Election 2022

From iGeek
2022 год, новогодняя эмблема, Москва, Царицыно (02.01.2022).jpg
All elections are local, but polls were off, Red and Purple states got redder, Blue states got dumber.
All elections are local, but polls were off, Red and Purple states got redder, Blue states got dumber. Blue states aren't dumber just because they voted Democrat, but they are for who and why they voted the way they did. Thus instead of healing divisions and moving forward, they showed partisanism above integrity.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-11-09 
🗣️ CNN National House Exit Poll
  • R +13 - 65+
  • R +11 - 45-64

  • D +2 - 30-44
  • D +28 - 18-29 <- #GenZ
Polls were off
When you average it out, the polls don't look TOO bad, a few points off the average guess. When you look into the specifics?
  1. They were off by 10-20 points just a couple weeks before election. They always swing wildly for the Republicans at the last minute (ass covering).
  2. When you look at them in Red and Purple areas, they were often off by many points.
  3. In blue areas they seemed closer. But then dive in and even when they were right, they were wrong. They thought there would be higher blue base turn, and they under-estimated the Gen-Z (18-29) turn out. So the errors cancelled out. So they were wrong on why, even when they got close.
  • When this is a single year anomoly? Chalk it up to black swan events. But they haven't been very good since the 1990's. And they sucked for decades before that. If it's a science, they're doing it wrong.
  • It was the basement dwellers way over-performance in sheep flocking that offset the red wave, with a brown effluence counter wave of young rubes. And now those rubes are on the hook for the generational debt Biden is racking up in thier name. I'll feel a lot less guilt sucking Mai Thai's on a beach somewhere, living off Social Security and Medicare, knowing that the youth that are paying for my lifestyle had asked for it. It'll probably be a foreign beach, as I won't want to deal with their gender bending pronouns and double think, truthspeak bullshit. So long sucka's, and thanks for all the fish.
  • Red States In the Red states it was Democrat Decimation. And why shouldn't it be? We had 2 years of lies, economic devistation, inflationary policies, the places that ignored the Democrats responses to COVID did the best, saw economic growth (or the least damage to their economy, kids, lives, etc). It was a natural repudiation of a demented President and a corrupt Democrat party. The polls that had things close were way off. Even the polls predictig a win, didn't think it would be that strong in Texas, Florida, and so on.
  • Purple States In the Purple states it was more mixed. You win some, you lose some. But places like Ohio, and so on, the polls were way off (2-5 points), and even in places that didn't flip red, were MUCH closer than predicted. There was a red wave (in shift red), it just might not have been enough to flip some places completely.
Blue States
What a disappointment. The polls were off there too, and they were redder than predicted... but there was a a Blue Wave (higher than expected turn-out) amonst Gen-Z (18-29) that offset it. So the Republicans missed. Who they picked to rule them and why? Their inability to learn? Or their moral integrity? Those all suffered greatly. But of course all elections are local, and not all were good candidates, or good execution by candidates.
Of course if the Candidates were perfect, I'm not sure that Democrats/Blue is capable of doing the right thing. Remember when Romney was played as the Anti-Christ, not to mention Bush, Reagan, Nixon. So we can argue poor candidates. We can also argue that Democrats are better at lying. Now that the election is over, I think we'll get more info on the scandals of the (D) winners, and we find out that the hoaxes against the (R)'s, like Hershel's abortion pals, will suddenly go away or retract.

Blue Bloods[edit | edit source]

🗒️ Note:
I was wrong, as I expected more of a red wave that there was. And there was in my State and Red and Purples. But I over-estimated Blue State Americans ability to reason and grow. I thought they would be sick of the pain, but not enough to open their eyes. On top of that, Republicans had picked up 20+ seats in the last election, which had meant some of the wave was baked in.

The problem again isn't that Blue states stayed blue. Heck, if the candidates ran good campaigns, or were moderately reasonable characters, I'd give it to them. But in general? This was a shitty campaign year for Democrats.

