Dems on Foreign Pressure

From iGeek
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Democrats have done what they accused Trump of a crime for doing (and impeached him).
To hear Democrats tell it, by Trump asking Ukraine to help the FBI investigate abuse of power by an American, is the same as pressuring them to do so. They would never do that. Other than all the times they did exactly what they're accusing Trump of. They impeached Trump for it, making them frauds and lairs -- and their voters into rubes.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-09-29 

To hear Democrats tell it, by Trump asking Ukraine to investigate abuse of power by an America, is the same as pressuring them to do so. They would never do that.


  • 1940 FDR Collusion - In 1940 FDR conspired with British Intelligence to create disinformation campaigns about Republican opponents to help get himself re-elected.
  • 1976 Carter Russian Collusion - During the 1976 election, the Soviets suggested, "they could... affect the outcome of the election so as to favor Carter."
  • 1980 Carter Russian Collusion - During the 1980 election against Ronald Reagan, Carter lobbied for the Soviet Union to let "Jewish 'refuseniks' emigrate to Israel" in order to strengthen his standing in important states, but the Soviets rebuffed him.
  • 1996 Bill Clinton quid pro quo - Bill tried to quid pro quo deal with Russian President Boris Yeltsin by sending a memo that he would give Yeltsin "positive" U.S. policies toward Russia, *if* Yeltsin's cleared up the poultry dispute... since 40% of chicken comes from Arkansas (and would help him with donors and the election).
  • 2005 Hillary and Uranium One - Hillary and her Husband got fat payouts after Hillary was involved in selling Uranium rights to Russia. The defenders claim, "oh, she was only one of many on the panel". But that doesn't change she was an influential advocate for the Russians, and benefitted greatly and personally from them: complete conflict of interest for America, and complete quid pro quo for her.
  • 2012 Obama and Russia - Obama was allied with Russia and colluded with them against American interests on many occasions: Uranium one, Reset Button, the Steele Pee Pee Dossier, spying on the Trump campaign, "More Flexibility" to work with Putin after the election. Obama only got tough on Russia his last month in office, to sabotage relationship for his successor.
  • 2015 Obama and Iran - Nobody worked against American interests more than Obama. He wanted the Iran Nuclear Deal to offer some credence of success so he secretly issued a special license allowing Tehran to convert $6 billion in Omani rials to dollars (a violation of sanctions), and he blocked arresting cocaine traffickers working for Hezbolla. Giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the U.S.
  • 2016 Obama Asked Ukraine to investigate Manifort - Way back in 2016 Obama asked Ukraine to investigate Paul Manifort. When Trump did the same thing for Hunter Biden (Ukrainegate), the Democrats in Congress impeached him. One standard please.
  • 2016 Obama, Hillary and the Russian "pee-pee" Dossier - Hillary Clinton campaign paid Steele (Russian Operative), to create a fake and discredited dossier. Then they used (James Comey, John McCain to leak it to the press. Obama's FBI used the Press Story to lie to the FISA court to get an illegal warran to spy on Trump. Everything the Democrats accused the Trump Administration of, Hillary actually did.
  • Foreign Countries Pressured to not give Snowden Asylum - According to Edward Snowden, Joe Biden and/or John Kerry threatened Countries not to give him to asylum... that seems both likely, and wrong. You want to dislike or ignore Snowden, fine. But he's gone, damage done. Bullying countries into kicking him out seems petty. It is also hypocrisy when the left screams "Quid Pro Quo" when a conservative does less for more justification.
  • Hunter Biden/Burisma - Hunter Biden (Joe's son), with no prior experience in Gas, Politics or Government Policy, joined the corruption laden board of Burisma Holdings (the largest natural gas producer in Ukraine) for a fat fee of $50K/month, despite the concerns and warnings on conflict of interest by the Obama Administration. Then Joe brags that he forced Ukraine to stop investigating Burisma.
  • Kennedy Colludes with Russians (1983) - Since the first time he colluded with Russia didn't work, in 1983, his campaign tried again. Kennedy directly reached out to the Soviet Union and asked the Russians to help weaken Ronald Reagan's foreign policy (and undermine him in 1984 election), even going as far as offering to set up television interviews to make the Soviets come across as more "peaceful."
  • Ted Kennedy Russian Collusion (1980) - In 1980 Sen. John Tunney (D-CA), at the behest of his friend Ted Kennedy, lobbied the Soviet Union "to sabotage Jimmy Carter's foreign policy efforts," as this was during Kennedy's primary challenge against Carter in 1980.
  • Tip O'Neill Russian Collusion (1984) - O’Neill told the Soviet Union’s ambassador to the United States (Anatoly Dobrynin), “that it was in everyone’s best interests if the Soviets would help the Democrats keep ‘that demagogue Reagan’ from being re-elected.”


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The Left Lies
When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you can grow (change) or lie. The left usually chooses the latter.

Donald Trump
A list of articles on Trump, his accomplishments, scandals (real and imagined).

Faux-scandal invented by leftists+media that Trump encouraged Ukraine to help the DOJ with their investigation of Biden.

Tags: Left Lies  Trump  Ukrainegate

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