Democrats on Stolen Elections

From iGeek
2020 Stolen Election.jpg
If someone denies that Democrats have fed the "stolen election" beast, show them this video.
If someone denies Democrats have fed the "stolen election" beast, show them this video. If they can't revise their view, best to just to move on; no sentient life there (just ego and bias). If they can? Well, now we can at least start from the real world; where, complaints about the election were the norm, J6 was not an insurrection, and Scampeachment was political abuse.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-10-04 
Matt Tabi
YouTube Logo 2017.svg

Democrats' "Stolen" Election Claims

Let us start with the basics. Trump supporters have every right to complain, just like the left has done for far less justification/evidence.

  • If the left won't agree that their side would protest the election or complain (with far less evidence/justification), just show them this video.
  • If they still resist, you can set the bozo-bit and walk-away (no sentient life there), they're a waste of time (on this topic) and can't be reasoned with.
  • If they accept the reality that both sides would have complained over the outcome of this election (with the evidence of wrongdoing), then we can move on -- even if we disagree on outcome.
  • Thus complaints about the election were the norm, J6 was not an gunless insurrection, Scampeachment over these complaints was political abuse of power. As was locking away non-violent protestors for minor trespassing violations.

I don't put many litmus tests on friends or communications -- but on emotional topics, I don't like to waste my time on close minded idiots. So I preflight reasonableness. If they aren't reasonable, then I usually smile and move on. And they are permanently labelled as a useless idiot (on this topic).


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Election 2020
Election 2020 - The polls were off, the media/Social was manipulative, the counts are dubious, and there was cheating.

Tags: Election 2020/all

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