  • General Climate Biden had given us the following:
  1. $5T spending spree (that mostly went to cronies, and not the issues they passed them on)
  2. That and his anti-Oil/Energy policies, and his anti-Business rhetoric had depressed the economy, contributed to inflation, and contributed to a mass immigration wave from Blue States to Red Ones.
  3. They had completely fucked up our foreign relations with allies in the middle east, ignonomously fled Afghanistan and contributed to the re-rise of the Taliban (and armed them with weapons and tech left behind, including abandoning people), and then emboldened the Russian Invasion in Ukraine -- where we borrowed billions from the Chinese to sponsor a foreign war.
  4. Biden was abusing the powers of government with the IRS, FBI, DOJ, all being corrupted and politicized.
  5. Throw on top open borders causing a waves of illegal immigrants depressing the low end job market and empower cartels.
  6. With the cherry being their anti-policing policies causing crime and violence waves
  7. Wrapped in Biden the uniter, being the most cantankerous divisive and polarizating President of my life.
  8. And the areas hit the worst, were often Blue Cities/States. So that's a bit of an election headwind.
  • Dems Campagin Since the Biden admin and Democrats had little to be proud of, they couldn't run on accomplishments and the truth. So they did what politicians often resort to: lie.
  1. They claimed the economy was fine and where it wasn't it was either Big Business Profits, Big Oil, Russia's fault, or so on, and the rubes bought in
  2. They fluffed oil prices by dumping our strategic reserves making America less prepared and in a weaker negotiating position.
  3. They lied about Roe v. Wade (Dobbs) and pretended that this was a federal attack on Women's rights. It was just ruling that according to the Constitution, this was a States rights issue, because it was all along. (Even RBG had admitted Roe was a bad ruling).
  4. They lied about crime -- it wasn't that bad. And where it was, was in Red States. (Ignore that it was blue cities in Red states, and that trillions of dollars had been poured in to help, and only made things worse).
  5. They lied about this was about Fascism or Democracy was at risk. And it kinda is, just the left are closer to Centralized/Collectivist Socialists than Republicans are, and Democrats are undermining Democracy with unconstitutional power grabs, and subverting laws (like election laws).
  6. They lied that Republicans were going to take away Social Security or Medicare if they won the house, despite zero Republicans campaigning, and as few having that as a priority. (The lie was drawn from an effort a decade ago to privatize parts of both, to increase the efficiency and avoid bankruptcy and saddling our kids with more debt).
  7. They lied about what they would deliver, the environment, their opponents, and avoided debates where they'd have to defend any of it. (When they did debate, they lost badly).
  • Not the base It wasn't the base that saved them, it was the newly indoctrinated rubes (Gen-Z) in College indoctrination camps or fresh out of them, often still living in their parents basement, not yet having kids/responsibilities and a clue on life, that just partied with their friends and followed the flock of brown shirts to the polling places. The adult Democrats didn't turn out -- even some of them felt shame and knew the lies, or were skeptical. They preyed on the children of all ages, but especially 18-29. The trees voted for the axe, because they thought the wooden handle meant it was one of them.
  • Candidates Many of the stars of the left, lost bigly. But the dogs of the party -- the most abbrasive and intellectually deficient? They still won in blue cities and states.
  1. Fetterman - nothing represents the Democrats like a Marxist Stroke victim that can't string together a cogent sentence beyond "Go Blue!" or "Oz bad because Orangeman likes him!" (Well, other than a demented divisive angry puppet President Brandon).
  2. Kathy Hochul - no conservative stands a chance in New York. The Curley Effect (where the intelligent flee from corrupt democrats in control) has resulted in san New Yorkers voting in Florida, and what's left is an intellectual wasteland. Of course that doesn't mean Zeldin ran a great campaigh, they all but ignored NYC -- and NYC is the fascist Blue Center of the Empire State. You can't reason with it, but you can't win without it.
  3. Whitmer shows that you can be a corrupt, obnoxious, fascist, bitch, that hurts kids and the economy with debunked lock downs, anti-freedom tyranny... but if you're a Democrat, that is not a deal breaker.
  4. Illinois, etc... the state/cities with the worst performance during COVID or coming out of it, are also the ones that voted for more of the same. Maybe if you spank me harder, I'll learn.
Trump's Fault?
The anti-Trumpers on the right (and left), blame Trump for the losses (or more accurated, the lack of wins). But I think that's too simplistic.
  1. There was a Red Wave, there was also a Blue Wave (of 18-29) that thwarted it. So it's possible that fear/hate of Orangeman caused turnout for the left. But J6/Trump was only part of 1 of the 5 major DNC themes the dems pushed (J6/Democracy/Elections/Trump, Abortion, SS/Medicaid, Climate, Social Justice). Possible that it was the prime differentiator, but weak until I see exit poll evidence.
  2. The Media/Social Media suppressed facts/information that didn't fit the far left narrative (and echo'd the DNC), which propagandized all but the most motivated to research and look deeper. Shallow stupidity sells Democrats and their agendas.
  3. Trump's Endorsed Candidate Score: 174-9! That doesn't seem like a losing record. Of course many of those were from earlier, and maybe the charm has petered out. But I haven't seen evidence of a big swing there.
  4. Biden passed EO 14019 that was a secret/opaque way to "improve access" to voting, "asking all 600 federal agencies to 'consider ways to expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process. What did they do, and how? Was it just leftist ground game support, or more? We don't know, because the most open administraiton ever had refused to share any of the details/outcomes, and the investigative journalists are disinterested in corruption/abuse of power that benefits far left agendas.
  5. There was consistent messaging from the left. They were lies, but they mostly stayed on message. On the right? All over the place. "The other guy sucks" isn't a vision that sells people on voting for you.
  6. McConnell and GOP leaders refused funding to MAGA candidates. That self-own by the GOP, might have had something to do with it.
To me, the results were more a referendum on the failures of public education to create critical thinkers, a tribute to the indoctrination camps and herd-think amongst the generation that's still living off their parents, and hasn't yet gotten married and started lives. Or just the immoral tribalism of the left. As well as bad messaging or lack of ground game, funding, and other things that we can blame on GOP execution. Trump might be a factor, I just don't see him as the prime factor.
  • Follow the money... Where did Republicans lose, and why?
  1. Blue Cities/States that have ballot harvesting, blanket mail in votes, poor verification, and it takes weeks to get results.
  2. Then you have things like Biden promising give aways (like Student Loans), $5T in other hand outs, and stuff that seems to get illegally funnelled back to DNC. Like the Urkaine war. That doesn't prove the illegal/unethical activity caused the win, but it does show that they are not above cheating in one way -- which makes the reasonable suspicious in all the other ways they might have cheated to win. [1]
  3. Even when they win, rational people don't trust that it was fair, because if they wanted it fair, they wouldn't support easily corruptable systems. (They prefer winning to election integrity, or any other kind of integrity). Trying to shout down valid complaints, or pretending that Republicans are all anti-Democratic fascists, just proves the point. If being good means lying, supporting corruption, abuse of power, and having no integrity? I'd rather be evil.

