their lack of complete effectiveness), we've never been as technologically prepared as we are for this pandemic. This is NOT the 1918 Spanish Flu.


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COVID-19 (for COrona VIrus Disease circa 2019 or SARS-CoV-2) was a pandemic/opportunity for the left to seize liberty/power from the masses.

There's what the politicians call science, then there's the real science. This is the science on COVID., Leftists want to eliminate parental consent for children to get COVID vaccine

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