And the exodus, and population redistribution, and division will continue. Because Democrats won through lying and corruption. And because the rational will throw up their hands (and a little into their own mouths), and continue to vote with their feet.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

So I'm not mad. More pity than anything. We had the choice of uniting the country, or it becoming more divided, and the latter happened. Red states and Blue States got further apart. Detroit voting for more Democrat corruption, because the alternatives of getting mildly informed on the issues, recognizing that their side lies, or letting go of the hate -- was just too much to ask. Plus they preyed on the youth vote, and won there.

Now like Detroit/Chicago's long slow slide into crime and destitution, we'll watch the kids continue to shoot themselves in the foot, until they grow up, red pill, and recognize that they've been "useful idiots" all along. Or they'll die poor bitter democrats that never got the Revolution/Utopia that they kept trying to bully others into.

However, the Red states are taking the blue refugees, and seem to be solidifying the red. If this trend continues, we are destined to fracture. And while the outcome of that isn't certain -- in a best case scenario letting the Marxists flee to corrupt inneptocracies like California and New York, while the wise/educated/self-sufficient flee to places like Florida and Texas -- might be the best outcome. Let both self-govern, and see what outcome is better. The boats go from Cuba to Florida, for the same reason the U-Hauls leave California and New York.

Or maybe the kids will wake up, take the red pill, and the red wave was just delayed because of the media/social media biases, Trump's abbrasiveness, and poor local candidates? Either way, my state avoided the worst of the stupidity, and the other states aren't my priority. As long as they leave Texas free to self govern, I'm fine using California and New York as teachable examples of what happens when you give the progressives too much control.

🔍 Don't California my Texas
This should put to rest the idea that Californians are skewing Texas blue (or the same for New Yorkers and Florida). The YOUTH was where the pressure comes from -- but the refugees from blue states voted very strongly red. They are mostly refugees, not missionaries.


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